[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Still trying to get my get my Wither Skull for complete water automation, so I'm chucking camel packs manually into/pulling out of the cyclic assembler. Randomly the CA will eat a camel pack. More annoying than anything else at this point. Anyone else seeing this?
How did you make it so that when you spawn a new world it automatically makes a new map? I've been trying to make a map like this and I just can't seem to find any way to do that.
How did you make it so that when you spawn a new world it automatically makes a new map? I've been trying to make a map like this and I just can't seem to find any way to do that.
It always makes a new map when you create a world. It's mentioned in the quest book too :p
How did you make it so that when you spawn a new world it automatically makes a new map? I've been trying to make a map like this and I just can't seem to find any way to do that.
it's one of the mods, it allows for custom world generation.
Still trying to get my get my Wither Skull for complete water automation, so I'm chucking camel packs manually into/pulling out of the cyclic assembler. Randomly the CA will eat a camel pack. More annoying than anything else at this point. Anyone else seeing this?
Depends on what recipe you set in the CA. If you set it to [camel pack + 4 bottles = full camel pack], and you throw in a camel pack that isn't <25% full, it won't be able to craft properly and just delete the item. There are better ways to refill the camel pack than using the CA, but not everyone likes to program with SFM.
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Depends on what recipe you set in the CA. If you set it to [camel pack + 4 bottles = full camel pack], and you throw in a camel pack that isn't <25% full, it won't be able to craft properly and just delete the item. There are better ways to refill the camel pack than using the CA, but not everyone likes to program with SFM.
That's probably it then. Waiting on SFM until I get the skull.
you could always just have the CA setup to camel pack + 3 bottles to avoid that, right?
But then if you put a camel pack in that is not <50% full, it will still delete. You always have to be sure your camel pack is empty enough. Plus, If you put it in when it's empty, it will only fill up 75%, then you are having to refill more often.

That's why I made a SFM program that refills my pack 100% full regardless of how full or empty it was. Then later on upgraded to using the arial interface to just refill pack wirelessly anytime it hits 0%.

The best way to use a CA to refill pack is to set it to [camel pack + 1 water bottle], and then you just have to throw it back in over and over again until it's full. You can use itemducts to automate it and loop it back into the CA until it's full and then have the full pack go to a chest or armor stand. But I prefer using SFM cause you can just step on a pressure plate and you're done. No need to fumble with inventory or chest or shift+click grab a pack off an armor stand or anything. Then the arial interface makes it totally automated where you don't even have to do anything anymore. Pack is just filled on it's own.
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I am slowly migrating all the information to http://crashlanding.wildwestscifi.net/

Changelogs, mods, credits and all YouTube links can be found there, as well as forums for bug reports and a place to share your stories. Note @Shane2482 is handling bugs and exploits, so please direct problems to him, thanks.

Note: If you are playing on a 1.1.1 version map or earlier a reset is MANDATORY to update. You WILL break your ability to progress and very few of the new features in 1.1.2 and later will function!

If you get the message"The server doesnt have HQM Mode Enabled" on map start up, please ignore it. This is on purpose, as HQM's hardcore mode does not work with Sync's life system. The quests will still work.

If the questing system does not start correctly please use /HQM quest NOT /HQM enable. /HQM enable will put you in HQM Hardcore, at which point Sync functionality will NOT be enabled. You die 3 times, shell or not, game over.

If you use a Sync shell and your temp and hydration bars become "No Environment Data" you must log out and back in.

You've managed to crash land on a dry, dusty planet. No water, no food, no real supplies. The first challenge, to survive the blazing heat where every drop of water is precious.

So many modpacks and maps try making gameplay harder by altering hunger. Very few, in fact none I know of, look at Minecraft's other normally abundant resource, water. Well, now here it is the limited resource. Try not to dehydrate.

Map is set to vanilla hardcore. This is deliberate. Sync is installed. You need more lives, you build more shells, you won't get hearts like in Agrarian Skies.

Also, while the map is fully playable, I am still making balance changes and implementing quests. Please feel free to offer suggestions and criticisms, however at this time I am deep into end game content. I am unlikely to make any changes until the pack is ready to transition to 1.7.10.


Updated Autopackager
Updated Enviromine
Updated Steve's Drought
Added Formivore's City and Ruins Generator
Added Ruins
Added MobProperties
Random generated cities with loot
Random terrain gen
Updated Special Mobs and made it default on
Updated Zombie Awareness and made it default on
Random terrain and cities added, map reset REQUIRED
Super rare chance for mini-ghast mounted creepers and rare chance for spider mounted witches
Quest fixes for bugs and added some new rewards
Changed High Oven, Deep Tank, Smeltery, and Big Reactor parts to be salvage only.

Updated Big Reactors to 0.3.4A2
Updated Sync to 2.2.3
Removed oreDict entries for Ex Nihilo and Ex Aliquo ore gravel and ore sand to prevent an exploit
Added High Oven recipes for ore gravel and sand
More Pneumaticcraft quests
Changed pulverizer recipes for ore gravel and sand. They now give the appropriate ore sand and ore dust plus fragments, just like, but slightly less efficient than, a hammer.
Several new quests, including repeatable quests for all passive animals. Removed the temporary spawn egg recipes as a result.

Updated Harvestcraft Waila Fixes to 1.0.4
Added Steve's Drought (coded specifically for this modpack. Thanks Vswe!)
Increased the amount of water leaves give in the crucible, 10 leaves to 1000 mB of water
Decreased the amount of water saplings give in the liquid transposer slightly, 10 saplings to 1000 mb of water
In both cases, composting to dirt and making water is slightly more efficient, but requires more time/extra steps
Spice of Life should be slightly more forgiving. The more complex a food recipe, the more it counts for your food history.
Wooden Barrel are craftable again
Stone Barrel recipe reverted to normal
Crafting recipes for rotten flesh and saplings to dirt have been removed, and the quest associated with that has also been removed
Nerfed Liquid Transfer Nodes
Added a repeatable quest for the PCB pattern
Added a recipe for the Kinetic Compressor so you can now generate greater than 5 bars of pressure via RF
Added a machine frame to the Autonomous Activator recipe, added a guaranteed Activator as a quest reward
Buffed iron drops from dust and gravel sieving slightly

Updated Extra Cells to 1.6.9d
Updated HQM to 4.0.4
Updated Pneumaticcraft to 1.1.4f
Updated Sync to 2.2.2
Updated TICTweaks to 1.0.3
Added Special Mobs, default off
Added Spice of Life, default off
Added Zombie Awareness
Added heat to a lot more blocks, thanks to Pip69
Reworked and Added Reward Bags (work in progress)
Reworked Quests for HQM 4.0.4 See if you can find the hidden quest!
Pneumaticcraft quests started. They will now walk you through setting up a pressure chamber and how to make PCBs manually. More advanced quests will come later
Removed vanilla seeds from the sieve and the quest book.
Added Harvestcraft seeds to sieve and quest book.
Gently nerfed food and water rewards.
Tech tree unified. Pneumaticcraft is now necessary for almost all tech progression
If enabled, mobs will break light sources and smash tech. also, if they can see through something, they will destroy it to get to you. This includes half slabs, fence gates, and glass.
Mobs in general are smarter.
Changed the maps a little. Bone meal added to the starting supplies

Updated TSteelworks
Updated Modtweaker
Added Iguana Tweaks
Added Extra Cells
Nerfed pulverized metals from dust
Can now get stones from sieving dust, at a reduced chance
Can, rarely, get eggs from sieving dust
End and Nether are now void
Removed wooden compost barrels
Added dirt recipes to compensate
Altered Stone barrel recipe
Altered Jetpack recipes
Added neutral mobs
Fixed a quest bug
all vanilla tools have 1 durability. Useful only for crafting recipes
No TiCo wood or stone tools: Bone and flint only in the beginning!
Sleep Hunger is now on
Water can now be drawn from saplings in a Liquid Transposer. 1/8 bucket each.
Leaves can be thrown into a crucible for 20 mB water each
Cauldrons are disabled
Accumulators have been removed from the starting map
Accumulator recipes have been heavily altered
Quests have been altered to match the new map
Second Map has been created. Maps now labeled Hard and Easy
Drinking juices and smoothies will hydrate you slightly and cool you off
Sulfur can now be sieved from gravel

And a big thank you to all my beta map testers. Without your help, this modpack would not be possible.

Take a chill pill.

It can only be downloaded from the FTB launcher under the tab to the right of the default tab labeled 3rd party modpacks.
rapid item gate or item gate.
I tried and it kept ejecting items into the world.

Is there a video tutorial or full wiki for the 'new' blocks of SFM. All I'm seeing is the initial tutorial/spotlight from when the mod was first released
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This isn't the place to be complaining about the launcher being "a bitch about your account", but if this is your first time using the FTB launcher, be sure to be using the e-mail associated with your mojang account, not your in-game username, when you're setting up.
I tried and it kept ejecting items into the world.

Is there a video tutorial or full wiki for the 'new' blocks of SFM. All I'm seeing is the initial tutorial/spotlight from when the mod was first released
He seemed to have individual videos for some of the newer blocks like the rapid item gate and block detector and such. Maybe check it out? Or his vids on Crash Landing also explained some of the functions of the blocks as he was making it.
Is there anyway to get covering the bases quest (first quest in chapter 3) to complete? all my requirements are green but cant select anything.