[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Brutish zombies and, um, skeletons? are going away in 1.1.3. Brutish zombie pigmen are staying. Feel free to move those weights to the vanilla mobs in the configs. You can go ahead and /gamerule mobGriefing false, that will be official in 1.1.3. Creepers on mini ghasts, however, are staying. Because it hilarious.

Are you going to add the saboteur endermen that places lit tnt down?
No those don't exist... Yet. Who's the dev for that mod again. I have an idea for him.
Brutish zombies and, um, skeletons? are going away in 1.1.3. Brutish zombie pigmen are staying. Feel free to move those weights to the vanilla mobs in the configs. You can go ahead and /gamerule mobGriefing false, that will be official in 1.1.3. Creepers on mini ghasts, however, are staying. Because it hilarious.

what's funnier is they try to land to drop them off. I see too many pumpkin headed creepers on ghasts. I think they have a preference.

but that's not what's funniest. Giant skeletons on mini ghasts. it's hysterical. I've seen ghasts drop them from height on numerous occassions saying "TOO HEAVY... OFF!"

I'd LIKE to see an enderman riding a ghast. that would be awesome. don't know why but it would be.[DOUBLEPOST=1408183933][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, that pillar / elevator thing gave me the perfect non cheaty way to get to/from city. I made another pillar tower with elevators on the top floor of my base in city and at home. both up to about 120 or so. I can safely hang glide and flip off angry mobs and leave the city in non cheaty style.

Iskandar: Oh yeah, hang gliders are out for 1.1.3. replacing them with rusty bicycle.
Ok, that pillar / elevator thing gave me the perfect non cheaty way to get to/from city. I made another pillar tower with elevators on the top floor of my base in city and at home. both up to about 120 or so. I can safely hang glide and flip off angry mobs and leave the city in non cheaty style.

Iskandar: Oh yeah, hang gliders are out for 1.1.3. replacing them with rusty bicycle.

:eek: if that happens, then it's gonna be a one-way trip to the ruins to set up a base within that same day.
I updated to 1.1.2 yesterday and i have some comments on it,

i think cities are bad idea, i liked it more when you just build everything from the scratch like Sky Factory playstyle.

Also normal creepers' wall damage is off while special monsters' creepers do wall damage which kinda sucks, i had to disable special mobs. I mean special mobs make the pack even more brutal BUT i think it's not nice if an ender creeper appears next to you and suddenly you see the "delete world" thing.

Also i have a suggestion about the enviromine mod, wouldn't it be more awsome if camel pack was like the backpacks? i think we should have the option to make our enchanted diamond full armor set so we can fight all the bosses of the game and feel somewhat comfortable.

In conclusion i have to admit that this is the funniest modpack i've ever played but we need to keep some things simple :D.
I updated to 1.1.2 yesterday and i have some comments on it,

i think cities are bad idea, i liked it more when you just build everything from the scratch like Sky Factory playstyle.

Also normal creepers' wall damage is off while special monsters' creepers do wall damage which kinda sucks, i had to disable special mobs. I mean special mobs make the pack even more brutal BUT i think it's not nice if an ender creeper appears next to you and suddenly you see the "delete world" thing.

Also i have a suggestion about the enviromine mod, wouldn't it be more awsome if camel pack was like the backpacks? i think we should have the option to make our enchanted diamond full armor set so we can fight all the bosses of the game and feel somewhat comfortable.

In conclusion i have to admit that this is the funniest modpack i've ever played but we need to keep some things simple :D.

The creeper destruction was a mistake, so you set mobGriefing=false.
I've read that Enviromine is planning on making armored camel packs. But if TiC would let the camel pack work from the back slot, that would be great too.
Ok, so I did some final testing. So, ALL of the TE ore blocks (the ones you make, not oregen) are spawn proof. I've known that for a while. I looked through the list of "blocks" which was not extensive (NEI on blocks durr) and tried a few and they seem to be the only ones (in this pack at least) that mobs can't spawn on. Decided on ferrous since it's closest to dust colored and I usually have oodles of it in extra and since it's only good use is for invar making which you only need so much of, I figure that's my target. Current size of area is approximately 5000 blocks for just perimeter. 5000 * 9 = 45000 ferrous ingots. ouch. wellllll, not trying to be realistic here so I figured I'd try it. did a //replace 250 4194:2 or whatever, for all of the perimeter only along with those light sources already in.

1) those black areas seemed to stop appearing. If you had gone from one corner of perimeter to other opposite corner, black areas would appear and yellow lines in it but get close, they disappear. Now? Just gone.

2) no mob spawns. not scientific but I gave it the same amount of time (2 mc nights) to test and yeah, nothing spawned within area.

So, I need to grind up all my ores and multiply like crazy if I want that many blocks, but I guess I can just aim for all the blocks and use whatever's extra (like a patch work quilt) but oh jeez, such a pita if torches work the same. I would try the glowstone nook thing but too manual. Might as well use torches for that matter (tho I see how they would be better).

What I created tho, is horrifying.

I'm in a desert
It's all gaudy
Lots of lights that hurt your eyes
post apocolyptic world and my favorite rpg comes to mind...

I've created las vegas after the bombs fell :} call me mr. house and get me my damn vicodin.

Covers don't work btw, unless you put in lower position like slabs. which you could also do I guess, but then have everything in half position. Ok, that changes alot too, so maybe that's a more realistic target. hrrrmmm 5000 slabs == 5000 / 3 = 1666 blocks / 4 = 416 pieces of wood. hmmm much more reasonable I guess but not so las vegas, more reno nevada.... *sigh* I can't math.

I did learn one cheaty way to get mobs to leave you alone. Build a platform above ship or wherever, piller up 4-5 blocks, build another. connect with elevators, repeat till you get to about 120 or so Y level. they all disappear. Also makes good hang glider starting point to sail to city in fashion.
Don't think laying down an area of wood is a health idea with special creepers enable....That might turn bad very quick. I mean i assume fire spread in enabled hehe.
Don't think laying down an area of wood is a health idea with special creepers enable....That might turn bad very quick. I mean i assume fire spread in enabled hehe.

Wooden chisel blocks doesn't seem to be flammable. Enclosed the pyrotheum with birch chisel blocks and there were some fire but it didn't burn down.
is there a way to prevent endermen from teleporting inside my home?
(except for building the rooms 2 blocks high or pouring water on the floor)
They are getting annoying, especially the very tiny and the thief ones
Sheesh, took 7 stacks of road blocks to get from my crash site to the nearest city. But now I can go to and from very quickly. I looted up a high oven and a smeltery and looted a pneumaticcraft building. Nearly died twice though. One from a pigman sneaking up on me and another from it being midday and then a t-storm (or dust storm?) happened and mobs started spawning everywhere like it was night time. Had to run several hundred meters with mobs everywhere to get to safety. Glad I built an outpost just outside the city.
Is anyone else having trouble building the enchantment table? NEI shows the recipe (4 obsidian, 2 diamonds 1 book) but when I put them in the crafting grid there isn't an output. Haven't run into this problem with anything else.
What I would really like to know is how people keep getting stone so fast, I keep dying before I manage to sift through enough dust to even get a furnace.
What I would really like to know is how people keep getting stone so fast, I keep dying before I manage to sift through enough dust to even get a furnace.
On day one, you should have like 2-3 stacks of dust in your inventory by nightfall. Spend the entire night sifting dust. By morning, you should almost have enough stones to make 6 cobblestones to make a slab furnace, or if you are lucky, got enough stones for it. Otherwise you should have one by the end of day 2 going into day 3. Then you should make a pair of shears with the iron you've collected by then and shear some leaves to make more water.
What I would really like to know is how people keep getting stone so fast, I keep dying before I manage to sift through enough dust to even get a furnace.
I pick out an area around my ship that's 'mine' and then dig a trench around it to trap most of the mobs. Once I have a good economy going, I build up walls, but until then I'm more focused on gathering dust to sieve, saplings/leaves for water and dirt(and dirty water to purify) and a variety of food to stave off malnutrition.
Edit: And you can sieve dirt for guaranteed 2 stones, which is sometimes worth the risk.
I pick out an area around my ship that's 'mine' and then dig a trench around it to trap most of the mobs. Once I have a good economy going, I build up walls, but until then I'm more focused on gathering dust to sieve, saplings/leaves for water and dirt(and dirty water to purify) and a variety of food to stave off malnutrition.
Edit: And you can sieve dirt for guaranteed 2 stones, which is sometimes worth the risk.
How do you manage to survive against the spiders though? I can't even make a wall fast enough before night arrives.
Wooden chisel blocks doesn't seem to be flammable. Enclosed the pyrotheum with birch chisel blocks and there were some fire but it didn't burn down.
nice to know..hehehe[DOUBLEPOST=1408211363][/DOUBLEPOST]
What I would really like to know is how people keep getting stone so fast, I keep dying before I manage to sift through enough dust to even get a furnace.
For the first night you should grab about 2 stacks of dust and sieve all night after making tools. This will give you just enough most times for the half slab furnace which is the one you need for the quest unless he changed it. I think the number of stones is 24.
How do you manage to survive against the spiders though? I can't even make a wall fast enough before night arrives.
I don't I build a wooden gate and use dust and dark glass to wall up my exit ramp, then bunker/pillbox through the night. Besides, the simple trench won't keep everything out so your going to want to hide in anyways, unless you make a super small trench that barely gives room for one or two trees. If you do that then make a bone pan and/or mattock. The pan has great knockback (?)and gives a slowness debuff(?) while the mattock has the highest non-weapon damage I've seen in basic tinkers tools (+6 bone tool damage).
How do you manage to survive against the spiders though? I can't even make a wall fast enough before night arrives.
Make them come to you if you are at the ship then you can poke ur head out and swing or if you have an pick you can make a murder hole after all the other mobs die and swing at them through it. Out in the open it is best to kite back while swing ur weapon. they will jump at you anyway. never run or move forward towards them if you can help.