it should be corrected, please try it to confirmi misspeled my ign :/ its megasamurai123 if you could correct it i would be grateful

it should be corrected, please try it to confirmi misspeled my ign :/ its megasamurai123 if you could correct it i would be grateful
Age (16+): 17
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Have been on a previous FTB server for 4 months, made youtube videos about FTB with another online player.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Thaumcraft or Twilight Forest
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1 year
IGN (In Game Name): xGingie
Age (16+):17
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Extensive playing for a year now, played alot of mindcrack 1.4.7 back in may time
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Forestry
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1 year
IGN (In Game Name): GraphPaperCalum
Anything comments or concerns?: Im with xGingie, probs applying below me![]()
Age (16+): 28
Experience with FTB and/or mods: been playing a couple of years Modded Mc from mindcrack to direwolfs to Unleashed should i be accepted now!
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: must be AE! dat mod made life easier quite a bit!
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: couple of years as mentioned above!
IGN (In Game Name)ioannou
Anything comments or concerns?: Megasamurai123 or Giwannou here at ftb forums which you accepted in you server as i have seen in the comments is my brother ! we are quite the team we always apply and play together!
Thanks in advance!
Age (16+): 16
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I have played ftb for about a year i started just playing the ftb beta pack and then i got onto an ultimate server and had fun for a long time until it got shut down(reason unknown) then i went on to playing different packs and i want another server to play on
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Applied energistics and IC2
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: About a year
IGN (In Game Name): vizions23
Anything comments or concerns?: are there any banned items? because i like t play without banned items unless it is nukes
Age (16+): 24
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Mostly Tekkit experience, not much generally with other mods in FTB as I've never used them outside of the tekkit ones
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Quite fond of Redstone2? and the portal guns.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: A few years
IGN (In Game Name): Jimboob
Anything comments or concerns?: How many people are on the server on average?
Age (16+): 22
Experience with FTB and/or mods: jack of all trades master of none -CCraft cant do programing to save my life
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Ic2/power suits/Logistics pipes
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: Beta 1.7.3(ic2 being the first of many)
IGN (In Game Name): PirateAE
Anything comments or concerns?: None, just looking for a server to have fun on
(edit Spelling)
Age (16+): 26
Experience with FTB and/or mods: 2.5Yrs FTB Ultimate then Unleashed
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Forestry Beekeeping FTW
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: Minecraft 3.5Yrs - FTB 2.5Yrs
IGN (In Game Name): Milkslinger
Anything comments or concerns?: No concerns. Been looking for a small, mature server for a long time now. Hoping this is the right one.
Age (16+): 24
Experience with FTB and/or mods: When the FTB team released their Launcher I played on it from day 1. DIrewolf20 pack until Ultimate. and after that Unhinged/Unleashed in equal ammounts.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: must be forestry and the addons. Bees in particular. I also like Tinkers Construct.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: I bought Minecraft Classic back in 2009. Played it like crazy but I dropped it after a few years, because it got boring for me. Tekkit revived my inerest in Minecraft, and was my first dive into modded minecraft.Changed to FTB as soon as it was released.
IGN (In Game Name):dellan89
Anything comments or concerns?: this server sounds like fun. I like a community to interact with. looking forward to see you on the server![]()
Age (16+): 19, I turn 20 within a week. (Pretty excited!)
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Played a bunch of FTB Ultimate; had some experience with unleashed, but the server shut down for some unknown reason to me.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Gregtech.. everyone hates him, but he does give.. just a lot less than he takes. Close second since GT isn't on the official unleashed pack would have to be Forestry.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: I've played FTB since early this year and I haven't quite looked back at vanilla since.
IGN (In Game Name): Zavak
Anything comments or concerns?: I'm generally a reserved person, but I do tend to give a greeting to some one if they come online or if they say "Hey!" whenever I hop on.
Age (16+):17
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Played and hosted a private server for friends.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: IndustrialCraft2
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: A year or so.
IGN (In Game Name): paincakes1029
Anything comments or concerns?: Nope.
Age (16+): 18
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I've been playing FTB for about a year, I'd like to think that I know my way around the basics
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Probably Tinker's Construct for the awesome tools!
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: See above
IGN (In Game Name): wizkid515
Anything comments or concerns?: Sounds like a great server!
Age: 18
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I've been playing modded since alpha, I can't remember when I started playing ftb.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: hmm that's a hard one... I would have to say I'm a huge fan of forestry. It is awesome!
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?:I have been playing minecraft since classic was the only thing available. I used to play for days and forgo sleep and my studies.
IGN (In Game Name): fausto240
Anything comments or concerns?: Now for the long version if you care to read it, if not it is just superfluous stuff and there is a tl:dr at the bottom haha.