[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Loving this mod so far, I really do love the challange. Does anyone have any experience with which blocks increase temperature - Obviously ones with fire are certain, but some really odd ones seem to do it too.
Furnaces do (but apparently not slab furnaces)
I noticed extra utils generators do.
I think the metal blocks do too; being exposed to the sun perhaps, would get hot? Or maybe it was something else in the room, but jaysus it was warm
Lava has a pretty huge radius, although Pyrotheum does not seem to (in the interview Iskandar mentioned you can't tweak temp for fluids). Torches do a little, I hear most machines (running or not) and the smeltery.
Ill have to do some exclusion testing, see what's what - On a related note: do you happen to have links to those interviews? Would be interesting to see. Thanks :)
It's hilarious watching him run around in full armour. He has done it since he crafted it, he is even wearing a gold helmet lol.

Hey, I do that!

To make matters worse he put his generators right next to his workspace.

I have generators right outside my door...

Torches instead of glowstone.

I like torches, they're much more aesthetically pleasing than a braille pattern of nooks everywhere.

I'm not sure how he has survived this long lol.

They didn't. Remember they both died and had to restart in episode 2? Then one of them died in episode 3? I haven't watched episode 4 yet but in all honesty, if you're in a small area with a wall and a trench, it's not hard to survive in this pack. You just have to plant, harvest, compost and cook. The only danger they should be facing is from spiders. The main thing they have going for them is that with two players, you're twice as productive during the day. If they're as far along in progression as people are in single player runs after a certain number of game days, then it really means that it's taking them twice as long.
They didn't. Remember they both died and had to restart in episode 2? Then one of them died in episode 3? I haven't watched episode 4 yet but in all honesty, if you're in a small area with a wall and a trench, it's not hard to survive in this pack. You just have to plant, harvest, compost and cook. The only danger they should be facing is from spiders. The main thing they have going for them is that with two players, you're twice as productive during the day. If they're as far along in progression as people are in single player runs after a certain number of game days, then it really means that it's taking them twice as long.
Guess that's fine though right?

Its not a race of any kind. People aren't watching this to see how to do it "right", so much as watching watching DW fumble through to some sort of success is generally more or less just fun to watch.

Ok, some people are probably trying to learn how to do it right, but that's their issue :p
@Magzie: The reason so many of us use walls and don't push for a bed is the amount of time it takes for a sufficient mass of zombies/skeletons to congregate inside the pit traps/trenches. Also, it's cooler at night which means less water consumption during the vital early gameplay. And not having to rely on Minecraft's pitifully short item render distance to find all those bones and rotten flesh is a really big deal. 20 minutes into the game w/o Special Mobs (it still lags my computer) and I have nearly a stack each of rotten flesh and bones. Plop down a barrel or two, sift some dirt, grow some rice, make a slab furnace, and I'm often sitting on a full stack of 1x compressed dirt by the time I have supplies in order for my city expedition (and this is with zero ore smelting). Is it the only way, or the fastest way? Certainly not. But I love the aesthetic value of a statue outside my ship, built out of compressed dirt blocks. :]

So, the place most of the zombies seem to be spawning in my compound is in midair, directly above my drowning trap. I've been suspecting for some time it may be related to what item is being held by the player at the time, haven't done any testing to verify though. Real life's been pretty crazy :\
i have stop agrueing over this point and am collecting starting defenses. i did post that a few pages back and am sorry if you haven't got to that post or missed it. That being said i don't push for a bed the first night. a Pit trap and the trench are the same thing only difference is you wall up the ditch and get an area to work in. this does not make that area safe. the first night there is no way light this area up so mobs can still spawn inside the wall and on top which can be seen in some many videos. also there are mobs that can teleport to you and the spider and ghast which will not fall for ether trap. No matter which one you use it is all the luck on what spawns and when. I can die with a pit trap and i can die with a wall defense just as easy some people combine the 2. I most times push for water production and food so for me since you are more safe doing stuff inside the ship anyway i push hard the first night for the furnace. This lets me get lava as soon as possible so i can build my wall defenses out of brick/chiseled cobble as opposed to dust. As to the heat thing was under the impression that the blocks don't heat up any more. You have a top end temp during the day and at night and have the lower temp. as long as you don't over work and watch your temps the only difference in day and night is for me that i can't wear me Camel pack all night or it drops my temp down. The heat up factor is mainily the 100 fires started from the Blazing pro which is most people first thing to take care of. If i do get a bed by the 2nd night I really have no reason to use it because i need the drops. i only use the bed for build the wall defense up and slabbing it so a can max out that defense all at once and then put out all my nooks so i don't have to worry about spawns inside the wall. For me make a wall before that point doesn't make sense but that doesn't mean it is wrong for someone else to use it. It is their game and they should feel free to use which ever method is best for their plan and game play. Have fun with it is tghe most important thing. no matter which is used you will die to something at some point. I think the one defense people that have last 100s of days have used is backing up their saves so they can come back after they die. :(
Hey, I do that!

I have generators right outside my door...

I like torches, they're much more aesthetically pleasing than a braille pattern of nooks everywhere.

They didn't. Remember they both died and had to restart in episode 2? Then one of them died in episode 3? I haven't watched episode 4 yet but in all honesty, if you're in a small area with a wall and a trench, it's not hard to survive in this pack. You just have to plant, harvest, compost and cook. The only danger they should be facing is from spiders. The main thing they have going for them is that with two players, you're twice as productive during the day. If they're as far along in progression as people are in single player runs after a certain number of game days, then it really means that it's taking them twice as long.

Haha you're a nutter dude. I can't do it. It annoys the hell out of me having to refill my backpack every 5 minutes. I do remember them dying, it was hilarious to watch. That supercharged creeper wrecked them both lol. They still haven't covered the pyrotheum so they take damage through the wall when the creepers blow up LOL.

I am waiting for the city episode. I can't imagine it will be too traumatic for them. As you said there are two of them, one to fight off creatures while the other breaks spawners. Multiplayer in this map just provides uber benefits. The fact you need twice as much food and water is greatly outweighed by the bonus quest rewards and twice the manpower.

Watching these youtubers slowly meander or blunder their way through the first few days makes me wonder why I am always in such a rush when I start a fresh map. I really enjoy watching how some of them build different things though. For instance I didn't know you could put down a Cobblestone block first, then add lava and water after and it would act like a Cobblegen for the node. I was having so many issues getting it to flow without going under my crucible and either creating obsidian, or cobblestone.

Watching FunshineX's videos has helped me out a lot though. I've only just come back from a after not playing MC for a couple of years and jumping into a HC map without knowing any of the new mods was a bit of a challenge lol. I loved every minute of it though. Now I am set up I watch other people's videos so I can see if I can change my own stuff around to make it more efficient.
Just gonna drop in and say that every now and then I sorta stream my playing of this... :P
Shameless to say it but meh... :P
I haven't watched episode 4 yet but in all honesty, if you're in a small area with a wall and a trench, it's not hard to survive in this pack.
Direwolf20 jumps into his trench full of mobs and dies. Pahimar runs off into the dust in search of a city and doesn't take any food with him. Yeah, I'd say those were avoidable deaths. :)
Dust no longer gives off heat, but other blocks still do. Torches, Generators, most machines. Enviromine is capable (so the author said) of adding temp to liquids like pyro, but its not easy.
Watching these youtubers slowly meander or blunder their way through the first few days makes me wonder why I am always in such a rush when I start a fresh map. I really enjoy watching how some of them build different things though. For instance I didn't know you could put down a Cobblestone block first, then add lava and water after and it would act like a Cobblegen for the node. I was having so many issues getting it to flow without going under my crucible and either creating obsidian, or cobblestone.
I'd say it's because Crash Landing early game is an engaging puzzle of the most efficient usage of time until you get to the point of food and water security. At least, that's what it is for me.

PurpleMentat's exploitation of Minecraft fluid mechanics is what made setting up cobblegen easy for me. In a 3x3 square, two corners are holes, another one one is water (place first), the last one lava. Observe how the fluids behave and setting up cobblegen should never again be a problem.
I'd say it's because Crash Landing early game is an engaging puzzle of the most efficient usage of time until you get to the point of food and water security. At least, that's what it is for me.

PurpleMentat's exploitation of Minecraft fluid mechanics is what made setting up cobblegen easy for me. In a 3x3 square, two corners are holes, another one one is water (place first), the last one lava. Observe how the fluids behave and setting up cobblegen should never again be a problem.

Yeah I did that one in my last few worlds when rushing a cobblegen. This time I wanted it running along the outside wall of my ship so I created a 1 wide pit to run it in. I was getting greedy though because I had my crucible on top of flowing lava, a barrel a couple of blocks away with water flowing over it from the other side, and was trying to get a cobblegen to happen in between them. Something like [LCWBWW] unfortunately it didn't work. Apparently if water drops off something to mix with lava it does create cobble but the node doesn't see it as a generator. If you try and break the cobble to make it happen, the water will rush into the block under the crucible. :(
Haha you're a nutter dude. I can't do it. It annoys the hell out of me having to refill my backpack every 5 minutes. I do remember them dying, it was hilarious to watch. That supercharged creeper wrecked them both lol. They still haven't covered the pyrotheum so they take damage through the wall when the creepers blow up LOL.

Well yeah, I do have to fill up my camelpak pretty often. I don't know if that's abnormal or not though because that's all I've ever known. I haven't really had any problems keeping it full though. I'm surprised they don't seem to have noticed the creepers damaging them, though. They each probably think the other guy just keeps randomly slapping them.
Yeah I did that one in my last few worlds when rushing a cobblegen. This time I wanted it running along the outside wall of my ship so I created a 1 wide pit to run it in. I was getting greedy though because I had my crucible on top of flowing lava, a barrel a couple of blocks away with water flowing over it from the other side, and was trying to get a cobblegen to happen in between them. Something like [LCWBWW] unfortunately it didn't work. Apparently if water drops off something to mix with lava it does create cobble but the node doesn't see it as a generator. If you try and break the cobble to make it happen, the water will rush into the block under the crucible. :(
The key is to make a hole in the place where you want the water to end, right before where the cobblestone is supposed to form, then place the water, then place the lava. Water will fall into the hole and not advance. I know for sure that the node works when the cobble is bordered by a flowing water block and lava source block (having stuck a node on the aforementioned Mentat setup). I haven't tried with flowing lava, but it should work since flowing water does.
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Once you setup your reactor don't reprocess any of your cyanite, you'll need a ton of it for a turbine later on if you end up wanting one. My turbine is done---except for 80 blades, which will need 80 cyanite, which will take months in singleplayer.
I simply run my 7x4x7 reactor without cooling and without rednet control. It produces way more energy than needed, the core temperature is at >3000 C and it consumes 0.251mb fuel per tick. Time to produce the 80 Cyanite for the blades ... 4.5 hours. :)