[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Hmm.... Found a bug. If you "enchant" your golden bag of holding using the magical wood to give the bag reincarnating then when you die and go to your sync shell the bag and all it contains are destroyed. I imagine it is because it is a Hardcore world. Just a warning to everybody out there. Don't enchant your bag of holding if you want to keep it.

Never mind. It just appeared in my inventory. That was odd. I'm not sure if it was invisible or what.
The same happens with keepInventory on, for those interested in playing with Sync in vanilla. Having keepInventory just deletes everything anytime you die, or at least it die when Sync first came out.
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This goes for everyone, not just those arguing:
I've never looked at any code for just about any mods, so yeah, speaking from a place of ignorance. I don't even know java but I could wing it if I had to scan code tho.

Given that, the argument still runs dry. Unless you wanted to post lines of code and show where the problem is versus the right way to do things, and fully understanding the complexities of creating mods, and proving that as well, you're holding false data as the reasoning for why things are working the way they do. (and note: please don't do any of the above, my eyes will completely glaze over as I skip the post).

It's called speculating, or assumption based logic. I do something similar, I use applied reasoning when I try to assume something that I know nothing about. It's the one place where you will find an abundant amount of choices that were made, for a reason, that you have no idea about, since you are not the one coding said mod.

With that all said. I don't care. I really don't. In fact, I don't think anyone cares. Care about what you may ask? How that concerns you. Seriously. My point was, do it, but don't bother everyone about the fact that you are doing it (i.e. disabling special mobs). But, with that, understand that your playing a different game than everyone else, thus belittling other's opinions or making an absolutist argument that something could never happen from your point of ignorance is very very egotistical.

Someone closing their mind to the fact that their opinion is the only opinion is just about the saddest thing imaginable. I've never met anyone that was right 100% of the time. Being open to new ideas and thoughts allows creativity to flourish and keeps the discussion going. Shooting down theories without backing them up wastes everyone's time, but feeds that person's ego. Throwing numbers around from one point of view ends up diminishing the argument to comparing things to the decimal point which doesn't really help the situation. Even if you were right and it took 99 not 100 things to make the thing, that makes you right by a decimal point. again, who cares. Know when to just say "Ok, we agree to disagree, but my theory is still sound in my mind, but I know this doesn't help anything".

Or, at the very least, leave the ego at the door, be civil, don't snark, and have your discussion but don't turn it into an argument. Tone is everything.

I just can't believe that me, of all people is the one stating this. I'm very argumentative when I think I'm right, but when I get proved wrong, I back off and apologize. I learn from that event and move on. I don't like being faced down for an inaccurate description of events that I know are wrong, and in those circumstances, I do have issues keeping my cool, but yeah... wow. Can't believe I had to type all of this. Grow up people.
heres a better shot of the mini map issue im having. anyone have any clues why this would happen on a fresh downloaded pack?
Are you running an odd texture pack? It's just a theory, but that sounds like a problem that occurred in the past where zans caused mobs from other packs to appear as giant blobs.

I'm just curious if a texture pack you happen to be using has caused zan's to no longer recognize special mobs.
people have been discussing things almost entirely in a calm manner, then you come in with a wall of text rant basically about people flaming each other? i'm failing to see the reasoning here.
You two are berating the same point over and over and having essentially, a pissing match of egos, at the expense of everyone's eyeballs. I'm not a moderator, and maybe I'm out of line. I say it like I see it. Both of you, when you first came to this topic, came in with ego's in full tilt. As if you were authoritive on the subject. I kept my mouth shut for the most part. Genshou's relaxed quite a bit and acclimated and I haven't had any issues whatsoever since he's stopped sifting sand in my wheaties... :)

Maybe I should have waited for the same to happen to you, if that's the case, I apologize. But seriously, I was really waiting for it to explode and trying to manage the situation and having managed large groups of people, I think I was trying to do that, but yeah, maybe I am out of place there. Had to say it tho. Was getting real tired of useless arguing over minute points. Iskandar's not around to hit anyone with a nerf bat, but yeah. out of line maybe. If you feel the need, ignore me and continue on. I'll just ignore the bickering till it's eventually over. I'll go make some popcorn.
btw, totally off topic, but I think it's pretty damn funny. 1.7.10 is not without it's bugs.....
That is what I call a blank stare. I want to see if I can get a uncooked chicken on there. I don't know why, but something tells me it would be hillarious.
btw, totally off topic, but I think it's pretty damn funny. 1.7.10 is not without it's bugs.....
View attachment 12783
That is what I call a blank stare. I want to see if I can get a uncooked chicken on there. I don't know why, but something tells me it would be hillarious.
I've had to help rescue peoples thanksgiving dinners....... the idea of someone running around blindly with a large fowl carcass upon their head sounds all to familiar.......

Nothing like getting called away from my own prep cause a buddy and his girlfriend didn't start their bird thawing soon enough, so I get to talk them through speed defrosting it, and then drive over to "show" him how to butterfly the thing so it'll cook faster.....
btw, totally off topic, but I think it's pretty damn funny. 1.7.10 is not without it's bugs.....
View attachment 12783
That is what I call a blank stare. I want to see if I can get a uncooked chicken on there. I don't know why, but something tells me it would be hillarious.
they have a mod for that, also that's a bug that's been around since alpha. always fun on servers.
Are you running an odd texture pack? It's just a theory, but that sounds like a problem that occurred in the past where zans caused mobs from other packs to appear as giant blobs.

I'm just curious if a texture pack you happen to be using has caused zan's to no longer recognize special mobs.

this started in vanilla textures, i saw some people on youtube playing with no problems with soartex so i installed that to give it a try and it still looks like that.

it looks like this as a fresh install, no edits.
this started in vanilla textures, i saw some people on youtube playing with no problems with soartex so i installed that to give it a try and it still looks like that.

it looks like this as a fresh install, no edits.
I'm sorry then, I'm not sure what to tell you, other than perhaps to try disabling zans, and installing REI, perhaps you'll have more luck with that.
i'm trying to find a post someone made about some specialmobs config edits they made to remove thief mob thievery. keywords i know are in the post are 'companion' and 'thief', but search is failing miserably with those keywords. anyone happen to remember that post, and who posted it?
thanks. looks like search excludes any text in spoiler tags... unsure if good design, as pros and cons are both strong.

in related news, teleporting/superspeed/whateverthehell baby skeleton thieves are beyond idiotic. instantly appear from nowhere, remove your weapon / whatever you have equipped, then proceed to stunlock and damage you until you die. there's a reason mojang removed silverfish damage, and it wasn't because the blasted things are hard to hit.
thanks. looks like search excludes any text in spoiler tags... unsure if good design, as pros and cons are both strong.

in related news, teleporting/superspeed/whateverthehell baby skeleton thieves are beyond idiotic. instantly appear from nowhere, remove your weapon / whatever you have equipped, then proceed to stunlock and damage you until you die. there's a reason mojang removed silverfish damage, and it wasn't because the blasted things are hard to hit.
They can be problematic, many of us have been bitten by them, but they can be dealt with without disabling them........ My understanding is that Iskandar is planning to take them out next update, but then that seems to be the general consensus for anything the community finds challenging.
Ohhh Hexerin taking a stab at Special Mobs? You are going to have so much fun. :D
Those mini skellies and zombies are like Quicksilver. Walls and pits are the only thing that can save you lol. Trap them in the pits and let the sun deal with them hehehe.
They are hilarious to watch run around though. Sometimes I get worried they are going to do a running jump and clear my wall.

A word of warning, Vampire Pigmen are the ones that look different on the minimap and wear suits. You need a wood knife to fight them. Any other weapon does next to 0 damage. Also they will 2 hit you in full invar...scary buggers.[DOUBLEPOST=1409884641][/DOUBLEPOST]
They can be problematic, many of us have been bitten by them, but they can be dealt with without disabling them........ My understanding is that Iskandar is planning to take them out next update, but then that seems to be the general consensus for anything the community finds challenging.
I think he said brutish, ancient, vampire, and the speedy ones. I'll be turning them back on again though, I enjoy the challenge they all provide. Normal pigmen scare me but I will hang around knowing they are on the top floor. If I see a vampire pigman though, it's time to leave that building and any building in proximity to it.
Ohhh Hexerin taking a stab at Special Mobs? You are going to have so much fun. :D
Those mini skellies and zombies are like Quicksilver. Walls and pits are the only thing that can save you lol. Trap them in the pits and let the sun deal with them hehehe.
They are hilarious to watch run around though. Sometimes I get worried they are going to do a running jump and clear my wall.

A word of warning, Vampire Pigmen are the ones that look different on the minimap and wear suits. You need a wood knife to fight them. Any other weapon does next to 0 damage. Also they will 2 hit you in full invar...scary buggers.[DOUBLEPOST=1409884641][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think he said brutish, ancient, vampire, and the speedy ones. I'll be turning them back on again though, I enjoy the challenge they all provide. Normal pigmen scare me but I will hang around knowing they are on the top floor. If I see a vampire pigman though, it's time to leave that building and any building in proximity to it.
Yeah, I kind of dislike the idea of lots of special config settings, but I think I'll have to do some doctoring to keep maintain some level of tension.
Just watched ep6 of dw20+pahi. otherwise known as the ep where he gets back at pahimar for killing him.... :)

Yeah, the more I watch them, the more I think it would be so awesome to play this with someone cause it does take alot of stress off that must do everything at once mode you get stuck in for first week or so.
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Yeah, I kind of dislike the idea of lots of special config settings, but I think I'll have to do some doctoring to keep maintain some level of tension.
Yeah, it's really unfair to have your life ended by one of those baby skels, but I do agree with you. I don't think the vampire pig zombies should be taken out. The wooden swords (and I guess wooden tico dagger) will deal with them, then that seems fair.

But those skels. those baby skels that have been mainlining pixie stix really are too much. They appear out of nowhere, take your weapon, and then bail and either they hit you like the flash, or run off with said weapon never to be seen again. Too much death by RNG. If you could only slow them down by half, I'd be fine with keeping them, but they are just such death in a tiny package, it does seem too unfair. to me. They are, to me, the only mob that should be altered somehow. I'm fine with everything else, as I said above re: vampire pig zombies.

If they had a counter, then yeah. that would be fine too. if you hit em with your pan, do they slow down? I know, they steal pan first, but does a splash potion of slow or whatever exist, and if so, maybe that's worth testing, but then you never know when to expect them.

I flew home one night after a haul from city and on the way home, I saw 4 of those buggers racing around the desert like the road runner.

Where is Wile E Coyote when you need him!
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