When It's Done ©any idea when there will be new quest as im nearly done with the 4 there is?
I've been wondering this for a while - how do you use the "parts can be replaced" mechanic of Tinker's Construct (or Iguana Tweaks rather, I think)?
I seem to remember managing it once on Agrarian Skies, but ever since I cannot for the life of me figure out how to replace a part. I have a few tools that I would really like to make a little better (since they're maxed on XP), but nothing I tried seems to work. I must be the only one with this issue as I can't find other people with it on Google either.
Bet it's something really simple...
Oh my. The full repair might just be it.You have to repair the tool fully, then you can place the tool and the new part in a crafting grid (IIRC) to upgrade it.
I am on a Server with 1.1.2. Have started on it and not updated yet. From Start on it worked and suddenly stopped working. Do you think i can copy the config from a fresh Server (i still have the zip around)?Minetweaker is the mod that controls the leaves/saplings to water conversions. Are you playing on a server or an OS other than Windows? Have you tried copying your config/Minetweaker folder from a 1.1.2 install? I think the only things changed were the disabling of diamond dolly and something else that I can't remember right now.
Don't need chicken pens. Just auto-spawn + grinder them for all the raw chicken and feathers you ever need.What is everyone doing with their chickens? I come back to my world and some will be running around outside the coup. I am using fences and the area is chunckloaded but when I return from a city run they are all over the place.
What is everyone doing with their chickens? I come back to my world and some will be running around outside the coup. I am using fences and the area is chunckloaded but when I return from a city run they are all over the place.
I have run plenty of modded servers myself as well, and while I can't help much on the quest book, I have actually found out what happens when a player dies (I was first time a week or so ago, too.I am playing on, several of us have been playing ssp, but want to play together. I downloaded and set up the server for, and when I go in(I am op'ed) and type /hqm quest, I get the book, but cannot open it. I've run modded servers for years, but some of these mods are new to me, and not quite sure how to fix this...
Also, question, as first time hardcore server player/operator, when a player dies on the server, since the map doesn't get wiped, does their player file just get wiped and they have to start over, or are they banned? We all want to play together, so player file wipe would be preferred.
How do we get Ghast Tears?
Those Ghasts that spawn at night (or mobgrinders) do not seem to drop any for me :s
Anyone think this pack could use more powerful armor for late (read: really late, let's not diminish the difficulty curve) game? The best I've been able to come up with is auto-enchanter, auto-anvil connected to an ocean of mob essence and the power equivalent of a neutron star. I'm also annoyed by basically never having armor in my chest slot due to the camel pack and jetpacks, which are both necessary while adventuring in a city. Looks like the armor plating is not craft-able. Is there a better solution here?
Good call on Golden Apples, I forgot about those. Speaking of Golden Apples, I could also make certain potions...I find that having Diamond Boots, Leggings and Helm with full protection 4 helps out quite a bit. Also, for tough fights you can equip a Diamond Chestplate since having full Diamond helps keep you pretty cool even during the day. You can go 5-10 minutes without needing water again if you have full diamond and your water was full before equipping the chestplate. Golden apples are pretty easy to obtain and useful for adventuring.
... PowerSuitsAnyone think this pack could use more powerful armor for late (read: really late, let's not diminish the difficulty curve) game? The best I've been able to come up with is auto-enchanter, auto-anvil connected to an ocean of mob essence and the power equivalent of a neutron star. I'm also annoyed by basically never having armor in my chest slot due to the camel pack and jetpacks, which are both necessary while adventuring in a city. Looks like the armor plating is not craft-able. Is there a better solution here?
... PowerSuits
*Waits for huge rage discussion about how that would be horrible - one side, against powersuits, saying:
1. Power suits is overpowered. There's no getting around it - power suits is really overpowered.
2. Power suits will not solve the camel pack issue. That would take another addon.
3. Server play will be totally ruined (like in every other pack that has it) by your group of people sinking massive amounts of resources into "gliders" (which can be gotten for cheaper through leather) [side note: that's happened. one of my foolish friends decided he wanted a glider. Other friend, five minutes after he finishes the carbon plate crap, crafts the open blocks glider. T_T]
And then there's the people FOR power suits:
View attachment 12906
Just a tip: (Tinker's) Wooden Daggers v. Vampire Pigmen are very good, I hear.Note that I very carefully did not use the word "Power Suits"More just looking for ways people cope with silly things like the flying ghast creepers that sneak up on you or vampire pigmen that drop on you and one shot you (even while I was wearing invar.., haven't been hit by one in my enchanted diamond armor yet), especially late game when any volume of resources is trivial to obtain, but when you still want to fly around cities and snipe reactor controllers.
they're already removed.Of course, they're supposedly going to be removed in the next update, so...
What is everyone doing with their chickens? I come back to my world and some will be running around outside the coup. I am using fences and the area is chunckloaded but when I return from a city run they are all over the place.
Make a 5x5x1 pool of witch water.
Dig down 4 more.
Cover it.
Place a ginder in the middle of one of the walls.
Stand more than 24 blocks away.