[1.4.6]The-Construct (16+)| Direwolf20 Pack | Whitelist | 8GB RAM | 25 Slots | TS3

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
IGN: prometheus7504
Age: 37
Country: usa
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: no
Experience with mods?: most of them yes
Will you use TS3?: yes
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): no
Any additional information?:just want a decent server to play on with good people i have organized groups on other servers and have made large communal complexes
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: mostly like building with frames and building factories the automated stuff is what i like to build
IGN: connor030
Age: 16
Country: USA,
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No
Experience with mods?: yes, i've studied in single player creative mode
Will you use TS3?: sure, i can and have it diwnloaded
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): no
Any additional information?: I love to build, give me materials and instructions and i'm off. p.s i have a youtube so i'm going to want to record sometimes so you might want to tell me if that's ok
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: don't have any sorry
IGN: evilhexyon
Age: 17
Country: Netherlands
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: no
Experience with mods?: yes, most specific computercraft since im a programmer xD
Will you use TS3?: yes
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): nope
Any additional information?: been playing minecraft since indev xD
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: i dont have any at the moment
IGN: GlassGrenade
Age: 16
Country: Canada
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: A couple times when I first started playing minecraft about 3 years ago, they were for stealing and once for griefing, haven't had any since.
Experience with mods?: I played tekkit for a while, but decided to move on because of the lack of updates.
Will you use TS3?: Yes
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: Just looking for a more community based server that, the large ones never work out.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I have no pics/vids of things I've built.
IGN: th3niiinja
Age: 23
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) I was banned from a server before. It was a long time ago on a towny war server. My entire town had poured lava on another town and the owner decided it would be a good idea to ban us instead of deal with the town complain. Even though in the servers rules it said we could grief during a towny war.
Experience with mods?: I have been playing with the mod pack since it came out and have figured out just about everything.
Will you use TS3?: I will use TS3
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): I do not know anyone, but I do wish to know someone.
Any additional information?:I am looking for a community that is really fun to be in. I want a server I can basically call home.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built:



age:13 (i am Mature)
have you been baned: no
experience: alot i am prety good with all of them starting to learn alot abour cc
will you use ts3:yes
answe to the secret ?:purple
do you know someone on sever: no but i whant to
any additional info: never grifed and dw20 fan!
pic/vids: no i dont take screenshots but i am thinking about recording somestuff and whant to do it on a good sever
IGN: Bluefier
Age: 24
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: During Admin command tests in early MineCraft with a friend. Other than that, no.
Experience with mods?: I have access to a host of information and have no trouble reading to learn what I don't know. Most of my mod time has been with FTB.
Will you use TS3?: Possibly, if I do it will be alternating between that and my friend's Ventrilo.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Not even remotely, but I'm not afraid of people.
Any additional information?: Looking for somewhere to build and share so I'm not doing it in single-player.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built:



As you can see these Screens are from last year. Stopped playing when this world was destroyed. I can take pics of my new builds later if you'd like.
IGN: Malloway
Age: 23
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No, never.
Experience with mods?: Technic, Tekkit, FTB Retro, FTB Beta, Mindcrack, and Direwolf20
Will you use TS3?: Yes, most defiantly
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope, looking for a fresh start on a cool server =)
Any additional information?: Love to team up and attempt to build complex/amazing constructs
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I don't really take screens of my builds.
IGN: PiP69
Age: 39
Country: Canada
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No
Experience with mods?: A bit of everything, but can look up anything I don't know
Will you use TS3?: Yes
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?:
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: Not very artistic, but will help anyone.
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No
Experience with mods?:Much experience, mostly in computercraft and Redpower though, but i know a lot of the other mods as well
Will you use TS3?:Yes if required to
Answer to the secret question?purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?:Im a direwolf20 fan, I know a lot about lua programming, as well as how the mods work, i have even been a admin on many tekkit servers because of how helpful i am in the mods.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I dont usually take pictures of what i do, but i did take a picture of our base in tekkit after an accident was fixed and remodeled with the help of an admin : http://i.imgur.com/IzwMc.png
IGN: ramonski
Age: 17
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No i have not
Experience with mods?: I know my way around most of the mods
Will you use TS3?: Sure but i'm a quite person
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No I do not
Any additional information?: Functional, then looks, and the make it over complicated. Also have only played SMP on one or two other servers; nether of witch were modded so this sounds like a great places to get my feet wet.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: Normally don't cap things I have built because I never seen the point.
IGN: ArcaniteChill
Country: U.S.A.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) I have not been banned so far.
Experience with mods?: Have been playing them a ton, and actively watch Direwolf20.
Will you use TS3?:Most likely not, never used Team Speak before.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): I don't know anyone
Any additional information?: I prefer the Direwolf20 pack, simply because he plays the mods and it isn't as buggy as Mindcrack
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I can't find the picture, but I was bored and made a giant flower with solar panels at the top.
IGN: darkblaster123
Age: 13
Country: netherland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) no i dont even banned on a server im a kind guy XD
Experience with mods?: ye much just say lots experience
Will you use TS3?: maybe
Answer to the secret question?: PURPLE
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No but if i join i realy like it i think
Any additional information?: DW20's bigest Fan watch anyting from him
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: dont have some pictures im more a survival guy
IGN: ne0nix
Age: 30
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Nope
Experience with mods?: None
Will you use TS3?: Yup
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I just like to build stuff
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: None