yeah, read your post. but does that mean ALL buildings will be visible or some and you have to hunt for others? If you can see the roof, there's your window shopping, right? We go by what's on the roof. smokestack of any kind? want. office space thingie, only if you are desparate for water, etc... I do not see how this will change a thing. It's like those plastic things around electronic stuff you buy, etc.. It deters thieves from taking them in store, and ensures you buy special scissors to remove them, but offering nothing but a grind (yeah, I went there) to the end goal. If they are visually different from the top, that's all we will go off of anyways. If you're changing that, then yeah, things will be more difficult, but I agree with the masses. The way to go at these things is top bottom and you're just allowing us an easy way into that in first place.
bummed about enderIO

was looking forward to using it.

too sad

beyond sad

ok, I'm better.