[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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You probably already did this, but be sure to set the config option in the special mob config mobgriefing=false
If you don't mind me asking, where would I find this config option? I, too, do not want the psycho creeper explosions, but I cannot find that option in the SpecialMobs.cfg file. Will the special mobs respect a /gamerule change?
Why? Did this happen?

Was it taco friday today? I swear that was yesterday. well, that's what that picture reminds of. super hot sauce especial.

First rule of blazing pyrotheum fight club, don't talk about blazing pyrotheum fight club. Also, cover it up if not remove it as soon as possible, tho it is a very good source under crucible and cobblegen if you use it for that. I use it under crucibles. block it so no fires can be made.

TBH, this playthrough, I was able to handle that thing 100% fire free. The trick is to make a land bridge from ship to engine 2 blocks higher than where it's leaking. Then inch over, drop dust down, make bridge, close up gap then drop dust everywhere else. I've yet to uncover it yet since I haven't had a purpose for it yet.
Iguana Tweaks is part of the default pack, you would kinda be handicapping yourself if you stopped using it.
Not TiC Tweaks/Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct, just 'Iguana Tweaks'. As in the mod that nerfs block breaking speed, moving speed on different materials, carrying capacity...
Weapon XP was toned down because weapons gain XP at vastly quicker rate versus tools. They still do, even with where I set them.

Also, leave thief endermen alone. They don't steal weapons. They do something else. Something worse. Try it. Makes fighting endermen an...experience.

The repair cost scaling for Tinker's Tools is there to encourage you to put mossy or a flux capacitor on your tools.
I'm not sure I agree with the need for a weapon XP rate change. I don't use my weapons in an XP grinder. I would need to do so with higher XP setting. It's better if my weapon improves as a result of legitimate use, and it's far, far too slow with those brutish mobs trying to take my head off. :< I'll turn thief endermen on for now and see what happens. It/I may not last long. >_> And I didn't think about repair/flux, I don't usually bother with it but I guess that works. :P I'll change those settings back (except for the weapon XP, screw dat noise).
wait. lemme understand something. You gripe about how you have to play on such a hard difficulty, that the mod in itself isn't difficult, then you add, essentially, a portal to anywhere mod that gives you tremendous power to escape all sorts of bad predicaments on top of it? Serious?

Ok, if he's doing that, I'm adding enderstorage, veinminer (for the dust of course), spc, utility mobs and powersuits. cause ummm, I like to play my game in as unrealistic way as possible. :rolleyes:
What I griped about was that I didn't feel challenged once I had a wall up and a mob grinder providing dirt. I wanted to add something extra to make a more immediate, 'oh crap' threat. Storms do that, especially when I don't notice they dropped a mob or three into my compound while I was hiding in the (formerly hurricane) tornado shelter with my head between my knees. Or when I don't make it to the tornado shelter in time, well... And then there's the constant wind and lightning. It makes everything feel tense. I'm trying to duplicate that in non-ocean biomes, but so far I haven't quite perfected it like it was in the 1.1.1 map.

Also I'm totally refusing to smelt metals until I get a high oven set up. It's more interesting when I have to raid a city without invar. xD That also means no high-tech toys until after I get my high oven, too. Want portals? Earn 'em. Or I could really just disable the portal guns and keep the turrets. But thinking with portals! D:

Edit: And what the heck's wrong with Ender Storage? It just expands the already existing vanilla system to not suck.
Also, leave thief endermen alone. They don't steal weapons. They do something else. Something worse. Try it. Makes fighting endermen an...experience.

Found one of those in the city. ummm ur evil? yes. you certainly are. evil. e-v-i-l. those thief skels tho.. srsly. Unless you give us boots of speed or something, I don't see how those are supposed to be fair whatsoever. an army of those guys coming across the desert as the final battle approaches? oh yeah, I need a new pair of armor. I just soiled mine.
Not TiC Tweaks/Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct, just 'Iguana Tweaks'. As in the mod that nerfs block breaking speed, moving speed on different materials, carrying capacity...

I'm not sure I agree with the need for a weapon XP rate change. I don't use my weapons in an XP grinder. I would need to do so with higher XP setting. It's better if my weapon improves as a result of legitimate use, and it's far, far too slow with those brutish mobs trying to take my head off. :< I'll turn thief endermen on for now and see what happens. It/I may not last long. >_> And I didn't think about repair/flux, I don't usually bother with it but I guess that works. :p I'll change those settings back (except for the weapon XP, screw dat noise).

What I griped about was that I didn't feel challenged once I had a wall up and a mob grinder providing dirt. I wanted to add something extra to make a more immediate, 'oh crap' threat. Storms do that, especially when I don't notice they dropped a mob or three into my compound while I was hiding in the (formerly hurricane) tornado shelter with my head between my knees. Or when I don't make it to the tornado shelter in time, well... And then there's the constant wind and lightning. It makes everything feel tense. I'm trying to duplicate that in non-ocean biomes, but so far I haven't quite perfected it like it was in the 1.1.1 map.

Also I'm totally refusing to smelt metals until I get a high oven set up. It's more interesting when I have to raid a city without invar. xD That also means no high-tech toys until after I get my high oven, too. Want portals? Earn 'em. Or I could really just disable the portal guns and keep the turrets. But thinking with portals! D:

Edit: And what the heck's wrong with Ender Storage? It just expands the already existing vanilla system to not suck.

ever heard of yanking your chain? :} and hey, I wasn't even thinking of the turrets. :) I love those girls. they are the best. portal gun would be a neat addition actually since you can goto city and back again but yeah, I think isky (he lets me call him that now) wouldn't appreciate that.

enderstorage is awesome. except it's op in one huge way. the command version. you don't have to make a single enderchest to start opening them up via command in chat. unlimited storage essentially.

I am adding chickenchunkloader tho since I never heard back on that. I'll say it one more time. it needs to be added officially. My sieving stops when I go to city and come back and it resumes again. pita.

pre-edit: OH OH OH OH OH OH



:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
You can still cook up seared bricks from the safety of your shelter... at 0-2 mb per stone you sacrifice to your crucible. On average, 8 or so stacks of stones gave me 840~ mb of seared stone. That's about 6 seared bricks or blocks, as it still seems to use 144 seared stone per item.
Edit: and that's stone as in the throwable item from sieving and such.

If you make a clay brick by smelting a clay ball in a furnace, you can pour the liquid seared stone over a clay brick to make a scorch brick for only 8mb per brick which can be used to make the high oven parts.

Also, if you put a cobblestone block into a basin, you can makes seared cobblestone for 72mb per block which can be used for smeltery blocks.

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OK everyone i just got approval from Iskandar to recruit some help. What i need is someone that is good at terraforming and using MCedit.

My main plan is to have a cpl ruins that have toppled over in to the dust and I need the dust around the fallen parts fixed which is something I cant do. I can explain the rest to whoever helps with this.

I have a feeling i may get a few volunteers so i will be going with the first one and Tnks to all in advance.
Eddit: heres a pic of what im talking about 2014-08-16_03.40.24.png insted of just having flat dust around it i need it to have a impact crater
First night with Special Mobs: Oh, I can see this is going to be 'fun'. An invulnerable brutish zombie, a creeper that automatically exploded on death and damaged blocks in violation of the game rule, and several creeper varieties I'm just glad I was able to trap in holes. The first two are definite 'nope'. I'll be disabling the mod for now. I may give it another chance if I die and have to start over.
If you haven't already, it's a frank reminder what it will be like if you have kids and they reach the age of 2.

They make leashes for that kind of thing..... anyways I prefer playing uncle, I get to spoil them rotten and send them home hopped up on sugar with brand new "musical" toys.
Nothing like the look on my sisters face when she realizes I've given her spawn brand spanking new whistle. I'm taking the ear plugs out as they pull away for a half hour trip across town.......
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Ok, so I did some final testing. So, ALL of the TE ore blocks (the ones you make, not oregen) are spawn proof. I've known that for a while. I looked through the list of "blocks" which was not extensive (NEI on blocks durr) and tried a few and they seem to be the only ones (in this pack at least) that mobs can't spawn on. Decided on ferrous since it's closest to dust colored and I usually have oodles of it in extra and since it's only good use is for invar making which you only need so much of, I figure that's my target. Current size of area is approximately 5000 blocks for just perimeter. 5000 * 9 = 45000 ferrous ingots. ouch. wellllll, not trying to be realistic here so I figured I'd try it. did a //replace 250 4194:2 or whatever, for all of the perimeter only along with those light sources already in.

1) those black areas seemed to stop appearing. If you had gone from one corner of perimeter to other opposite corner, black areas would appear and yellow lines in it but get close, they disappear. Now? Just gone.

2) no mob spawns. not scientific but I gave it the same amount of time (2 mc nights) to test and yeah, nothing spawned within area.

So, I need to grind up all my ores and multiply like crazy if I want that many blocks, but I guess I can just aim for all the blocks and use whatever's extra (like a patch work quilt) but oh jeez, such a pita if torches work the same. I would try the glowstone nook thing but too manual. Might as well use torches for that matter (tho I see how they would be better).

What I created tho, is horrifying.

I'm in a desert
It's all gaudy
Lots of lights that hurt your eyes
post apocolyptic world and my favorite rpg comes to mind...

I've created las vegas after the bombs fell :} call me mr. house and get me my damn vicodin.

Covers don't work btw, unless you put in lower position like slabs. which you could also do I guess, but then have everything in half position. Ok, that changes alot too, so maybe that's a more realistic target. hrrrmmm 5000 slabs == 5000 / 3 = 1666 blocks / 4 = 416 pieces of wood. hmmm much more reasonable I guess but not so las vegas, more reno nevada.... *sigh* I can't math.

I did learn one cheaty way to get mobs to leave you alone. Build a platform above ship or wherever, piller up 4-5 blocks, build another. connect with elevators, repeat till you get to about 120 or so Y level. they all disappear. Also makes good hang glider starting point to sail to city in fashion.
Is there any documentation what the special mobs do?
A wiki or something similar maybe? I havent found anything useful in that regard yet.

[edit] found it (see below)
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ok, at 223, -179, 66 (y) there is a plains biome. and it's raining on this one little block near my base. Sorta like before. somehow a single block got it's biome changed. It was on the other side of the wall and I was picking crops (not las vegas test world anymore) and heard it raining. I was so gleeful. So, I grabbed a barrel, and NOPE, I CAN'T collect water on that one little spot. EDIT cause I didn't actually check. great. I have rain but no water. now I know it's vegas. :(
Is there any documentation what the special mobs do?
A wiki or something similar maybe? I havent found anything useful in that regard yet.
First night with Special Mobs: Oh, I can see this is going to be 'fun'. An invulnerable brutish zombie, a creeper that automatically exploded on death and damaged blocks in violation of the game rule, and several creeper varieties I'm just glad I was able to trap in holes. The first two are definite 'nope'. I'll be disabling the mod for now. I may give it another chance if I die and have to start over.
Brutish zombies and, um, skeletons? are going away in 1.1.3. Brutish zombie pigmen are staying. Feel free to move those weights to the vanilla mobs in the configs. You can go ahead and /gamerule mobGriefing false, that will be official in 1.1.3. Creepers on mini ghasts, however, are staying. Because it hilarious.