[1.4.6] FTB [Mindcrack Modpack] [8GB RAM][Small Youtube and Skype Server][15 Slots]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome To Kings FTB Server With The Mindcrack Modpack From The FTB Launcher.

In-Game Name:
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit:

NO Greifing!
NO Foul Language!
NO Hacks!
BE Nice!
Ip Will Be Will Be Given To You Through A Private Message If Your Application Is Approved.
And Remember To Have Fun!
Also Check Out My Vanilla Server: dragoncraft3-smp.no-ip.com
Donate To Keep The Server Alive!
  1. Application: I would love to join small Mindcrack community in hopes of having a better experience than a 30+ person Server - since it won't be as many Players, people will generally be more friendly and help one another.
  2. In-Game Name: Ryan784
  3. Skype(Required): Ryan84mc
  4. Age: I am 16 years old!
  5. How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: I have been playing Tekkit between either a year to 6 months, got started once Vanilla Minecraft got boring for me. Was obsessed with the engineering side of Tekkit, never really was the best builder aesthetically wise. I heard about FTB from someone on a Tekkit Server, and have been playing it ever since!
Age: 19
In-game Name: harmy7
Why Would you like to join the server?: Id like to play with the FTB mindcrack pack and master all the mods. Id like to share my knowleg and impress others with itmy builds.
do you have experience with the mods?: I have a lot of experience played tekkit since the beginning watch direwolf20 everyday and try to watch a lot of random spotlights.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Never bin bannend, no reason to.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 8/10
timezone/country you live in: 1+ Amsterdam Nederland
Skype name : Harmenpoelman
In-Game Name: tuga999
Skype(Required): Pm me if you want it, I don't want to give it to everybody :P
Age: 21
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: Played modded minecraft since forestry, BC, IC2 came out. I prefered to avoid tekkit due to the "copyrights" problems they had.
In-Game Name: Iluvgotes
Skype(Required): more then happy to give it in a PM
Age: 31
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: Long enough to like small servers :P
In-Game Name: Anvixiel
Skype(Required): Atkthisifurgay
Age: 19
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: About a year or so. I started playing minecraft on tekkit and actually played vanilla for the first time a couple days ago. It got boring pretty quickly ._.
In-Game Name: PCYcodeath
Skype(Required): pcycodeath
Age: 14
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: tekkit almost 1.5 years but I'm fairly new to FTB.
In-Game Name: McChuckys
Skype(Required): mcchuckys
Age: 18 (Born on the 10th October 1994)
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: I've been playing modded Minecraft since June 2012 and ftb since it's first beta release. I have quite the experience with most of the mods in the FTB Mindcrack Pack except 2-4.
Application :
In-Game Name: xx_pokli
Skype(Required): I'll give you private message if accepted.
Age: 17
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: For 2 months now on FTB and 2 months on Tekkit.
In-Game Name: Brispere
Skype(Required): nickdyck
Age: 14
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: Since Tekkit 2
In-Game Name:colecapps
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit:since tehnic launcher with a friend

Here`s my friend application
In-Game Name:craio95
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit:since tehnic launcher with a friend[DOUBLEPOST=1356718908][/DOUBLEPOST]Application:
In-Game Name:colecapps
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: since tehnic pack apperd so ... I know everything in theese mods , and a friend helped me doing learning

Here`s my friend application:)

In-Game Name:craio95
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: since colecapps started we bassicaly started togheter
Application: i like to join this server becouse i want a small server were ppl have contact with eachother

In-Game Name: roelie333
Skype(Required): i do have that ill sent u it when i get accepted and im online like all the time on it
Age: im 15
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: ftb since the first beta version tekkit like 10 month be4 ftb
additional information: i know alot of things about alot of mods and i am a very good builder i like to join ur server couse of the skype option and i hope i get accepted and have a good time over there
In-Game Name: pedo_bear1o4
Skype(Required): kasp274a
Age: 17
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: FTB : since it came out.. tekkit: for half a year

;D looking forward to play with you guys
Application: I would like to join the server to play some Mindcrack FTB with a good community
In-Game Name: Cam_mando_28
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit?: About a year, i am quite experienced with all apsects of the game
Application: I always wanted to play in a small server since my friend dont rly play and playing alone gets boreing
In-Game Name: fede89139
Skype(Required): huevoezeyza_141 (Mateo Ezeyza)
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit?: been playing FTB since it came out and I have been playing MODed Minecraft since 1.2 I'm actually playing with mindcrack pack and I'm quite experienced with all the mods, the one I know the less is gregtech, but I'm learning
In-Game Name:KetchupKris
Skype(Required):It broke
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit:Not long
Application: I just wanna play on a little server with a high amount of ram and a smaller slot rate and this server was perfect with 8 ram and 15 slots. Im loving Mindcrack and would just have fun on a smaller powerfull server
In-Game Name: axeboy_tf
Skype(Required): skype name: Axeboy_tf
Age: 15
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: i have played tekkit since 1.1 and stopped when FTB came out because its alot more fun to play with. I started on FTB just 3 days after the release when direwolf released his video about the launcher. And im well experienced about every mod, not the new train mod because it isn´t really a techmod but anything else also computercraft love turtles and it would never be the same without them.
Application: I really only want to learn all the mods available on FTB that tekkit does not have, away from the masses and to bounce builds and ideas with a small close knit community.
In-Game Name: MrWarlock
Skype(Required): mrwarlock71
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: Been playing FTB for 2 months and Tekkit for a little over a year
Application: i want to join because i like to play mod packs but my friends only play vinilla.
username in game: supergigger
skype: nielsviggos
age: 14
i love to play modpacks and have played tekkit and FTB for 6 moths or so,
In-Game Name: Rikkaedow
Skype(Required): jonny300595
Age: 17
How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: for 1 or 2 month :D