Yeah I know, but I still like to use servos to control how many items get pulled out at a time for a lot of sorting projects, but SFM/XU transfer nodes can do the same thing, if not better. I know you can use dense mode to prevent back stuffing of itemducts, but it's still annoying to setup, just takes up that much more room. The other options don't back stuff at all.
Another reason to use servos, is that you can set filters and quantities. My composters are closed loops - take leaves, saplings, sugar cane, whatever out of the chest and put the dirt back in. The itemduct for extracting stuff has simply dirt on the blacklist. (But then again, SFM can do this as well ... and better.)
I have episode 8 uploaded. We get the smelter up and run auto. Also I hook up auto cobble. Enjoy!
Are you getting the expected number of views on your episodes? Just asking, because your LP doesn't show up on the usual searches like "Minecraft Crash Landing" or "Crash Landing HQM" and your channel name is also different. But then again, maybe you don't even care about these numbers.