It seems as though the next version which will have the Iron Chests fix will also include the latest Applied Energistics update as well. I'm still holding off on Forestry for now, it seems to have broken more than it fixed.
Not if he prides himself on a quality product.The work of a mod pack builder is never done eh?![]()
BC wrench works for all TE wrench requirements and vice versa. What other wrench is needed?Can you add omnitools? it's pain in da ass to use 2 types of wrenches.
Precision Sledgehammer - I dunno if it BC wrenches do work with it, thought - and RC crowbars.BC wrench works for all TE wrench requirements and vice versa. What other wrench is needed?
It does indeed have a lot of useful things. However, we're currently experiencing a 'feature freeze' for this mod pack until 1.6 comes out. The update which has already been pushed to the mod pack team that will release later this week is going to be the final iteration of this mod pack for 1.5.2.Do you think you could add extra utilities? There are some really useful things in that mod.Also, thanks for the awesome mod pack
First off, update your Java. We're up to 1.7.0_25 nowjust tried launching the pack but get a fatal error from FML. here is what the log file says:2013-06-29 13:56:59
[INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.5.2 loading
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_17, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
Check your internet connection or your permissions. You need internet access to run Forge the first time. Otherwise, make sure to run it as an Administrator so it has permission to write.2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] There was a problem downloading the file automatically. Perhaps you have an environment without internet access. You will need to download the file manually or restart and let it try again2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Java classpath at launch is C:\Users\Computer\Documents\FTB\FTB_Launcher.exe;anything;C:\Users\Computer\Documents\FTB\ShneekeyCraft\instMods\;C:\Users\Computer\Documents\FTB\ShneekeyCraft\minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar;C:\Users\Computer\Documents\FTB\ShneekeyCraft\minecraft\bin\lwjgl.jar;C:\Users\Computer\Documents\FTB\ShneekeyCraft\minecraft\bin\lwjgl_util.jar;C:\Users\Computer\Documents\FTB\ShneekeyCraft\minecraft\bin\jinput.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Java library path at launch is C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;.
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Enabling runtime deobfuscation
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] All core mods are successfully located
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Discovering coremods
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate coremod CodeChickenCore
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loading coremod CodeChickenCore
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loaded coremod CodeChickenCore
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate coremod CoFHCore-
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loading coremod CoFHCore-
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod cofh.asm.CoFHPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loaded coremod CoFHCore-
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate coremod immibis-microblocks-55.0.1.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loading coremod immibis-microblocks-55.0.1.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loaded coremod immibis-microblocks-55.0.1.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate coremod NotEnoughItems
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loading coremod NotEnoughItems
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loaded coremod NotEnoughItems
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate coremod PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.6-107.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loading coremod PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.6-107.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod powercrystals.core.CoreLoader requested minecraft version 1.5.2 and minecraft is 1.5.2. It will be loaded.
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Loaded coremod PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.6-107.jar
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file argo-small-3.2.jar present and correct in lib dir
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file guava-14.0-rc3.jar present and correct in lib dir
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file asm-all-4.1.jar present and correct in lib dir
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar present and correct in lib dir
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Downloading file
2013-06-29 13:56:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Downloading file
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file scala-library.jar present and correct in lib dir
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] There were errors during initial FML setup. Some files failed to download or were otherwise corrupted. You will need to manually obtain the following files from these download links and ensure your lib directory is clean.
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] *** Download
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] *** Download
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] *** Download
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] *** Download
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] *** Download
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] *** Download
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] <===========>
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The following is the errors that caused the setup to fail. They may help you diagnose and resolve the issue
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] A download error occured
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] <<< ==== >>>
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The following is diagnostic information for developers to review.
2013-06-29 13:57:04 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Error details
java.lang.RuntimeException: A download error occured
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchLibraryManager.downloadFile(
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchLibraryManager.handleLaunch(
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.setupHome(
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.relaunchApplet(
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.appletEntry(
at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(
at net.minecraft.Launcher.init(
at net.ftb.mclauncher.MinecraftFrame.start(
at net.ftb.mclauncher.MinecraftLauncher.main(
Caused by: Read timed out
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchLibraryManager.downloadFile(
... 8 more
Caused by: Read timed out
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchLibraryManager.downloadFile(
... 8 more
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] [13:57:16] [ERROR] FMLRelauncher.setupHome:192->MinecraftLauncher.main:214: Unhandled error launching minecraft: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: A fatal error occured and FML cannot continue
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.setupHome(
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.relaunchApplet(
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.appletEntry(
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] net.minecraft.Launcher.init(
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR] net.ftb.mclauncher.MinecraftFrame.start(
2013-06-29 13:57:16 [INFO] [STDERR]
Hmmm...I always add Bibliocraft, Xeno's Reliquary, MystCraft, Thaumcraft, Thaumic Tinkerer, Magic Bees and Extra Bees/Trees.
I dunno, I just like it. It adds a lot to the pack, and it is still lightweight enough that my friend who has a potato for a computer (no GLaDOS jokes here, alright?) can play with me.