[1.5.2] Thaumic Tinkerer V1.0.8 Research Cheat Sheet

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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I have more Cheat Sheets!
Thaumcraft 4 - LINK
Thaumic Tinkerer V1 - LINK
Thaumic Tinkerer V2 - LINK
Thaumcraft Addon Compenium - LINK

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v1.1.8 [ .doc / .pdf ]​

This is an unofficial guide used without permission of the modmaker - All imagery provided are created from screenshots of the mod in use. All links provided follow the ToS and will not use profiteering third party sources such as Adfly.

If you like this guide, be sure to go and thank Haighyorkie on Youtube for doing such an awesome job guiding a thaumcraft noob into making what I like to think is a pretty damn comprehensive reference guide as I really don't believe I could have done it without him and his videos. Go check them out.

Thaumic Tinker is the successor to the Elemental Tinker mod made by Vazkii and follows the Thaumcraft mod as an addon. It adds items and blocks unique to Thaumcraft that maintain it's wonderfully aberrant vision of magical and practical.

All items added by the mod have a [TT] tag in their description in the thaumonomicon to destinguish between them.

Bottle of Rain Water
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: (No Recipe)
Nature: Crafting Material
By right clicking with an empty bottle while raining you can collect rain water.
Sadly, rain water is inpure and can not be put to the same uses as the spring water commonly used. On the other hand, it's the only way you know of studying the Aer* aspect.
Weather is a complex subject, so this probably won't come in handy until later in your career.

Smokey Quartz
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ x ] (Blocks follow existing Quartz recipes using Smokey Quartz as replacement for normal Quartz.
Nature: Aesthetic Building Material/Blocks
Smokey Quarts is pretty much Quartz, but negative. All regular blocks that can be made with quartz, can also be made with smokey quartz, and they look black.
Smokey Quartz itself can be made with a piece of coal or charcoal for tinting, and a few pieces of regular nether quartz.

Tome of Knowledge Sharing
Research: (Creatively spawned)
Required Research: (Creatively spawned)
Recipe: (Creatively spawned)
Nature: Research sharing tool
This is a creative only item.
It can be right clicked by a player to keep their research. After this, another player can right click it and they'll learn all that the other player knew. This is good for co-op playing.
Have fun - Vazkii

Gaseous Glowstone
Research: Lux - Potentia - Aura
Required Research: Nitor
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Invisible Light Source
You have studied the intricacies of the Light, and found out a way to create completely invisible light by infusing Glowstone with the raw flame.
This phial contains a concentrated extract of Gaseous Glowstone, that can be released through a right click,a and will spread relatively fast in the nearby area, lighting it up.

Gaseous Tenebrae
Research: Tenebris - Potentia - Aura
Required Research: Alumentum - Gaseous Glowstone
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Invisible Darkness
You have studied the intricacies of the Shadow, and found out a way to create completely invisible light by infusing Smokey Quartz with the raw power.
This phial contains a concentrated extract of Gaseous Tenebrae, that can be released through a right click,a and will spread relatively fast in the nearby area, darkening it.

Fume Dissipator
Research: Aura - Lux - Tenebris
Required Research: Gaseous Tenebrae
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Gaseous Dissipation Device
After knowing both the Gaseous Glowstone and Tenebrae, you are thinking it's becoming a hassle to get rid of it. With this item, by shift-right clicking on it, all the nearby gas will get dissipated.

Silk Cutter
Research: Instrumentum - Pannus - Tenebris (Requires Knowledge Fragment Research)
Required Research: Thaumium
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Silk Touch Omnitool
The texts you studied spoke of a powerful tool that bared the Silk Touch enchantment. You seem to have managed to replicate it.
This item acts as an "omnitool" of sorts, it can break virtually anything, but it's not very fast at it. You think enchanting it with Efficiency using an anvil is the next logical step.
Further more, after crafting this item, it instantly comes enchanted with the Silk Touch enchantment. The one downside to this is that it can't be enchanted through regular means. It also seems to hold it's magical energy with an extraordinary bond, possibly unbreakable.

Fortunate Maul
Research: Instrumentum - Tenebris - Carus (Requires Knowledge Fragment Research)
Required Research: Thaumium
Recipe:[ x ]
Nature: Fortune Omnitool
The texts you studied spoke of a powerful tool that bared the Fortune enchantment. You seem to have managed to replicate it.
This item acts as an "omnitool" of sorts, it can break virtually anything, but it's not very fast at it. You think enchanting it with Efficiency using an anvil is the next logical step.
Further more, after crafting this item, it instantly comes enchanted with the Fortune III enchantment. The one downside to this is that it can't be enchanted through regular means. It also seems to hold it's magical energy with an extraordinary bond, possibly unbreakable.

Transvector Interface / Interface Binder
Research: Permutatio - Potentia - Alienis - Machina
Required Research - Magical Building Blocks
Recipe: - [ Transvector Interface ] [ Interface Binder ]
Nature - Wireless Interface Extension
Description - "The thing is, there's only six sides to a block." - Direwolf20
Myth = Busted! Your latest construct can be bound to a block in the nearby vacinity. It's sides will mimic the sides of the block selected, and it'll function as an extnsion. It can accept buildcraft power, items, and liquids, being able to also export the latter two.

In order to bind an interface to another block, you need to create a special tool to do so. What you call the Interface Binder should get the job done.
By simply right clicking on the interface followed by right clicking on the target, these two can get bound and ready for operation. (Note: buildcraft pipes will need to be broken and replaced to work)

Goliath's Leggings
Research: Bestia - Tutamen
Required Research: Thaumaturge's Robes
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Armor
Making use of the Thaumaturge's Robes you created, you further worked on them, creating new leggings. These leggings protect the wearer from all incoming damage, by reducing it by 1.
Furthermore, when the wearer would die by a crushing blow then they have more than 2.5 hearts, they stay barely alive with half a heart.
They also give a more powerful vis reuction.

Spell Binding Cloth
Research: Praecantatio - Permutatio - Pannus
Required Research: Enchanted Fabric - Unified Thaumic Field Theory
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Enchantment Remover
By mixing some Enchanted Fabric with raw Enchantment power, you created a cloth that can be rubbed on an item to whip it of it's enchantments by combining them in a Crafting Recipe

Talisman of Remedium
Research: Cognito - Sano - Praecantatio - Instrumentum - Aqua
Required Research: Unified Thaumic Field Theory
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Debuff dispeller
You have studied life and the body and found that through the application of magic you can protect yourself from harmful outside influences by redirecting these effects to another place. This talisman will dispell most harmfull effects on the holder, at the cost of vis from the local aura.

To enable or disable this ability, one would shift-right click on it. As expected it only works while enabled.

Aphrodisiac Concoction
Research: Victus - Sano - Solum - Imperito
Required Research: Unified Thaumatic Field Theory
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Splash Potion (Animal Breeding tool)
Description: You have formulated a recipe for a concoction with the essence of love.
This potion-like item acts similar to a splash potion, simply tossing it near an area with livestock will cause the same effects as if these animals had been fed with their food of choice.

Cryogenic Globe
Research: - Corpus - Victus - Tempus - Gelum
Required Research - Unified Thaumatic Field Theory
Recipe: - [ x ]
Nature - Mob Despawn Negator
Description - After study of the element of cold, you managed to devise a globe of pure cold.
This globe can be utilized by left clicking on a living being (this won't hurt them). Upon doing so, the globe is consumed, and the living being gets possessed with cryogenic energy, preventing it from naturally despawning.

Wand of the Tinkerer
Research: Vacuos - Praecantatio
Required Research: Goggles of Revealing
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Vis Wand
After learning more about the Aura through direct inspection of it using the Goggles of Revealing, you decided you need a better wand, thus, you formulated a wand perfect for an experienced Tinkerer.
This wand can carry 500 vis, unlike the Wand of the Adept. It's not a very dispendious item either. The downside of being forced to store more vis, is that it recharges slower in comparison to it's counterpart, the Wand of the Adept.

Research: Mutatio - Praecantatio - Visum
Required Research: Basic Flux Research - Goggles of Revealing
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Flux Detector
Through the research of the flux itself, and through the usage of one of your early discoveries, the Thaumometer, you managed to discover an upgrade for it.
This new detector, the Fluxometer can measure the flux in the nearest relevant node. Whilst looking at the Fluxometer with Goggles of Revealing, the user can see what flux is in the air. The flux displays as icons, the opacity of which icon indicates how much of that aspect is in the aura. If you look close, you can see maxed out aspects as a bit unstable.

Golem Name Tag
Research: Tenebris - Lignum
Required Research: Golemancy
Recipe:[ x ]
Nature: Golem Nameplate
A name tag with some magic. Giving it to one of your golem minions will have them show off their name.
To do this, the item must be named in an anvil, one would left click the golem with the named item. This does not hit or damage the golem

Ender Mirror
Research: Visum - Alienis - Praecantatio - Instrumentum
Required Research: Magic Hand Mirror
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Handheld Ender Chest (Vanilla)
You have put the knowledge aquired from constructing the Magic Hand Mirror into good use, and applied it to the Ender Chests.
This mirror, for a small cost of vis form the local aura, allows you to access your ender chest inventory without needing to place it down yourself.

Phantom Stone Block
Research: Vitreus - Saxum - Animus - Alienis - Vinculum
Required Research: Warded Stone and Doors
Recipe: [ x ] (Dye as desired in recipe)
Nature: Ghost Blocks
You don't now how you managed to do it, but you have found a way of creating blocks that exist in non-euclidean space.
These blocks are based on the design you had but together for Warded Stone Blocks, they can only be broken by the player who placed them, using a wand.
However there's a particularity to these. They have no physical boundaries for the player who placed them to walk through them, allowing them to walk through these blocks as if they didn't exist. For everything else, they act as normal blocks.

Warded Chest
Research: Lignum - Vacuos - Praecantatio
Required Research: Warded Stone and Doors
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Unbreakable Block (Storage)
After creating, and working with Warded Blocks, you have discovered a way of making them into storage. This chest is completely safe and can only be opened by the person who placed it. It also has an extended storage space.
Similarly to Warded Blocks, this chest can be removed with a wand. On a negative note, the chest lacks a keyhole.

Rune Thanatos
Research: Vinculum - Potentia - Mortuus
Required Research: Warded Chest
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Handheld Item Loss Prevention
Description: By studying Death itself, you found a way of making use of the powers of item storage you learned from creating Warded Chests, and made a way to secure your belongings upon death.
When you die with this item on you. All that you are carrying gets stored in it. The rune will then stay where you died, it's invulnerable, and doesn't despawn. When you come back to get it, your inventory will get reorganized to it's original state before death, as best as possible. The rune will shatter in the process.

Wand of Dislocation
Research: Vinculum - Permutatio - Vitreus
Required Research: Wand of Equal Trade - Portable Hole
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Block Moving Wand
After studying the Wand of Equal Trade, you found a way to use it in order to store, and move things around.
Right clicking one block will encase it into the wand. Right clicking with a block in the wand will move it elsewhere.
This power is provenient from the portable hole, so your new wand will be able to get anything the portable hole can.from that item.

Talisman of Withhold
Research: Viculum - Malum - Cognito
Required Research: Brain in a Jar
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Handheld Experience Sponge
After knowing that Zombie Brains have the ability to store experience, you will have created a talisman that mimics that behavior, not to a perfect extend though.
To switch the ability to store experience, you need to shift-right-click on the talisman. When the talisman is enabled it'll absorb any nearby experience orbs, this can be transformed back into useable experience by rightclicking with a glass bottle in your inventory, turning that bottle into a Bottle o' Enchanting.

Infernal Bracelet
Research: Metallum - Ignis - Saxum
Required Research: Arcane Bellows
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Handheld smelter
Knowing the ability of an Infernal Furnace to smelt items, you went on to study a way of using that power from your hands.
This bracelet smelts blocks in the world with a right click on them. In order for it to do so, it needs to be charged by right-clicking on an active Arcane Bellows, in order to convey the energy of the furnace.

Wand of Uprising
Research: Volito - Motus - Praecantatio - Potentia
Required Research: Sword of the Zephyr
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Travelling Wand
Using the knowledge you got from creating the Sword of the Zephyr of propelling things around with the air, you created a wand that will propel the holder in the direction they're looking at.
While someone is flying through the use of this wand, any accumulated gravitational energy is negated, resetting the fall damage the holder would take.

Sword of the Condor
Research: Volito - Potentia - Motus - Praecantatio
Required Research: Wand of Uprising
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Upgraded Tool
You have found a way of combining the Sword of the Zephyr with your latest creation, the Wand of Uprising. By doing so, you managed to duplicate the effect of the wand used, albeit at a faster speed. It's also possible to sneak right-click to be propelled backwards.
Doing suck, however, comes with a few drawbacks. The sword loses it's ability to propel nearby goes, or slow your fall, not to mention that this flight is hard to control. However, by reinforcing the sword with extra Thaumium, it become extremely resistant.

Crystals of Climate (Sunlight / Rainfall)
Research: - Aer - Aqua - Vitreus - Visum - Ignis
Required Research - The Theory of Everthing
Recipe: - [ Crystal of Sunlight ] [ Crystal of Rainfall ]
Nature - Weather Management
Description - By studying the element of weather, you managed to create a pair of crystals that will allow you to manipulate it.
These two crystals, of Sunlight and Rainfall, allow you to, respectively, halt and create rain, by shattering them.


Hyperenergetic Nitor
Research: Motus - Fractus - Ignis - Potentia - Lux - Visum
Required Research: The Theory of Everything
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Handheld Light
Description: After shattering some walls on the fourth quadrant, you managed to create a light that will shine even if it's being carried by a player by energizing the everburning flame that is Nitor with sources of energy, like Alumentum.
The light casted by this will shine closely behind the carrier, it seems to leave a longer trail in the nether, due to the heat.

Lost Enchantments
Research: Praecantatio - Cognito - Gelum - Animus - Ignis - Bestiola - Alienis - Potentia - Telum - Instrumentum (Requires Knowledge Fragment Research)
Required Research: The Theory of Everything
Recipe: [ Freezing I ] [ Soulbringer I ] [ Vampirism I ] [ Ashes I ]
Nature: Enchantments from Thaumcraft 2
Description: Extensive research of lost knowledge revealed a set of four very powerful Enchantments.
These enchantments can not be enchanted through the regular means of using an enchanting table, rather, they would need to be created by the usage of an infusion alter. Furthermore, only one of these enchantments can be applied to a specific item at any given time.
Freezing: Any entity hit with this sword will recieve a freezing effect, imparing their movement. Being set on fire will negate this.
Soulbringer: When a sword imbued with this hits an undead, there's a chance for that undead to get possessed and succumb to your side.
Vampirism: Upon hitting an entity, a quarter of the damage dealt will be absorbed by the attacker.
Ashes: The only of the four enchantments that isn't only for weapons. Any item that has this enchantment, upon being broken, it'll be revived back to life, at the cost of this enchantment and two random others.

Reaper's Scythe
Research: Malum - Mortuus - Animus - Alienis - Tenebris - Victus - Corpus
Required Research: The Theory of Everything
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Weapon/Shears hybrid
Description: You've studied malicent knowledge, and created a scythe that reaps with pure evil.
This scythe pairs with a Thaumium sword on all aspects, however, upon killing a hostile living being with it, the soul of that being will get reaped and converted into a soul heart, which acts as a shield absorbing damage taken. Sadly, a soul heart will disappear entirely after protecting the bearer from any damage. Up to 20 soul hearts can be accumulated.
The scythe also cuts tall grass and leaves with finesse without sustaining as much as a scratch.

Sigil of Memories
Research: Motus - Machina - Alienis
Required Research: The Theory of Everything
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Handheld Teleportation Device
You have created an item that allows you to return to where you've been before. By right clicking this sigil somewhere, it'll be bound to it.
After a sigil is bound, you can hold-right-click like a bow to charge and activate it, which teleports you back to where the sigil was bound at. Shattering it in the process.

Stopwatch of the Timetwister
Research: Machina - Tempus
Required Research: The Theory of Everything
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Time Restorer
You have found a way of twisting the very fabric of time to your own will.
With a simple click of this stopwatch, you can bind your position, health, and food to it. One minute later, if you still have the watch in your possession, you will be returned to this point.

Arcane Transmutator
Research: Permutatio - Mutatio
Required Research: Crystal Core - Wand of Equal Trade
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Transmutation Table
After researching further into the intricacies of the Aura itself, you have found a way to directly siphon it's vis, and using aspects from nearby aspectual sources, conjure it into matter.
This block can accept an item to be used as a pattern to create a new one. Only simple items, in termsof aspect count can be created, and in doing so, it takes both vis from the aura, and quadruple of each aspect

Tool Dynamism Tablet
Research: Praecantatio - Motus - Imperito - Machina
Required Research: Advanced Golemancy
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Animated Tools/Aesthetic Display
You decided to further discover the uses of Golem Animation Cores, and this is the fruit of that labour.
This tablet can accept an item to animate with mystical energy. Using the left and right buttons in the tablet's interface, you can select to do a left or right click with the item. The button in the bottom controls if the tablet reacts always when it can or just when a redstone signal is applied.
Virtually anything can be animated, including blocks. The type of tool in the tablet also defines how fast something breaks, as expected.

Thaumostatic Magnetizer
Research: - Metallum - Aura - Potentia - Imperito - Machina
Required Research - Thaumostatic Harness
Recipe: - [ x ]
Nature - Item Magnet
Description - With the knowledge of the thaumostatic field you got from the Thaumostatic Harness, you made something, a bit less impressive, admittedly, that may prove useful.
This block acts like a magnet, it's state can be changed by right clicking it. While in south (blue) mode, it'll pull nearby items towards it. While in north (red) mode, it'll do the opposite. Furthermore, the range of attraction, or repulsion, is determined by the strength of the redstone signal applied to it.

Advanced Thaumostatic Magnetizer / Soul Mould
Research: - Machina - Purus - Corpus - Potentia - Metallum - Motus - Cognitio - Carus
Required Research - Thaumostatic Magnetizer
Recipe: - [ Advanced Thaumostatic Magnetizer ] [ Soul Mould ]
Nature - Mob Magnet
Description - With the Thaumostatic Magnetizer, you devised a way to manipulate inanimate objects in the world with a magnetic fiend, this was useful but with more tinkerering you have devised a way to apply this magnetic field to the flesh (living or dead).
This block acts as a magnet, it's state can be changed by right clicking it. While in south (blue) mode, it'll pull any nearby mobs towards it. While in north (red) mode, it'll do the opposite. Furthermore, the range of this attraction, or repulsion, is determined by the strength of the redstone signal applied to it.

With the new function of the magnetizer, you have created a filtering system for the Advanced Magnetizer.
Using a new device you have created you can Right-click on a mob to take a copy of it's magnetic signature and then use this to make the magnetizer affect only that mob.
Shift-Right clicking will clear the Magnetic Signature.
To use the Soul Mould as a filter, Right-Click the Advanced Magnetizer with a casting wand to open the interface and place the Soul Mould in.

* - Aer is an unused aspect added by the Vanilla Thaumcraft 3 Mod.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guide Updates
Thaumcraft 4's out. As such, Thaumic Tinkerer's updated. What does this mean for this topic?

Nothing, that's what it means.

The thread will continue as normal and more research will be included as it's found.

However as I've mentioned I have a lot on my plate. I'm studying for a doctorate, I'm planning my own wedding and I'm working. So updates and research will be slow. Still - This shouldn't stop you. This thread has become one of, if not the most popular cheat sheet for Thaumic Tinkerer, but it didn't become this on it's own. It included all of you.

I encourage each and everyone of you to contribute what you know to the thread to allow the topic to update as quickly as possible.

Furthermore, I encourage other topics/wikis/etc to gather information on their own. What matters is a guide available to all. Not who has it.

Soooo~. It would appear you guys have a character limit per post on your forums. That's fun.
So I'm moving sh*t around, moving updates and such here. Spoilering older stuff.

I'm also going to include FTBWiki links to the research articles above so you can go there for reference if needed and if it doesn't include them, well hey I guess you got more reason to add my information to their pages yourself.

For more information about Thaumic Tinkerer's inclusion to FTBWiki, other wikias and what it has to do with this guide, click the "In regards to FTBWiki Articles and Information Distribution Permission" spoiler below.

Research is now placed in put in order of how far into the research requirement they come from early-game to late-game. Away from that they are placed in no other particular order (alphabetized or etc.) If you want this to change, please post with a list of research in your desired order and I'll amend the OP.
In Regards to the ftbwiki and it's inclusion of Thaumic Tinkerer
We all knew it was coming eventually, good news it's sooner rather than later! Let me tell you why this thread was made. It was made because when I was looking for a cheat sheet I couldn't find one. The wiki's didn't seem to have one, none of the forums did, the only source of information I had was Haighyorkie and his videos.
Now it seems as if people are taking it upon themselves to finally start including the mod into the wikias and I've been asked whether I or someone else wants to add my information to them.
I can't do it myself. I have things going on away from the computer that take higher priority in my life right now and I simply don't have the time to devote to it.

That said, I give full permission for the sake of progression to anyone who wants to use the information gathered below to fill out the wiki of their choice. More the merrier. I don't want credit, I don't want to be involved further than this thread, I don't even want thanks for a good deed. Now here's what I want to happen. I want, when you guys have finished, to go into google, search for the item I need to know about and see links to it's wikia pages filled with comprehensive information. That's all I want, that's all I need.

Make it happen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is important to those who come here still, looking for the guide to TTv2.
The mod version this guide is dedicated to is now discontinued. No more updates will be made to this page unless by some weird happening Anazor releases Thaumcraft 3 for recent minecraft versions and by extension Vazkii puts out TTv1 likewise. I highly doubt this is going to happen. That said, this guide will continue to be here for the sake of reference. Once again, I cannot stress this enough. I give full permission to anyone to use the information gathered here in their wikis, thread topics, etc. I don't even want credit.
I've been asked a couple times why I'm so liberal with the information I gathered. Given how hard I worked on the information you may think that I hold some sort of creative ownership over this information and in a way I suppose you could say it's true. However, to me, it isn't/ The information gathered here isn't mine. I wouldn't feel right claiming ownership of it. The information comes from a mod that isn't mine, it's posted on a website that isn't mine. Honestly there's not a thing in this topic, other than my account, that I can really claim ownership over. This information doesn't belong to anyone. It's here to be shared and used however a user see's fit. For me to say you can't defeats it's purpose.​
Whether this information exists here by my doing or on say ftbwikia by someone elses doing, the point is it exists and that people find it useful, relevant and accurate. Ownership is by all accounts irrelevant.​
That said, there is one thing I don't agree with, and that's taking credit for someone else's work.​
I don't know if I've been lucky, ignorant, pessimistic of the community or optimistic about the value of the guides, but I've never seen anyone look at the information here and claim that they are to thank for it's existence. In my heart of hearts I don't expect anyone too either.​
Not to say that anyone would want to do that and as far as I'm aware no-one has.​
I guess the point of my bring this up is that I don't expect thanks for doing this. I don't need or want it and I don't expect anyone else to expect it either. Especially when they don't deserve it.​
I don't know why I'm bringing this up. I guess I'm just speaking my mind...​
Expect it or not however, I will start to include a segment for those who contributed to the threads because whether thanks are warranted or not, you guys are just as responsible for this as I am.​
In other news, as I said in one of my posts, I've recently been made a Wikia team member for Resonant Rise. I don't expect to do much work there. I don't exactly have free time in abundance. So what I will do will be exclusive to the Thaumic series like I have done with my cheat sheets. Who knows, I might just end up helping out or tweaking a few more things here and there. Watch this space.​
I'm not sure when I'll start work on it. Whenever I have free time and the motivation to get something done. Right now I'm newvous as hell about working with WikiMedia or whatever the fuck it's called. Fingers Crossed.​
I'm getting married soon. As if that hasn't been said by me enough.​
I'm both excited and terrified as fuck. Had I been asked a couple years ago if I ever planned to get married or saw myself getting married in the future, I'd have said "Don't be so damn stupid."​
I didn't see this coming. That's the truth.​
I couldn't be happier.​
This is relevant because after I get married I'm probably going to take a year's vacation from work/education. Not that it's any of your business but yes; I can afford to and yes my job will allow that. I guess that'll leave me more time to get in touch with more mods and see if there's anything else I can do a guide with. I'm not exactly sure with what and how it'll be anywhere similar to making a guide for Thaumcraft but... We'll see, I guess.​
That's it. Thanks for listening to me ramble...​
Watch this space.​
Awesome and wonderful contributors!
tukuiPat and his friend


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a fyi concerning Phantom Blocks: They cannot be removed if they are used in between Warded Stoneblocks, as they mimic the looks and behaviour of them, but do not "know" their owner - hence cannot be removed with any wand or pick once placed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Three posts? *grin* looks like I'll post here to say "collected" and slip this into the list when I update for 1.6

Well, I assumed that was how it was done with guides here. Honestly I struggled with what to put in them.[DOUBLEPOST=1372593233][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just a fyi concerning Phantom Blocks: They cannot be removed if they are used in between Warded Stoneblocks, as they mimic the looks and behaviour of them, but do not "know" their owner - hence cannot be removed with any wand or pick once placed.

What about if the stone blocks are removed first?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a fyi concerning Phantom Blocks: They cannot be removed if they are used in between Warded Stoneblocks, as they mimic the looks and behaviour of them, but do not "know" their owner - hence cannot be removed with any wand or pick once placed.
What about if the stone blocks are removed first?
Sadly, it does not concern the Phantom Blocks in the least. They still are unremovable, unless an OP in Creative Mode breaks them. I tried literally every "block breaking" tool available, no success. And yes, the PB was floating midair not connected to any other block.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2012
*cough* you misspelled azanor in your Credit where credits due post *cough*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aphrodisiac Concoction - Victus, Sano, Solum, Imperito

Reapers Scythe - Malum, Mortuus, Animus, Alienis, Tenebris, Victus, Corpus

Hyperenegetic Nitor - Motus, Fractus, Ignis, Potentia, Lux, Visum

Seen as its missing, I'll post any others as I advance through research


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aphrodisiac Concoction - Victus, Sano, Solum, Imperito

Seen as its missing, I'll post any others as I advance through research

I'm in the midst of the research now, however I'll add this to the list. If you have anymore information I'd appreciate all the help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry I forgot to post the description etc, I'll edit this post with any updates.

Aphrodisiac Concoction - Victus, Sano, Solum, Imperito
Required Research - Unified Thaumatic Field Theory
Nature - Splash Potion
Description - You have forumalated (formulated?) a recipe for a concoction with the essence of love.
This potion-like item acts similar to a splash potion, simply tossing it near an area with livestock will cause the same effects as if these animals had been fed with their food of choice.

Reapers Scythe - Malum, Mortuus, Animus, Alienis, Tenebris, Victus, Corpus
Required Research - The Theory of Everything
Nature - Weapon/Shears in one
Description - You've studied malicent knowledge, and created a scythe that reaps with pure evil.
This scythe pairs with a Thaumium sword on all aspects, however, upon killing a hostile living being with it, the soul of that being will get reaped and converted into a soul heart, which acts as a shield absorbing damage taken. Sadly, a soul heart will disappear entirely after protecting the bearer from any damage. Up to 20 soul hearts can be accumulated.
The scythe also cuts tall grass and leaves with finesse without sustaining as much as a scratch.

Hyperenegetic Nitor - Motus, Fractus, Ignis, Potentia, Lux, Visum
Required Research - The Theory of Everything
Nature - Handheld Light
Description - After shattering some walls on the fourth quadrant, you managed to create a light that will shine even if it's being carried by a player by energizing the everburning flame that is Nitor with sources of energy, like Alumentum.
The light casted by this will shine closely behind the carrier, it seems to leave a longer trail in the nether, due to the heat.

Thaumostatic Magnetizer - Imperito, Metallum, Aura, Machina, Potentia
Required Research - The Theory of Everything, Thaumostatic Harness.
Nature - Magnetic/Repulsive Block
Description - With the knowledge of the thaumostatic field you got from creating the thaumostatic harness, you've made something, a bit less impressive, admittedly, that may prove useful.
This block acts like a magnet, it's state can be changed by right clicking it. While in south (blue) mode, it'll pull any nearby items towards it. While in north (red) mode, it'll do the opposite. Furthermore, the range of this attraction, or repulsion, is determined by the strength of the redstone signal applied to it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You are a gentleman and a scholar!
Thanks very much. I'll be sure to include the recipes when I've researched them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just as a side note to those who are wondering;
Sorry it's taking so long, but the guide will get done. When? Eventually.
I'm just doing other things right now at the same time.

I'm looking after a livestream of my own
Other help threads of mine, for example MineFactory, which needs more added to it at some point. Blegh.
Then I'm compiling a sphax texture pack for Unleashed and possibly unhinged from scratch for 64x and 128x with WIP packs that aren't exactly optimized for drag+drop into a folder and need to be positioned correctly.

And then I got IRL stuff to take care off.
A girlfriend -- which between you and me, may soon be fiance. (with any luck)
Work, funeral arrangements for a family member who passed away recently which I'd rather not talk about further than that.

So it may take a little bit.

In the mean time, I welcome anyone else to add their own information or even take over and do this on their own if I'm not being quick enough.
No hard feelings, promise.
Thanks for understanding.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Crystals of Climate - Aer, Aqua, Vitreus, Visum, Ignis
Required Research - The Theory of Everthing
Nature - Weather Management
Description - By studying the element of weather, you managed to create a pair of crystals that will allow you to manipulate it.
These two crystals, of Sunlight and Rainfall, allow you to, respectively, halt and create rain, by shattering them.

Hope this helps :D
Also it says asdf on the last page, nothing useful but I thought it was funny aha.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just as a side note to those who are wondering;
Sorry it's taking so long, but the guide will get done. When? Eventually.
I'm just doing other things right now at the same time.

I'm looking after a livestream of my own
Other help threads of mine, for example MineFactory, which needs more added to it at some point. Blegh.
Then I'm compiling a sphax texture pack for Unleashed and possibly unhinged from scratch for 64x and 128x with WIP packs that aren't exactly optimized for drag+drop into a folder and need to be positioned correctly.

And then I got IRL stuff to take care off.
A girlfriend -- which between you and me, may soon be fiance. (with any luck)
Work, funeral arrangements for a family member who passed away recently which I'd rather not talk about further than that.

So it may take a little bit.

In the mean time, I welcome anyone else to add their own information or even take over and do this on their own if I'm not being quick enough.
No hard feelings, promise.
Thanks for understanding.

I know this is off-topic somewhat, but I've been searching high and low for a Sphax pack for Unleashed that works. I've tried the few on the forums but they never seem to work and usually crash completely. If/when you finish compiling a 64x pack, is there any chance you could put it up somewhere for download? Or barring that, could you go into more detail as to what you meant when you said the patch had to be "positioned correctly" to work?

More on topic, the guide's quite helpful! I've never bought into the whole "trial and error till you figure out what you need!" aspect of Thaumcraft research, so this has saved me a good bit of wasted time and resources. Now if only someone could list how to get all the new trees from Binnie's Mods...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This isn't the place for that and I'm fairly sure I said the exact same thing on my own texture pack forum post, but being positioned correctly means files and folders in the right place.
People seem to often forget the transition of 1.4-1.5 and how texture packs work differently so they slap outdated mod textures in with their "newer" packs and are surprised when it doesn't work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Transvector Interface: Permutatio, Alienis, Machina, Praecantatio
Required Research: Arcane Building Blocks
Nature: Mechanism
Description: "The thing is, there's only six sides to a block." -Direwolf20
Myth = Busted! Your latest construct can be bound to a block in the nearby vicinity. It's sides will mimic the sides of the block selected, and it'll function as an extension. It can accept buildcraft power, items, and liquids, being able to also export the latter two.
[Page 2]
In order to bind an interface to another block, you need to create a special tool to do so. What you call the Interface Binder should get the job done.
By simply right clicking on the interface followed by right clicking on the target, these two get bound and ready for operation. (Note: buildcraft pipes need to be broken and replaced to work.)