Whitelist Server [1.4.7 Ultimate 1.0.1][Mature Players][Whitelist][15 slot for now]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is my first time starting up my own server for minecraft and I am hoping to have some mature and fun people to join the server who are willing to help others out if needed as well as just try to have a good time. The server is not that huge and will grow with the demand of applications from people. Right now the Max people we can have is 15 and I am going to accept 10 - 12 applications to keep the server from crashing. Like I said before if there is a great influx of people wishing to join then I will upgrade the server as time goes on. There is no dedicated Voip yet as I never had a need for it quite yet and Skye has been working for most of the people on the server. I will look in to one if it becomes warranted.

1. Basic speech and etiquette
a. No excessive cursing. A couple hear and there is fine I just dont need to see it every two words.​
b. No form of speech that makes another feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. If asked to stop, please stop. If this persists it will become a temp ban.​
2. No grefing and stealing or cheating
a. If it does not belong to you please don’t touch it. first offense is a temp ban. If this becomes a problem you will be banded.​
b. Don’t build close to another person, leave room for both of you to expand. everyone love to see there growth of there little empire.​
c. I have no tolerance for greifing, this will get you instantly banned. I do back up the server each day. So some loss may occur though its better to lose a little time over your whole empire.​
3. PVP by consent only.
a. Both parties need to be willing to PVP. I am more so for PvE though everyone is entitled to there fun, as long as both parties agree.​
4. Don’t be needy. Please be respectful.
a. I am the only Mod/Admin/Owner of the server and I am willing to help with anything I can. We are playing in survival so please don't ask for items.​
b. Please use Google first if you need help with how to do something. I can help with the things I know and I still spend long hours on Google learning​

Banned items:
Nukes. (Self explanatory)​
Subject to change
We are currently running all mods, I do not wish to take away the experience of the mod pack; (All subject to change, Though I will most likely update server first, then go from there) I have been having issues with Mystcraft so I ask that you keep the world making to only ONE PER PERSON for ease upon the server and to not kick off everyone all the time.​
Server Ip/Info:
Hostname: CoupleofFriends.lax6.creeperhost.net​
IP Address: Upon Acceptance​
Package: Zombie with 2 processor cores on node lax6 Our Slime package leverages the latest high performance virtualization technologies to utilize CPU and RAM in the best possible way, using block level cache to provide SSD level performance. (upgraded it today)​
RAM: 2048MB HDD:35 CPU: 2 cores Data transfer: Unlimited Platform: Virtual Server​
Hosted from: United States of America​
White List
A Questionnaire For Me
In Game Name:
Why should we let you into this server?
What you are looking for in a MC.Server?
Gaming Experience and Interest?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: sshawnsamuell
Age: 20
Country: East Coast U.S.
Why should we let you into this server? I'm nice, well versed in the mods, and like to help with community builds
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? stable server with a nice community
Gaming Experience and Interest? Played MC since 1.7 and modded since sometime 1.2.5 Tekkit


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: FijianMamba
Age: 17
Country: Canada
Why should we let you into this server? I think you should let me on the server because I am a very nice guy and I am very easy to get along with. It is very hard to make me dislike someone and I rarely get mad
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? I am looking for a stable server with players on most of the time. I also want to be able to work with others
Gaming Experience and Interest? I love games and I have played video games since I was 4. I have played minecraft for a year now and have played modded almos since then!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greetings my in game name is Benjahova and i am 34 years old i have 2 sons that i am hopeing to eventualy include in any community i join. i am rather new to the minecraft thing (about a month) but my boys are very into it and have been for some time. i am currently in collage for programming (construction wasn't working) so therefor i have an excess of time for a few months and will be very active in any community i join. i am hopeing to find a community that me and my 2 boys (11 and 9) can join and learn (ill be learning they will be teaching)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: HalliganCP
Age: 15
Country: United States
Why should we let you into this server? Previous server I played on was shut down and always have enjoyed the idea of playing with nice people so looking for another great community!
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Great group of people that I can just relax and have fun playing Minecraft with.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Been gaming for about five years and am looking into graphic design or coding for games as a career.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry there Ben, your name on here and in minecraft are different. it took me a minute to fix that, also i am looking in to yours as well Fiji[DOUBLEPOST=1368577366][/DOUBLEPOST]Should be working, i will be checking to see if it kicks you out again


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: young_juice
Age: 16
Country: US
Why should we let you into this server? Am a funny guy. like to be around other people
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? a good community
Gaming Experience and Interest? Love minecraft bf3 and guildwars 2, football intrest me i am a very good running back sign to northwestern


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Miroku2235
Age: 25
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? I'm a friendly guy who just wants to explore, dig, and explore some more.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Somewhere that isn't overcrowded and you have to go thousands of blocks out to find new areas, nice people, and friendly atmosphere.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Been gaming since I was a wee youngin', interested in almost all things nerd.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: AirsoftSI99
Age: 14
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? I am a nice and friendly person willing to help any newbs with mods.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Someplace that isn't crowded and has a friendly staff
Gaming Experience and Interest? I have been gaming since I was 7 years old and play lots of minecraft with friends.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: squidgen
Age: 14
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? I just want to help out in building some awesome structures and machines, and get more resources than I could possibly use. I have never been banned either, that counts for something, right?
What are you looking for in a MC.Server? A fairly small, friendly community that I can just play with without worring about griefing or getting my stuff stolen.
Gaming Experiance and Intrest: I have been playing Minecraft since beta 1.7.3 and got into the modded stuff around 1.2. I havn't realy been a serious gamer before then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: psycobilly
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? I am ok builder but what I like most is exploring and seeing the cool stuff people build. I am friendly and always willing to help out with whatever is needed.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? The other server i played on was kind of every man for himself. I would like to do some cool group builds.
Gaming Experience and Interest? I play a little bit of everything. Right now I go back and forward between Monster Hunter and Minecraft. I've played Minecraft since late beta, and I have played a bit of tekkit and FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: JuwanSkinner
Age: 17
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? I'm helpful and I like building technical builds. What else can you want on a FTB server?
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? A small community that doesn't get huge and lag. Which most servers turn into.
Gaming Experience and Interest? I play a bunch of games. The main games that I play now are DayZ, LoL, and Minecraft. Been playing Minecraft since Infdev and with mods since I started watching Direwolf20.