If anyone is interested, I added InGameInfoXML to track time, fps and camel pack durability. It's not much, but it gives you an "at a glance" look at how much water is left in your camel pack in the upper Left corner of the screen.
If you want to use my config, you can find the mod here:
and my custom config here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/79wxcaq1k2tbxj1/InGameInfo Crash Landing.zip
Just grab the mod(make sure you grab the latest version for 1.6.4) and drop it in your Crash Landing install "mods" folder and unzip the config into the "configs" folder. If you want the default configs for InGameInfoXML, just skip adding my config and you will get the default config which includes tracking for all armor slots and much more information(note, you may need to edit the default config so that it does not overlay any existing mod info panels). I use my custom config and I suggest it because it's minimal and compact and does not overlay any existing mod info like from enviromine.
I cant get this to work followed what you said but no joy