Whitelist Server [1.4.7 Ultimate 1.0.1][Mature Players][Whitelist][15 slot for now]

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In Game Name:dude22072
Why should we let you into this server? Mature(and somewhat intelligent)for my age. Trustworthy.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? One that won't go to all hell like every other server I've been on.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Eminence.
In Game Name: jakedabomb
Age: 13
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? I will bring unique builds and contraptions, and teach them among the players.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? A small community that actually, is a community, one that actually cares about the things in each other's lives.
Gaming Experience and Interest? I play mostly Minecraft, and recently started on FTB. I play different genres, and watch Mindcrack, and other people.
In Game Name: iKalito
Age: 24
Country: United Kingdom
Why should we let you into this server? Because I'm awesome :P jk... I have experience with Tekkit and FTB and I am always willing to help others.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Somewhere I can record for YT
Gaming Experience and Interest? Minecraft, COD, Fifa mostly.
In Game Name: joostmakaay
Age: 17
Country: The Netherlands
Why should we let you into this server? I'd like to contribute in projects and buildings, and i won't bother u guys with annoying questions.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Uptime, legit stuff and mature people.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Playing minecraft since Alpha and im a fan of MOBA's.
In Game Name: My In-Game-Name is Mr_ExCiTe. (Caps included)
Age: I'm currently 17 years of age.
Country: United States of America; California; Pacific Time Zone
Why should we let you into this server? Well, I'm not forcing you ;). I'm really friendly. I get along with mostly everybody, with a few exceptions :P.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? I'm looking for a small server, so me and my bud Traversy can play on. I also was looking for a server that didn't ban anything. I can see why people ban nukes, but why mining drills and quarry's?
Gaming Experience and Interest? I have played Minecraft ever since my 14th birthday. For FTB, I started it when Direwolf20 did the release video for the launcher pack. That day I downloaded it and played it till this day. I wouldn't say that I'm really good at FTB, but I know enough to get around.
In Game Name: _Latsi_

Age: 16 - hitting seventeen in about 3 weeks.

Country: USA, East Coast, - 5 GMT.

Why should we let you into this server?
Whenever applying for a server and I see a question like this, I am baffled about what to say. Mostly because the things you want to hear is that, "I'm mature, I won't grief, I'm friendly," etc. Which, that stuff is fine - but I feel like it is almost redundant in saying that. My usual approach is to go into more elaborate ideas, such as how I function very well in a community. I love to help people out, love it when others help me out, am willing to share, communicate, etc. Its just how I have always done things on online games. There are also specifics that I have been looking for in a server, such as not many banned items. I would say that I would like to take advantage of there not being banned items - but that sounds like I would abuse bugs and glitches. What I mean is because there are limited items banned, I would play the game the way it was meant to be played.

What you are looking for in a MC.Server?
Well, I already have a few MC Servers I play on, so I'm not really looking for an MC server, and these servers I have specifically chosen over the rest. These servers are ones with a close community, where everyone is friends with everyone. The three I mainly play are BeastCraft Public, BeastCraft Private, and Mongoose Country. As for a FTB server, a server with a small community, with limited banned items. We had a Feed the BeastCraft Private sever, for the private BeastCraft members, but it was recently turned off so that the other servers that run on the same computer would run better. This FTB server was small, it had no banned items, and it was alot of fun.

Gaming Experience and Interest?
I have been gaming for most of my life, getting my first gaming console at four years of age. My Godfather got me a PS2 - and I played the hell out of it for about 11 years. Around the time I was 9, I got my first desktop computer. At the time, it was state of the art. A year after I got that I bought myself an Xbox 360, a Wii, and a PS3 - and enjoyed all of them. Eventually I got a new computer as mine got old, and I instantly became addicted to it and forgot all about console gaming. The main games I have played are League of Legends and Minecraft. Recently though I have been playing MMOs - Neverwinter being the most current.
Anyway, thanks for reading - hope to get in. :)
Mr_ExCiTe and _Latsi_ You both have been added. I also contacted other via Personal message, Please met me know if your still interested and I will add you.
I updated my pack before logging in today, moronic me didn't think i needed to create a backup.

Now the forge modloader has enough differences that i can't get on. working on fixing it now. >.>
We have Updated to Ultimate 1.1.2. So make sure your client is updated ot the new patch for Ultimate before logging on or you wont be able to do so.
In Game Name: sage1700
Age: 17
Country: UK/England
Why should we let you into this server? Because going onto a laggy pub server is a pain and I'm a helpful person to have around.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Something with a good community (not dead and polite) and some people to mess around with new mods with
Gaming Experience and Interest? Well I've played video games for as long as I can remember, played Minecraft on and off since alpha and have experience with pretty much every mod out there.
Hey Mataki, just a quick note.

The new version means gregtech is even more of a D-bag.
now, i don't mind having hard mode, in fact i prefer it. But there are lots of changed recipes and different versions of blocks (Such as an Industrial Centrifuge) where the old version is required as a crafting component for some machines but is no longer craftable, and the new version won't be accepted. I haven't had a chance to test to see if the old version of the block still functions the same as I haven't set up my starter power grid yet.

I'm kinda baffled that there are continued updates for mods on older versions of minecraft unless they are worked on specifically for FTB, but also a bit bummed that some are even still a WIP and aren't even fully compatible with themselves! haha

Also, many Texture packs aren't updated for the new machines or new items (like the Plate bending machine and its crafting specialty, metal plates [most of which don't even have a use yet!])
In the next little while; all inactive members will be put in a inactive list to open room for people who wish to join up; I will be opening up 7 more slots for people to join the server.
This is my first time starting up my own server for minecraft and I am hoping to have some mature and fun people to join the server who are willing to help others out if needed as well as just try to have a good time. The server is not that huge and will grow with the demand of applications from people. Right now the Max people we can have is 15 and I am going to accept 10 - 12 applications to keep the server from crashing. Like I said before if there is a great influx of people wishing to join then I will upgrade the server as time goes on. There is no dedicated Voip yet as I never had a need for it quite yet and Skye has been working for most of the people on the server. I will look in to one if it becomes warranted.

1. Basic speech and etiquette
a. No excessive cursing. A couple hear and there is fine I just dont need to see it every two words.​
b. No form of speech that makes another feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. If asked to stop, please stop. If this persists it will become a temp ban.​
2. No grefing and stealing or cheating
a. If it does not belong to you please don’t touch it. first offense is a temp ban. If this becomes a problem you will be banded.​
b. Don’t build close to another person, leave room for both of you to expand. everyone love to see there growth of there little empire.​
c. I have no tolerance for greifing, this will get you instantly banned. I do back up the server each day. So some loss may occur though its better to lose a little time over your whole empire.​
3. PVP by consent only.
a. Both parties need to be willing to PVP. I am more so for PvE though everyone is entitled to there fun, as long as both parties agree.​
4. Don’t be needy. Please be respectful.
a. I am the only Mod/Admin/Owner of the server and I am willing to help with anything I can. We are playing in survival so please don't ask for items.​
b. Please use Google first if you need help with how to do something. I can help with the things I know and I still spend long hours on Google learning​

Banned items:
Nukes. (Self explanatory)​
Subject to change
We are currently running all mods, I do not wish to take away the experience of the mod pack; (All subject to change, Though I will most likely update server first, then go from there) I have been having issues with Mystcraft so I ask that you keep the world making to only ONE PER PERSON for ease upon the server and to not kick off everyone all the time.

Server Ip/Info:
Hostname: CoupleofFriends.lax6.creeperhost.net
IP Address: Upon Acceptance
Package: Zombie with 2 processor cores on node lax6 Our Slime package leverages the latest high performance virtualization technologies to utilize CPU and RAM in the best possible way, using block level cache to provide SSD level performance. (upgraded it today)
RAM: 2048MB HDD:35 CPU: 2 cores Data transfer: Unlimited Platform: Virtual Server
Hosted from: United States of America

White List

HalliganCP (Admin)
mr_milo (Admin)
Borse (Admin)

luckdemon (Admin)
A Questionnaire For Me
In Game Name:
Why should we let you into this server?
What you are looking for in a MC.Server?
Gaming Experience and Interest?
We have updated the white list due to inactivity excess of 2 weeks; if you are still wishing to play upon the server just Pm me and let me know and I will re add you. As of right now I am posing a question to everyone who is still on the server if we would like to update to FTB Ultimate 1.5.2 privately made mod pack. This will add a bunch of new tools and take out Xycraft; it adds tinkers construck. This is up all you guys. If we do do this we will have to reset the whole world and start from scratch. My plans for doing this is we will make a spawn village To regulate mob spawners as well as xp machine so on and so forth. Now I will still have FTB 1.1.2 running and have the most resent world save just encase we dont like the change if we choose to switch. So a of right now the server is open to more applicants. I look forward to seeing some new faces.​
In Game Name: HarvesterMine600
Age: 17
Country: USA
Why should we let you into this server? Very good with Hard GT and getting everything to work as they should from getting a plate bender to work to eventually setting up a Fusion Reactor, however it's isn't worth the mats and server's power for the small net power you get per cubic meter. Will always respect the server and players, I really good at AE and I love it too. I would like to play with some friendly people to do big production projects since as USPs production line and a big fat Tunnel Bore that'll mine in a good stash of iriduim per day but idk how to setup one right and make it run day/night 24/7 so I would love someone to help out and join in with me.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? No stupidly long and not so easy to remember ban list so nukes is the only thing and I hate those anyhow so who care! Craftable Chunkloaders or world anchors without any heavy restriction on those. (I do compact my builds and use as few and set it so it's load as few "waste chunks" as possible.) Also servers that are as close as 24/7 as possible so I can hop on any time and any day, good connection and best efforts taken to keep the ideal 20 TPS so my machines and processing aren't so laggy as hell.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Heavy in both will play for hours on a good server and friendly players. I even know good efficient ways of generating "infinite" things from irons to fine high end fossil fuels!
_Unclescar_ And Mokie91 are both still whitelisted and active but not on the whitelist. We are both okay with upping to the newer modpack as well.
_Unclescar_ And Mokie91 are both still whitelisted and active but not on the whitelist. We are both okay with upping to the newer modpack as well.

Thank you for reminding me there Scar. We'd have to create the mod pack from scratch and send it over to everyone but its something we have to have full conscientious form everyone before doing so.
In Game Name: kallekulle
Age: 15
Country: Finland
Why should we let you into this server? Becouse I like to talk to people, I'm nice and quite a technical guy.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? A nice community, friendly and helpful admins and a place suitable for me & friends.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Been playing Mc since October '10, and mods since May '11. Overall games I play is RPG/strategy, but also TF2 and LoL.
In Game Name: Unorthodoxminer
Age: 25
Country: Ontario, Canada
Why should we let you into this server? I Am looking for a long term FTB home, I have been looking for a solid community to join. I am very well versed in the basics of FTB and am looking to get more advance knowledge.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Stable server for me to be able to stay for a long time and get deeper into FTB. A mature close knit community
Gaming Experience and Interest? Played MC vanilla for about a year and maybe 4 months ago got into Ftb.
In Game Name:GetMerkedOn
Why should we let you into this server?Because I would like to learn, and also help share my knowledge.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server?Respectful people.
Gaming Experience and Interest?I game daily, on the computer all the time, so I'll be on the server a lot, and learning to play FTB.