[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Seems like the easy map starts you in creative mode with NEI cheat mode enabled. Hard map seems fine. Easy map has something weird with the sun disappearing after a few seconds after starting the map and the sky seems to grow smoky or overcast.


Did some checking it seems the smoky or overcast sky with no sun is the new "rain" so instead of raining it just becomes overcast and slightly darker I assume this is the drought mod?
Odd. I didn't change either map for this version. I think.

And yes, what you are seeing is rain. Basically, the map is acting like you are in a desert.

Shin Sekai

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So if it is raining, without the rain, can rainless thunderstorms happen? That would allow mobs to spawn during the day. No complaint here if so.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that leaves may give a bit too much water now. With a Harvester/Planter combo, it's completely self sustainable with a couple furnace generators (or a few racks of Survivalist's Generators) and outputs so many leaves I may as well have a couple aqueous accumulators without having to spend the resources making those 64k liquid storage drives. With a smaller farm not shearing and feeding the excess saplings over to the larger one, you don't even need to occasionally switch shearing off. Composting may give more per leaf, but it's so much slower. The Blazing Pyrotheum makes melting them down a breeze too. I think cutting the amount of water in half would still give enough to make using leaves worth it while making dirt a clearly better alternative if you can automate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It looks like dust got removed from the enviromine settings. I'm guessing this wasn't intentional. I'm going to copy the config file from the previous version.

Also while looking through the config files, I noticed there's Chisel - Copy.cfg and no Chisel.cfg. I have no idea if that matters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I saw the same behavior as well on the easy map. Starting in cheat mode, with a little farmland already set up, and several new items in inventory. An invar hoe, a bucket of water and a block of grass. I figured they were there to make the easy map that little bit easier to start with. I've just chucked the extra items in storage for now.

Water rewards seem slightly nerfed as well. And it may or may not just be my luck, but I seem to be getting less zombie flesh per night. As a result after a few days I'm really riding an edge of dehydration, with four trees going right now. So water is feeling pretty good right now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
I think that leaves may give a bit too much water now. With a Harvester/Planter combo, it's completely self sustainable with a couple furnace generators (or a few racks of Survivalist's Generators) and outputs so many leaves I may as well have a couple aqueous accumulators without having to spend the resources making those 64k liquid storage drives. With a smaller farm not shearing and feeding the excess saplings over to the larger one, you don't even need to occasionally switch shearing off. Composting may give more per leaf, but it's so much slower. The Blazing Pyrotheum makes melting them down a breeze too. I think cutting the amount of water in half would still give enough to make using leaves worth it while making dirt a clearly better alternative if you can automate it.
harvester/planter are harder to make. if you check the recipe you will see. he is trying to limit starting water production not end game.also standing next to Blazing pro increases you body temp and make you use water faster.[DOUBLEPOST=1403953961][/DOUBLEPOST]
I saw the same behavior as well on the easy map. Starting in cheat mode, with a little farmland already set up, and several new items in inventory. An invar hoe, a bucket of water and a block of grass. I figured they were there to make the easy map that little bit easier to start with. I've just chucked the extra items in storage for now.

Water rewards seem slightly nerfed as well. And it may or may not just be my luck, but I seem to be getting less zombie flesh per night. As a result after a few days I'm really riding an edge of dehydration, with four trees going right now. So water is feeling pretty good right now.
how are you making water?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
stuffing spare saplings into the fluid transposer, then taking the dead bushes from that and zombie meat I couldn't salt into barrels to make dirty water. I had to toss my first few dirt blocks into the sieve to quickly get enough cobble to make a slab furnace to cook the dirty water.

Another thing about the new Easy map. It seems to be back to starting at mid-day again. I restarted this morning. Fixed the settings, did the first quests to get my camel pack and dirt. Planted and grew a tree, then harvested enough wood to make an axe. Turned around to harvest the leaves and chop down the rest of the tree and was swarmed by zombies. Since it started 'raining' the sky was overcast and I hadn't realized it had turned night within minutes of starting.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
It looks like dust got removed from the enviromine settings. I'm guessing this wasn't intentional. I'm going to copy the config file from the previous version.

Also while looking through the config files, I noticed there's Chisel - Copy.cfg and no Chisel.cfg. I have no idea if that matters.
Dust was removed from the Enviromine settings on purpose. Along with the change to rain, the mod Vswe made for me also brings the ocean biome up to full desert temperature. The heat effect from the dust is no longer necessary and was removed.

And yes, somehow the wrong save file got uploaded. Sigh. Grab the replacement file from the first post, it should be fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hrm yes it seems like neko stated, if its overcast night comes on without any lighting transition. Oh well i guess there is a use for a clock now.
Also with the new version temperature seems a lot more variable, I've gotten as low as 35 degrees at night and really have to watch my temperature during the day as i seem overheat faster.

Iskandar I was wondering will you implement a greater variation in temperature so that at night gets much colder meaning that you would have to do something to keep warm? Or would that be too difficult or not worth implementing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Prior to a smelter you need to create a grindstone. Using Certus dust, cobble and smoothstone, plus sticks for a handle. That will allow you to grind up iron and nickel ingots into dust which you can then combine to make invar dust and bake in your furnace. After you have a smeltery up and running, just throw iron and nickel sand in there to make invar.

Another change I've notice in water consumption, I'm not sure if this was intended or not. Before my temperature would hover in the high 37 mark and I would consume about .05 water a second. Now I tend to be in the mid 36 degree range, but I'm consuming .1 water a second. Now given that working out in the sun or near a source of heat would before often spike me over 38 degrees and consuming .1 water/sec or sometimes .2 water/sec that averages between a 50-100% increase in water consumption. It's no wonder that I'm having to scramble to keep my camel pack filled up constantly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do i get ferrous metal dust and iron dust? Without a pulverizer.

Ferrous dust you get from sifting gravel. It won't be ferrous though it will be broken nickel ore. You take the ore gravel,sand, or dust and put it in the crucible. When you get a nickel ingot from the crucible you then can put it through the AE grindstone ( a lot cheaper then pulverizer) you repeat the same thing with iron

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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Hrm yes it seems like neko stated, if its overcast night comes on without any lighting transition. Oh well i guess there is a use for a clock now.
Also with the new version temperature seems a lot more variable, I've gotten as low as 35 degrees at night and really have to watch my temperature during the day as i seem overheat faster.

Iskandar I was wondering will you implement a greater variation in temperature so that at night gets much colder meaning that you would have to do something to keep warm? Or would that be too difficult or not worth implementing?
Yeah, side effect of the desert temps. It gets hot in the day and colder at night. The hack I was using previously made it just sort of warm all the time.

Unfortunately I don't have that fine of control. I can add heat easily enough, but removing temp from the environment doesn't seem to work reliably or at all.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Temps have gone up, and thus eater usage. Water should be slightly easier to come by, though, with wooden barrels available and the ability to compost leaves early. Sifting a stack or two of dust right off the bat should get you enough stones for a slab furnace and enough iron to make shears. From there, each tree should be like 3 or 4 bottles of dirty water. If the balance is seriously enough impacted, I might turn the temperature effects down a bit. In the first alpha of this map, back when it was in a desert biome, I had heat effects capped at 75% of normal. Things have changed enough that I don't think that is necessary, but we shall see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Over all the heat/water is hard but doable to start if you know what your doing.
My only suggestions:
  • the quest rewards that give water bottles should give 3 instead of 2.
  • A few of the regular quests should give 1 water bottle as a reward, add 4-6 scattered among the first few quests.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Over all the heat/water is hard but doable to start if you know what your doing.
My only suggestions:
  • the quest rewards that give water bottles should give 3 instead of 2.
  • A few of the regular quests should give 1 water bottle as a reward, add 4-6 scattered among the first few quests.
Yeah. When I moved away from the desert biome in the first few alphas, I nerfed the water rewards to compensate for the lower heat. Undoing those nerfs is probably a good idea now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
stuffing spare saplings into the fluid transposer, then taking the dead bushes from that and zombie meat I couldn't salt into barrels to make dirty water. I had to toss my first few dirt blocks into the sieve to quickly get enough cobble to make a slab furnace to cook the dirty water.

Another thing about the new Easy map. It seems to be back to starting at mid-day again. I restarted this morning. Fixed the settings, did the first quests to get my camel pack and dirt. Planted and grew a tree, then harvested enough wood to make an axe. Turned around to harvest the leaves and chop down the rest of the tree and was swarmed by zombies. Since it started 'raining' the sky was overcast and I hadn't realized it had turned night within minutes of starting.
You can also use leaves to get dirt and it take i think 10 or so. so you can get 5 water instead of 1 from cooking in a cruicble. String will give dirt at 25 pieces.

Edit he cahnges this in 1.0.8. Now still give a little more then doing the cruicble.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
How do i get ferrous metal dust and iron dust? Without a pulverizer.
use a hammer when you get your cobble gen running. it will auto give you gravel. then sieve the gravel. you will get nickel from it. you should be able to break nickel down to dust. Then in ur smeltery cook 2 iron to 1 nickel dust and that will give you invar. get your smeltery up as soon as possible cause it will save you tons of time. smeltery is easily automated. Just keep turning everything you can into dirt then into water after you get a good size tree farm up. 6 dirt places should work and 1 dirt spot for string/worms. the pulverizer isn't even needed for any automated ore processes. It is only needed for the gravel, sand, and dust production. Most times in combo with IE.[DOUBLEPOST=1403978760][/DOUBLEPOST]
Prior to a smelter you need to create a grindstone. Using Certus dust, cobble and smoothstone, plus sticks for a handle. That will allow you to grind up iron and nickel ingots into dust which you can then combine to make invar dust and bake in your furnace. After you have a smeltery up and running, just throw iron and nickel sand in there to make invar.

Another change I've notice in water consumption, I'm not sure if this was intended or not. Before my temperature would hover in the high 37 mark and I would consume about .05 water a second. Now I tend to be in the mid 36 degree range, but I'm consuming .1 water a second. Now given that working out in the sun or near a source of heat would before often spike me over 38 degrees and consuming .1 water/sec or sometimes .2 water/sec that averages between a 50-100% increase in water consumption. It's no wonder that I'm having to scramble to keep my camel pack filled up constantly.
Note: the grinding stone works on ur bones as well, giving you 6 bonemeal instead of 3 per bone. very cheap way to get more out of you bones. also remember not to use your whole bones for tool making.