1.4.6[MineCrack] RippleCraft [Whitelist][Nolag][Teamspeak][NewMap]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
1. Age: 16
2. IGN:BOOM_headshot
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack:Since the day they released it as a pack I believe.
4. What do you plan to do on the sever?: Be creative, helpful, and have a all around enjoyable experience. I'll be there to have fun.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server? I was once a Moderator of a build server back in late alpha-early beta days.

6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below. I went to do so and apparently I have registered before....Don't remember when. But I did:BOOM_headshot

8. About yourself: I'm pretty out going. Pretty easy to get along with. Aslong as everyone plays nice, I play nice.
9.Will you use Team speak? For sure.
1. Age
2. IGN
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack
A couple of weeks but i have plenty of experience with buildcraft and twilight forest
4. What do you plan to do on the sever.
Have fun, Build cool things, Help people learn FTB
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.
I have owned my own server. Ran it for about 2 months before i shut it down. Was admin of a pvp server for about 4 months before i quit
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below
I will register once im accepted or whitelisted :)
8. About yourself
I believe i am mature enough and have the mentality to get along well with other people and enjoy playing with everyone on the server. Even though i may not be very experienced with some mods on the modpack i wish to learn more and have fun doing so playing on your server
9.Will you use Team speak?
I probably will use teamspeak if a lot of the people on the server do
1. Age: 26 and counting
2. IGN: TigersFangs
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: Since it came out. Played Minecraft since just after Beta started
4. What do you plan to do on the sever? Hmm....anything and everything as long as it is not destructive or damaging to anyone else? :) I love Minecraft, mods, creating, experimenting, discovering, researching, digging, building, and just generally having fun and helping out.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server? Officially, no. I have only tinkered around with my own personal servers that I sometimes played with my friends
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Done. Achievement Get!
8. About yourself: I'm a nerd that works too much and is addicted to Minecraft. ;) I live on the west coast of the USA and play when I can. I found a server that I like to play on but it has high ping times in relation to others and I am trying to find a good server that doesn't have 500+ ping by default. Nothing complicated.
9.Will you use Team speak? Absolutely. Or Ventrillo. Or Mumble. Or Skype. Or ...... I think that I've made my point. ;)
1. Age- 15
2. IGN - Steininger
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack - i was there at the first launch stream and ever since
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. - live underground with a tiny rp2 tunnel bore
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. - yes i have hosted many servers before but the mind crack pack is to much for mine right now.

6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below - once I'm whit listed

8. About yourself - quiet, well spoken and creative
9.Will you use Team speak? no, i don't have a mic
1. Age: 17
2. IGN: Belmeurrr
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: 1 1/2 months. tekkit before
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: make a factory
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: host a server for friends for a couple of years
6: Registered: Belmeurrr

8. About yourself: been playing minecraft for 4 years, west coast.
9.Will you use Team speak? probably not
1. Age 21
2. IGN E46_M
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack just starting
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. build
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. no
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below ok

8. About yourself i like creative building games
9.Will you use Team speak? no mic
1. Age: 15
2. IGN: lolface1008
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: For about 10 weeks
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Build a home, help others, create weird stuff.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: owned a small server, just for me and my friends

6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Made an account (lolface1008)(http://gladiusgaming.webs.com/apps/profile/104256861/)

8. About yourself. A person who likes to build stuff and build giantic contraptions including multiple mods
9.Will you use Team speak? If i install it again, yes
1. Age: 19.
2 IGN: Braeden20
3 How long have you been playing FTB Pack: A month.
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Build with my friends and help people out.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: Yes, I was one of the main staff :)
6. Must Register Go to our website and register: Done. (20braeden)
8. About yourself: I live in the USA and have been playing minecraft for about a year now. I am quite familiar with FTB too.
9. Will you use Teamspeak: Probaly not, since I don't have a mic. :P
1. Age: 15
2. IGN: MiigPT
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack : I've been playing since 1.2.5
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Build and collaborate with other players to create projects :)
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: I had my own FTB Server, but it was private so I don't know if that counts.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Will do.
Whitelist app
1. Age - 18
2. IGN - Jakthehobo
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack - 1 month
4. What do you plan to do on the sever - Add some sort of interesting landmark or just simply help out where I can with the other members
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. - Owned two servers before which became city-style and went on for a good 2 - 3 months but it was mostly with people who shared similar interests. They both died down when school started, since the player base was around that age.

6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below - Done, registered as BawxArt.

8. About yourself - I'm a self-employed digital artist, I just enjoy going on games like Minecraft to kill some time so every day doesn't seem so repetitive.
9.Will you use Team speak? - Probably, I'm far too used to Skype but I'll download it for this :)
1. Age: 20
2. IGN: Col13geBoy
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: Since Release
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: I want to build aesthetic but functional structures.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: No
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Done
8. About yourself: Well I'm a people person, I've been a part of guilds on a couple of mmorpgs and I want to join a server community. I started Minecraft this summer and I really like it.
9. Will you use Teamspeak: yes.
1. Age - 41
2. IGN - MrWarlock
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack - 2 Months now, after I got fed up with Tekkit.
4. What do you plan to do on the sever - Explore all the cool stuff tekkit does not have.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. - Only ever been mod on tekkit servers, never owned one.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Done.
1. Age: 17
2. IGN: lolertje132
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: Since it's out, modded minecraft? A year, i think :D
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Build "Industriopolis", my first industrial city! :)
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: I hosted a 4-player vanilla server once, but other than that, nope :s
6. Must Register Go to our website and register: Ofcourse! ;D
8. About yourself: I live in Belgium, speak Dutch, love Minecraft and other games like Terarria, DunDef, Dota 2,...
9.Will you use Team speak: Nope, I don't tend to disturb my family members with my terrible accent :)
1. Age
2. IGN
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack
I have been watching some videos on YouTube for quite a while now, but I have been playing it myself for 1-2 weeks now.
4. What do you plan to do on the server.
Make some awesome machinery, and have fun with the people around on the server. Make some advanced stuff, share with others to have the opportunity too! ;)
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.
I have been a staffmember on 3 Minecraft vanilla servers, tried to run a server once, but it got too expensive.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below
Registered! Username is 'Kolde'.
8. About yourself
I live in the Netherlands, fun in gaming quite a while now. Mostly PS3 gaming, except for Minecraft on the PC. Playing mostly shooters and racing games, plus minecraft.
9.Will you use Team speak?
Yes, I've been using it for other servers too, so I will definitely use it here too (current mic broken, can use my phone.)
1. Age: 21
2. IGN: twilightking
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: as long as the mindcrackers have
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Mainly record new footage for my current running FTB series on youtube. SSP is getting mundane and boring and i would love to play and record with a great bunch of ppl
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. I have been staff of a server for a month in the summer, the server owner just uped and cancelled the server.

6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below done same name as this forum

8. About yourself I got back into recording minecraft youtube videos after a year long hiatus for school. I've been doing ftb videos since the end of November and i want to branch out and record with more ppl than just my boring old self.
9.Will you use Team speak? of course if it means i can talk to interesting ppl who would be able to help me out and i them.
Whitelist app
1. Age: 13
2. IGN: tommyb5000
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: 3 hours :3
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: I plan to make new friends, help people (Already got someone to ask me :D) and make people feel happy and fell possitive
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: I have owned 3 servers and have been staff on 2
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes I have.
8. Tell us something about yourself: I AM NOT A TALKING TYPE OF PERSON.
1. Age:15
2. IGN:mij205
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: I started at the end of the beta pack .
4. What do you plan to do on the server?:Explore new and fun ways to get main machines then move on to an awesome buidl.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?:Yes,but mostley private servers
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes
8. Tell us something about yourself: Well i like to enjoy the usual minecraft experience on ``public `` servers because i am very tempted to cheat in singleplayer.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Yes