1.4.6[MineCrack] RippleCraft [Whitelist][Nolag][Teamspeak][NewMap]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Age, 23
IGN: Sacar
How long have you been playing FTB Pack: As long as it has existed. But have been playing with mods since IC and BC worked together for the first time.
What do you plan to do on the sever: Build, help, learn from others and not beeing alone - but having fun is allways a priotity
Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: I owned my own server for a couple of months, playing with IRL friends, but they grew tired of playing minecraft and waiting for FTB modpack some months ago.
Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Am registerd now and confirmed, nick is Sacar aswell. Edit: Got registered on the website now
1. Age 14
2. IGN SmallButBeast
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack 2 months
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. Be a friendly person who has a modest yet good looking base, and setup a public machine yard to begin with, the rest will develop over time
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. yes multiple times
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below Done name: SmallButBeast
Whitelist app
1. Age 17
2. IGN juiceball
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack since it first came out, before then i played tekkit
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. Make a large automatic facility
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. Mod a couple of times awhile ago when i played vanilla (back in beta). Nothing recent.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Done! (same as IGN)
Whitelist app
1. Age:14
2. IGN: Necro_Draghost
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: couple months i think, about 2 weeks before the mindcrackers started
4. What do you plan to do on the sever.: i plan to build a bunch of automated machines.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.: i was a mod on a vanilla server once
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: done IGN is the same
1. Age: 16
2. IGN: SlothEruption
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: Month
4. What do you plan to do on the sever.: Build my favorite style of base and make sure everything is aesthetically pleasing and functions. Also build frameship contraptions with IC2 and Red Power.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.: Yes
Website Profile: http://gladiusgaming.webs.com/apps/profile/73585534/
Whitelist app
1. Age: 27
2. IGN: bwillb
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: since it was first released, and Tekkit for quite a while before that.
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Learn, Teach, Experience everything
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: I owned a very small private vanilla server for a bit.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Done. Interestingly enough, my captcha code was "Gift Horse".
1. Age: 16 half a month from 17
2. IGN: hottunas
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: since it came out
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. play with people help out anyone that needs it and have some fun
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. no i havent but ive been told i would be a good mod
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: i have registered and my display name is hottuna
Whitelist app
1. Age
2. IGN
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack
Not For A Long Time, But My Friends Told Me It Was Fun! :D
4. What do you plan to do on the sever.
Play, Livestream, Have Fun, Record For Youtube.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.
Yes i have been owner on several servers in normal minecraft, and admin on alot of servers!, so i have tons of experience if you need staff.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below:
Yes im registered.
Age: 16

IGN: CantBreakDat

How long have you been playing FTB Pack: I haven't played much but have watched a huge amount of videos and tutorials and know what is what.

What do you plan to do on the sever: I plan on playing with friends and having fun with other players in the community. Once in awhile I plan on recording.

Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: I have been staff of vanilla minecraft but never on feed the beast.

Must Register Go to our website and register: I have registered.
1. Age: 15
2. IGN: Poarses
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: 1 month
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Combine complex machines with attractive looking builds. In addition, also being able to socialize with people on the server.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server: Moderated several small but active servers. Owned a server to test plugins and permissions
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below: Registered, IGN: Poarses
Whitelist app
1. Age= 23
2. IGN= MJC_Commander
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: A couple of Months
4. What do you plan to do on the sever.= Mainly build, and help others on group projects
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.= No
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below Already registered

-Started playing on the old server about a week ago and was having a good time hoping to start up again on the new one :)
1. Age : 15
2. IGN : Gamer_Shadow
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack 2 months
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. : Im planing to enjoy myself and make automatic machines
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. : eeeeh nope
1. Age: 18
2. IGN: DrParadise
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack: About a Month or a little over?
4. What do you plan to do on the sever: Build a factory, make awesome stuff, you know...the works :P
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.: I have indeed! Shaftcraft, look it up on MCForums :D
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below : Done :D

By the way, Myself and Kazeaya were on the server for the FTB Beta Pack 1.4.2, we also got greifed to hell and back :/
1. Age 21
2. IGN Kazeaya
3. How long have you been playing FTB Pack 2 weeks but played tekkit before switching over
4. What do you plan to do on the sever. Build nice structures, make friends.
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server. I was recruited as a builder for about 5 servers.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below. i am registered
1. Age 12
2. IGN deemon12
3. How long have you been playing FTB, Pack not long but i have played tekkit alot!
4. What do you plan to do on the sever.Play normaly like in the single player,build and have fun with FTB
5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server.Yes but it wasn't a FTB server.
6. Must Register Go to our website and register. Website info is below. Registered
Sorry to hear that dr paradise we cannot do much against griefs since there is no mod to fight them this is why we have gone whitelist.