1.5.2 pack..

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yeah Since was unable to get a Mod list form him I've been digging around the folders reverse engineering his mod pack to figure out what is loaded.

And I spend time in oceans hell I might have to go be an underwater hermit when I figured this thing out and jump on there just to spire you now.
My base:

I'm pretty happy with Kirin's 1.5.1 pack. I see no need to rush to 1.5.2, as there's nothing that vanilla has added (or mods have added) between 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 that is super amazing omg want nao!

It's all pretty meh.
Would you happen to have a pack download or launcher pack-name for that to share?
The entire thing was a lame Libertarian screed. It got really weird, which was too bad because book one started so strong. Then it was basically a dude giving you a libertarian lecture with dragons. I kept expecting The Sorceress Rand to show up and help Richard dispense knowledge.

You know what I'm waiting for? Desperately? The sequel to Way of Kings. Really intense book. I was totally riveted the entire read. Oh, and doesn't Black Prism get a sequel soon, too?
Well I've never been a part of a political party, I left the UK at 14 not caring about politics and so far I've not really been too interested in Irish politics either to the point where I haven't even registered myself as being able to vote. The only kind of political views I have is that The UK (and by extension, Ireland) shouldn't be a part of the EU, and that The Republican Party in the US is just horrible with some of it's more... religiously motivated policies.
I guess a large part of why I enjoyed the SoT books was that I kind of agreed with the message, it's a real dig at religion and the first time I read the books, I was quite heavily anti-theist and actively being a complete dick letting everyone know it and arguing with theists wherever I could find them (yes, far far more than I have been with whizz on here) The books basically have a message of "don't waste your life in the vain hope that there is another, better one waiting for you. Spend it like it's the only one you're gonna get" and I really respect that message.

I was there before! Didn't know it was yours though :P

Would you happen to have a pack download or launcher pack-name for that to share?
I think Dave is letting people download the configs and then you'd have to download the individual mods yourself, you'd have to ask him though :)
Some of the best books I have read would be the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon), Ender's Game (ALL OF THEM), and Hunger Games. For those interested in Ender's Game, Card is coming out with a book soon called "Shadow's Alive" and it will be bringing Ender's story and Bean's story together.
Other than the classics which anyone should read (Asimov, Heinlein...) there's some series which are really good, and some which aren't actually all that good, but are more like literary junk food in that it is at least an entertaining time-waster.

The Vor series by Lois McMaster Bujold. Excellent plot-building, excellent character development, and a likable main character. The 'prequal' duology is paired up in the book Cordelia's Honor, and deals with how the parents of the VP character of the rest of the series got together.

The Honorverse by David Webber. While mostly 'Horatio Hornblower in SPAAAAACE', and a definite Mary Sue as a titular character, it is nonetheless an engaging series. Fortunately, he's branching out and selecting other VP characters now, so the series has improved for the shift away from Honor as the VP character.

I didn't like the Wheel of Time series. Jordan was too windy, and there were too many complex plots going in too many directions. If his books are as thick as a trilogy each, it's because he is trying to pack three different stories into each book.

Game of Thrones series (the books, please) is literary popcorn. Sure, you can call each 'plot twist' a mile away as they come, but it's still an entertaining time-waster. At least he isn't shy about killing off major characters, though.
Man, this thread is completelly OT, but I love it.

I got a new phone recently and I aim to fill it up completely with e-books.

Well, mostly.
If this thread is now a books we like thread:

The Commonwealth Saga (Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained) by Peter F Hamilton is excellent.
Speaking of classics I really like the Discworld series by Terry Pratchet. :)

What do you think of the legend of the seeker books? I've read a prequel which I didn't find real excellent. But I heard the others are really good. I borrowed a stack of books but have yet to read them. Is it worth it?

If this thread is now a books we like thread:

The Commonwealth Saga (Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained) by Peter F Hamilton is excellent.

Yes they are! he wrote another series too which I thought was quite good. A few of of the book names are the neutron alchemist and another one called the naked god can't remember the names of the other one(s).
Speaking of classics I really like the Discworld series by Terry Pratchet. :)

What do you think of the legend of the seeker books? I've read a prequel which I didn't find real excellent. But I heard the others are really good. I borrowed a stack of books but have yet to read them. Is it worth it?


Yes they are! he wrote another series too which I thought was quite good. A few of of the book names are the neutron alchemist and another one called the naked god can't remember the names of the other one(s).
Look up for my opinions. And please don't call it Legend of the Seeker. That TV show was worse than standing in dogshit. It's the Sword of Truth series of books. The prequel was alright, but I read it after I'd read the 11 books, so I was already pretty enthralled by that stage.

And yeah, everyone loves Discworld books, my fav would be Night Watch.

Game of Thrones series (the books, please) is literary popcorn. Sure, you can call each 'plot twist' a mile away as they come, but it's still an entertaining time-waster. At least he isn't shy about killing off major characters, though.
I think the problem here is that people are refering to them as Game of Thrones books. It's A Song of Ice and Fire, and is much more than an "entertaining time-waster" I enjoyed them very much.
Omg diskworld series hahaha. Friend of mine is obsessed with them, i've read 3-4 but his style of writting i just cannot get into. Great books tho, by the time i've finished any of them i've always reflected back on them fondly.
I recently made my own 1.5.2 pack. I used Forge 710, CodeChickenCore, CoFHCore-, NotEnoughItems, PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.6-107. Mods i used are: Applied Energistics 10n, Ars Magica 5.52.003, A Sufficient Numbers Of Biomes 2.1.1, Buildcraft A-3.5.2., ChickenChunks, EmasherCore 1.5.2, Forestry, IC2 327, MineFactory Reloaded 2.5.4-665, Advanced Solars 3.3.7, Modular Powersuits 0.6.0-444 + Addon MPSA 0.2.3-141_MPS490, Natura 2.0.21, NEIaddons 1.5.2-1.5.r4, PowerConverters 2.3.0-54, Railcraft, Soulshards v 1.27, Tinkers Construct, Thaumcraft 3.0.5c, Thermal Expansion

The only thing i changed in configs was ID problem between Forestry and Tinkers Contruct - i changed ID in Forestry from 4094 to 4090.

Everything is working well but not all recipes are shown in NEI.
I'm a huuuuuge fan of the Malazan series - both the Book of the Fallen by Steven Eriksson and the companion series by Ian Cameron Esselmont. I would highly highly recommend it.
I have had a custom made 1.5.1 pack (built in MultiMC) that I have been using for the better part of a week or more now and.. thanks to ID Resolver... it works like a charm. The only issue I have is with some interaction between Forestry / Extra Bees and Inventory Tweaks: if I try to sort a chest full of bees I get a massive memory leak and the game seizes up within seconds. That being said.. everything else works like a charm. So, feeling confident after getting this all working I decided to see if I could upgrade it to 1.5.2 and immediately ran into issues.

Tons of stuff that says it is 1.5.2 won't run on a Forge version higher than 700 while the other half of things REQUIRE a Forge version higher than 700. Tons of problems with ChickenBones mods (ChickenChunks, NEI) and ExtraBees is now a version (or two) behind Forestry. I start ironing all of this out and immediately start getting arguments between ThaumCraft's world-gen and Ars Magicka's world-gen. To make matters worse, ID Resolver (what made my 1.5.1 run so smoothly) hasn't been updated to 1.5.2 yet so it won't run. Ah well. I'll stick to my 1.5.1 custom pack until things settle down with 1.5.2
I think I remember you mentioning that you didn't like how the author always brought Richard down or something like that?

idk, I love it. Probably my favourite book series of all time. Second would probably be A Song of Ice and Fire. Can't wait for the next book :D

Nice to see some other ASoIaF fans on these forums :D
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I don't really mind that the modpack is not yet released, however I would like it if they'd released a config pack for the 1.5 mods, with a possible modlist of mods that will be in it, that way I could already start playing the mods and won't have to worry about continueing my 1.5 world when the FTB 1.5 pack gets out
To stay on topic, however hard that is
For the people saying they have a modpack made for 1.5.2, by any chance could you make it one of the private packs (the ones which you type a code into on the launcher) so i may be able to use? :)

About the books thing, i read too much, as in, one week when read books rather than played games, i went through at least 6.5 books...
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I recently made my own 1.5.2 pack. I used Forge 710, CodeChickenCore, CoFHCore-, NotEnoughItems, PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.6-107. Mods i used are: Applied Energistics 10n, Ars Magica 5.52.003, A Sufficient Numbers Of Biomes 2.1.1, Buildcraft A-3.5.2., ChickenChunks, EmasherCore 1.5.2, Forestry, IC2 327, MineFactory Reloaded 2.5.4-665, Advanced Solars 3.3.7, Modular Powersuits 0.6.0-444 + Addon MPSA 0.2.3-141_MPS490, Natura 2.0.21, NEIaddons 1.5.2-1.5.r4, PowerConverters 2.3.0-54, Railcraft, Soulshards v 1.27, Tinkers Construct, Thaumcraft 3.0.5c, Thermal Expansion

The only thing i changed in configs was ID problem between Forestry and Tinkers Contruct - i changed ID in Forestry from 4094 to 4090.

Everything is working well but not all recipes are shown in NEI.

This is because you need the nei_plugins mod. Unfortunately there is not a version available for the newest NEI. So its a waiting game right now. But recent forge builds have really fixed somethings. Soon we will have a working 1.5.2 mod pack though.