1.4.6[MineCrack] RippleCraft [Whitelist][Nolag][Teamspeak][NewMap]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
1. Age: 16
2. IGN: iiRag3Kniif3 A.K.A Rage
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: For about a month, still learning a lot though
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Build an awesome factory and building.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yes I owned a bukkit server for 6 months. "Operation Ragecraft"
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: No, If i get accepted I will.
8. Tell us something about yourself: I'm a 16 year old gamer, I'm pretty good at building things in minecraft. I'm in "The Soldiers Creed" [SC] PC Gaming clan. I enjoy playing video games.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Yes, is there are people I want to talk to, or if i have any questions.
1. Age: 19
2. IGN: Themaster1
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: For about a two months. really enjoying it
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Build an epic base
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yes I have been a GM on a server called celestial dreams
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: not as of yet. but just about to.
8. Tell us something about yourself: Im 19 and i play alot of minecraft and i have recently been singleplayer ftb and want to play the game with people.
9. Will you use Team speak?: not until i get a microphone.
1. Age:16
2. IGN:D3athgat0r
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: Since it was announced
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Any thing and every thing to do with redpower and industrial craft.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?:I have owned a server and I am a Mod on venomcraft server right now
6. Have you registered on our website yet?:No but I will as soon as I have gotten a response on this application
8. Tell us something about yourself: I am 16 from San Diego California My name is Tyler I have been into minecraft since Alpha 1.2.5 and mods since 1.6.6 I do coding in java and learning C++ I build computers for a living (yes at 16) and I am a very help full and nice person I like to joke around once I get to know someone and I play very often (once or so a day for a few hours) on servers mostly Venomcraft as I am a mod on there. Feel free to ask me any more questions or ask me any thing you would like to know about me I am a very open person and love to make friends.
9. Will you use Team speak?:If I get a mic yes if not I have a laptop with a built in one that I can use if needed.
Whitelist app
1. Age: 13
2. IGN: tommyb5000
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: 3 hours :3
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Survive and learn new things
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: I have owned 3 servers and have been staff on 2
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes
8. Tell us something about yourself: I like Unicorns, rainbows, etc.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Sure I won't be commonly on it if that is a problem then just lemme know
1. Age:
30 tomorrow

2. IGN:

3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?:
Since it first appeared as a modpack to accompany the challenge map.

4. What do you plan to do on the server?:
Travel a kilometer or two from spawn and set up a castle and a village, then build a Nether railroad to connect the server's settlements.

5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?:
I admin a small private server for a few friends. Looking for more active people to play with.

6. Have you registered on our website yet?:
I have now!

8. Tell us something about yourself:
I tried fish fingers and custard, and was dissapointed.

9. Will you use Team speak?:
I'll pop in from time to time.
1. Age:15
2. IGN: ohioslim1234
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: 3 months
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: help luke9978 cause he set this up
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?:heck no
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: no
8. Tell us something about yourself:i am a prodegy
9. Will you use Team speak?: yes
1. Age:15
2. IGN:Zone88
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: Not very long about a week or so
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: I wanted to make some new friends try out the new mindcrack ftb pack
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: I have been staff a couple times before
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes my name is Zone88
8. Tell us something about yourself: average guy that likes to watch anime here and there and i mostly play LoL and Minecraft my friends say im pretty funny so yea thats all i got.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Sure
1. Age: 14
2. IGN: Raph300852
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: Since it was put up
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: play look at peoples awesome builds survive and show of my stuff
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yes i have owned a server before
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: no
8. Tell us something about yourself: I love playing FTB and anything minecraft
9. Will you use Team speak?: Yes
1. Age: 24
2. IGN: Lharoi
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: about 3 months
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: build stuff, survive the land and have fun with others
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: nope
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: about to register after posting my whitelist app.
8. Tell us something about yourself: i like playing minecraft and other mod packs of it and also loves to see other people builds
9. Will you use Team speak?: sure
1. Age: 16
2. IGN: RaId3rZz
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: About 2 Weeks, but before I was playing FTB I played Tekkit for about 3 months, In my opinion I was extremely good at Tekkit, so I thought might aswell try out FTB since its just like Tekkit with more mods! I want to try to move away from the Tekkit modpack because servers are becoming more & more rare since the developers stopped developing Tekkit, so its basically sitting at 1.2.5 in the game, and I like the fact that FTB is on 1.46.
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Do public builds, on almost every Tekkit server I have been on, I have built public Nuclear chambers, so people can charge up there things, usually I have an Admin set a warp point there.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: I have owned 1 Server, and have been Moderator on 2.
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes, my name on that is "Kronza".
8. Tell us something about yourself: I am a 16 year old boy, I drive a 96' Mustang, I am a gaming enthusiast.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Sure, I just got the Blue Yeti microphone for the PC! I also plan on streaming, like I have in the past done on other servers.
1. Age: 23
2. IGN: Lamitatron
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: 3 weeks
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Set up a solo operation of some sort, where I roll around in my piles of lewt.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: no
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: no
8. Tell us something about yourself: I'm a very reserved individual.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Not sure...
1. Age: 14
2. IGN: Pitufin2
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: One week after Slowpoke launched it
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Make my house and get resources and have fun with friends
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: I've had my own server called NecroCraft it was paid and about 25 people were in at a same time, but it had no mods.
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes, my username is Ferbu567
8. Tell us something about yourself: I have a lot of fun with minecraft and have experience having my own server hosted.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Im actually using it now :D
1. Age: 14
2. IGN: Creative_Creeper
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: Just started this week but I've been playing with mods for like a year now
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Set up a nice base and get resources and such.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: I've been a mod on one my friends servers before.
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes.
8. Tell us something about yourself: I love building really awesome structures like castles and domes, and I also really like mining lol.
9. Will you use Team speak?: It's possible.
1. Age: 13
2. IGN: 31415926535897
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: About a month
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Building cool creations, set up nice base. Maybe make a Computer with red alloy wires?
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yes
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Yes
8. Tell us something about yourself: I love building complex and majestic (it is a opinion) constructions. I can speak multiple Languages such as a little Norsk (Bokmål) Currently learning Japanese. I also know Hawaiian and learning Maori and Tahitian
9. Will you use Team speak?: After I get a new computer
1. Age:16
2. IGN:King_Of_key
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?:When DW20 did first FTB launcher tutorial
4. What do you plan to do on the server?:be friendly, helpfull, have fun :), play FTB
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?:Yes i have been moderator in latvian server
6. Have you registered on our website yet?:No but working on it
8. Tell us something about yourself:I am very helpfull i dont care if someone barrow stuff from me (except diamonds) i am very friendly
9. Will you use Team speak?: Yea i will use but sometimes i wont talk but i will use it when i am gettin on server
P.S. I am from latvia and sry. for spelling
1. Age:18
2. IGN: Phyre_blazee
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: Haven't played it but have watched alot
4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Learn everything
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: no
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: no
8. Tell us something about yourself: I'm pretty easy going person, if you need help ill help you.
9. Will you use Team speak?: If needed
1. Age:17
2. IGN: snyper00
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?:since it came out i guess always been watching dw20 though
4. What do you plan to do on the server?:try out some complex builds, automation on incoming supplies and self sustaining machines using as little timers as possible
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Nukegaming tekkit server i was admin and another server called djrastafari i was moderator
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: not yet but i sure as Hell will do shortly
8. Tell us something about yourself: im a training doctor not really into coding and all that shizzle but im a friendly player and look forward to corroborating with people
9. Will you use Team speak?: probably not im more of a skype guy to be honest
Age: 16
IGN: Haxhage
FTB playtime: some hours, but i a experienced user to the most of the mods and i learn fast.
Planning to do: Build with my friends. IGN: Werlini, Smashx. (if they get whitelisted ofc).
Have you owned a server before: Yes, a private server on hamachi though.
Registered to website: Yes, name: Haxhage
Information: I'm a 16 y/o male from sweden. I play serious on online servers, due to my dislike of getting banned.
I have been playing on this server before a whitelist were required (before the update) with my friends Werlini and Smashx. I really enjoyed this server, no lag, and serious players.
Teamspeak: I will use team speak if i want to ask something or for other reasons.
1. Age:17
2. IGN:Bluebay
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?:1-2weeks
4. What do you plan to do on the server?:I want to build my own house, and much more:)
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yes i had a normal minecraft server with 40players.
6. Have you registered on our website yet?: Not yet:|
8. Tell us something about yourself: Me, and my friends wanted to find the best server, where we can play, without grief, lag, etc..:) I hope this is one of the best server for this.
9. Will you use Team speak?: Yes of course:)
1. Age:15
2. IGN:BenzoTeo
3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?:2weeks
4. What do you plan to do on the server?:play with everyone with the server and learn FTB as we play
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?:no.. this is my first server if i get whitelisted(:
6. Have you registered on our website yet?:no..
8. Tell us something about yourself:I am a racer during the day time but plays minecraft at night(:
9. Will you use Team speak?: I would try but my english is not fluent:(
Please give me a chance(: