Not TiC Tweaks/Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct, just 'Iguana Tweaks'. As in the mod that nerfs block breaking speed, moving speed on different materials, carrying capacity...
I'm not sure I agree with the need for a weapon XP rate change. I don't use my weapons in an XP grinder. I would need to do so with higher XP setting. It's better if my weapon improves as a result of legitimate use, and it's far, far too slow with those brutish mobs trying to take my head off. :< I'll turn thief endermen on for now and see what happens. It/I may not last long. >_> And I didn't think about repair/flux, I don't usually bother with it but I guess that works.

I'll change those settings back (except for the weapon XP, screw dat noise).
What I griped about was that I didn't feel challenged once I had a wall up and a mob grinder providing dirt. I wanted to add something extra to make a more immediate, 'oh crap' threat. Storms do that, especially when I don't notice they dropped a mob or three into my compound while I was hiding in the (formerly hurricane) tornado shelter with my head between my knees. Or when I don't make it to the tornado shelter in time, well... And then there's the constant wind and lightning. It makes everything feel tense. I'm trying to duplicate that in non-ocean biomes, but so far I haven't quite perfected it like it was in the 1.1.1 map.
Also I'm totally refusing to smelt metals until I get a high oven set up. It's more interesting when I have to raid a city without invar. xD That also means no high-tech toys until after I get my high oven, too. Want portals? Earn 'em. Or I could really just disable the portal guns and keep the turrets. But thinking with portals! D:
Edit: And what the heck's wrong with Ender Storage? It just expands the already existing vanilla system to not suck.