you only need so many books, and I probably have about 4-5 stacks of real ones so getting rid of the bad books as I went isn't such a big deal. I will definately try the idea of dropping them and seeing them 'unify' to normal ones. that'd be cool if it works.
As far as powersuits, yeah, my problem with those set pieces is the camel pack. w/o it, you just start heating up too fast. Sad part, is that a powersuit would be perfect thing to hydrate you if there was an addon to add it to chest piece or head piece or whatever. tie it into the water buckets (used to combat heat) and you'd have an auto-filling/filtering camel pack that you just need to half submerge yourself in water and you'd be good to go. that would be awesome late game. but yeah. waking up from reality right about now and nope.

Although, if I made mods, I think it would be simple to find the nbt data on player added by environmine and then update it appropriately with a plugin for powersuits or even make it something that rests in the bauble inventory and works the same as what is used now. that is such a roadblock for armor, etc.. (although, I'm sure that's the intended reason for it being in the chest slot). Also, if this was done, I don't think SFM would be able to interact with it anymore, and it would make it that much harder to fill it up.
I was going to try making the exo suit this time around and see about modding it up a bit as my late game armor. Having a bunch of speed on there should help my run-away from everything that moves strategy. Puma++ shoes to the rescue.
I don't know about you genshou, but my mini skel thief babies sonic boom as they run past so yeah, more like mach 1/2 here.
I've been using the infogamexl script from marsuplami and it works great. I think it and script should be added to default pack.
On a side note, I haven't till just last night made any auto setup for SFM to fill camel packs and I'm just going to leave it so that it fills ones in chest but not replaces one you are wearing. Even before I did this tho, it was pretty simple to fill using one trick I forgot about. I use tinker's construct crafting tables exclusively and this trick does NOT work with those, but in vanilla MC crafting table and in your inventory 2x2 inventory, you can hold up arrow(Not up arrow, W) and click on items in inventory and it will put them up in crafting window automatically. This is from inventory tweaks I think. shortcuts. Since you have to do it so often, I think ppl need to know about this from the book or something.
Edit: arrow/w key