[1.10.2] Age of Engineering

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The area probably isn't chunkloaded.

Servers need to be particularly careful about this: chances are, when you log off, your reactor ceases to exist until somebody gets close enough and re-loads the chunks.

When I upgraded the server on the weekend to 1.1.1b it fixed my issue I was having with the fuel rods.
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Quick question about nuclear reactors. MOX fuel, can it just be used in place of Uranium cells? Like if I took the 420 EU/t 7 quad uranium reactor and swapped out the quad uranium with quad MOX cells, will it be alright? I've never played with MOX fuel before and I don't want an explosion.
Quick question about nuclear reactors. MOX fuel, can it just be used in place of Uranium cells? Like if I took the 420 EU/t 7 quad uranium reactor and swapped out the quad uranium with quad MOX cells, will it be alright? I've never played with MOX fuel before and I don't want an explosion.
MOX works just the same as uranium, except that at higher temperatures it produces more EU. So, If you allow a stable reactor to heat up to, let's say, 2000 heat, then the reactor will work just the same, but with higher EU/t. The catch is, that the heat never goes below that temperature again if you actually use the MOX.
MOX works just the same as uranium, except that at higher temperatures it produces more EU. So, If you allow a stable reactor to heat up to, let's say, 2000 heat, then the reactor will work just the same, but with higher EU/t. The catch is, that the heat never goes below that temperature again if you actually use the MOX.
I just want a way to use up my extra bits of Uranium 238 and MOX fuel looks like it could be a faster way to make more Plutonium since they run for half the time.
I just want a way to use up my extra bits of Uranium 238 and MOX fuel looks like it could be a faster way to make more Plutonium since they run for half the time.
Well, you can do that, but it would be a real waste of the truly great potentials of MOX. :)
First of all, I want to say a huge thanks for making this modpack, to the creator and anyone that helped them in any way =) It has been about 3 years since I even cared to check out it's progression and play for a dozen of hours and about 5 since my best friend stopped playing it, so I had no one to play the game with, which made it boring for me. A non magical modpack with tech stages?! Well sign me up!

Even if the modpack is made for a challenge and the recipes are harder than normal, the way it is made it actually makes me feel it is great for single player, giving a reason to keep mining and advancing and playing, to reach the next tech level. Definitely the harder recipes feel like they are there to prevent the player from advancing too fast and to give a huge satisfaction when the advancement happens (really huge for me at least). Again I am really thankful and so very happy I finally got a reason to play Minecraft again and get stuck with it (in a good way) =D In the 4 days I have been playing up to now, I have learned more about modpacks that I have had all the time I played before, since normally I could just skip most of the low tech machines, and jump into automation almost immediately. I get the feeling by the end of my playthrough, I will know a ton of stuff about different modpacks, even ones that I have player with before and just ignored, using only 1-2 things from them =)

I want to point out 2 very minor things. There are 2 basalt ores that seem to spawn in the world, Chisel's and Environmental Tech's. Seeing how you can convert easily Chisel's to Environmental Tech's, I am guessing that this is known and one of the unavoidable evils, due to how the mods (or ore dictionary) work. Another one is the metal blocks you get from Tinker's Construct, which would be nice to be the Base/Modern Metals equivalents, due to how you get these if you combiner ingots on a crafting table. Again, without really knowing, I am guessing that is a Tinker's Construct thing and not the modpacks.

Now.. back to mining and crafting =D
I just want a way to use up my extra bits of Uranium 238 and MOX fuel looks like it could be a faster way to make more Plutonium since they run for half the time.

MOX is actually super safe to work with. Or at least, doesn't have to be dangerous at all.

First, MOX CAN be used in the place of uranium fuel rods in a regular reactor. In that sense it works exactly the same. HOWEVER, as it generates more power the hotter the reactor is, it does open up the possibility of different reactor designs.

The simplest, and safest way to do this, is to note that the various cooling components in a reactor cool different things. There are components that can accept heat from adjacent rods, components that can accept heat from the reactors "hull", components that shed heat etc. About half the uranium designs accept heat from the rods, and shed it directly, the other half allow uranium rods to pump their heat into the reactors hull, and then the components cool the hull and the third half are a hybrid approach.

Now, to make a "safe" MOX reactor, we want a HOT hull, because heat gives us the EU multiplier. But we don't want to pump more heat into the hull - because thats hard to manage. So, the simplest thing to do is to create a reactor, put some fuel rods in it, turn it on, and watch. You have at least a minute before the heat builds to 10,000 (the explosion point), so you have ample time to let the heat build to 7,500 about, and then turn the reactor off and remove the fuel rods.
Now, if you leave the reactor alone the hull will not cool. It will stay indefinitely at that exact temperature. If you place any vents in it that take heat from the hull, then it will start to cool. Don't do that (unless you overheated it slightly and its setting fire to things around itself).

Here are 3 relatively high efficienty reactor designs, and the EU output is listed relative to 75% max heat - none of the components used in these reactors will cause the hull to cool, and all the fuel rod heat is diretly vented so the reactors are completely safe to run. Do note that any reactor plating components in the design are there to fill empty space to allow the reactor to be automated - they are not necessary to the design if you are manually filling it, and do have the unwanted side effect of increasing the max hull temp so it makes the reactor slightly more interesting to pre-heat.

800EU/t @16x (2Quad 1 dual)

640EU/t @16x (4 dual)

1200EU/t @12x (5 quad)

https://github.com/MauveCloud/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/releases can be used to view the designs.

Nonetheless: if you still feel unsure and/or just want some style points: If you spray CF Spray on Iron Scaffold the CF will dry to Reinforced Stone; an IC2 material that has a blast resistance equal or higher than obsidian, and can be used - along with reinforced doors and glass - to make a "safe" chamber in which to experiment with unsafe reactor designs. Any actual explosions (coff) will propagate directionally through cabling holes so make sure cables leave the chamber from the roof or some direction that faces away from your base, or a clever S bend etc.
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It is worth pointing out that there is a community of IC2 fans that go way beyond the "safe" designs we discuss here. Their reactor designs have efficiencies way in excess that can be achieved with our simple/safe designs, but tend to utilize reactor parts that wear out (neutron reflectors etc.), require active cooling (coolant cells), and or have duty cycles (the reactors simply build up heat and need a redstone/other timing circuit to periodically cool the reactor so it doesn't blow).

If you ever want to get involved in this scene, these forums are the place to go: https://forum.industrial-craft.net/board/60-nuclear-engineering/
I just want a way to use up my extra bits of Uranium 238 and MOX fuel looks like it could be a faster way to make more Plutonium since they run for half the time.

This was my exact reason for asking about MOX also. I have never used anything but the most basic IC2 machines before, and I was surprised at how much Uranium 238 I was accumulating.

But as someone who has tried MOX for that purpose, I'd advise against it. For one thing, you have to use a lot of Plutonium to make MOX, and theoretically, you only use IC2 Nuclear Reactors to get Plutonium. So in essence, I'm much better off putting my Uranium 238 into a Storage Drawer with a Void upgrade.
This was my exact reason for asking about MOX also. I have never used anything but the most basic IC2 machines before, and I was surprised at how much Uranium 238 I was accumulating.

But as someone who has tried MOX for that purpose, I'd advise against it. For one thing, you have to use a lot of Plutonium to make MOX, and theoretically, you only use IC2 Nuclear Reactors to get Plutonium. So in essence, I'm much better off putting my Uranium 238 into a Storage Drawer with a Void upgrade.

MOX fuel rods are how you turn U238 into Plutonium. You get all the Plutonium back used to make them, plus extra - they last half as long as Uranium Fuel Rods so you can double your Plutonium production by going MOX.
MOX fuel rods are how you turn U238 into Plutonium. You get all the Plutonium back used to make them, plus extra - they last half as long as Uranium Fuel Rods so you can double your Plutonium production by going MOX.

Yeah, I'm not saying that MOX is slower or less efficient or whatever. I saw that you get all the Plutonium back, but even still, I feel that I wasted my time making MOX fuel rods. My reasons are because I need Plutonium now. With my 420EU setup using 28 Fuel Cells, that would cost me 84 Plutonium (!!!) to switch one Reactor over to a MOX based system. Sure, I'd get more Plutonium in return, but not enough to make it worth that initial investment.

FYI, I'm only aware of the costs within AOE. It might be different outside this modpack. But I get 4 Tiny Piles of Plutonium back for every Quad fuel cell I use, whether it's MOX or Enriched Uranium. Even though MOX is twice as fast, that's still not worth waiting until I get 84 Plutonium to change over to a MOX system right now, at least.

At the moment, I'm waiting on Plutonium to progress in the game. So my solution was to add more Reactors.
I have a problem with my server hanging for very long times (minutes at a time), whenever I connect an AE2 storage bus to a storage drawer system that has a creative upgrade in it. It will initial kick me out, but I can eventually log back in, long enough to disconnect the AE system, then things are fine again. it doesn't matter if I connect the bus to a single barrel, or a controller, same result. Any suggestions?
There seems to be a mod that added metals trading to villagers "modern metals" I suspect.... The config needs a tweek if it has one as I seem to have a villager that will sell me 12 plutonium ingots (ore dictionaried to IC2) for 4 emeralds - sort of makes progression a bit easier than intended. I do like the ability to trade for lower tier metal though adds a different angle and use for other products that can be traded in.
I need Plutonium
Best way to boost plutonium if via UU Matter - at efficiency 3 a rod gives you 1 tiny plutonium plus 6m EU => 36mb UU (with scrap) or about 1.9 extra tiny plutonium via replication. The base pure IC2 set up is replicate uranium - pay for itself in 1st run - and you get the second MOX runs as a bonus, automate and scale... but with this pack the void miner give me more uranium than the rate I use it at moment.
I have a problem with my server hanging for very long times (minutes at a time), whenever I connect an AE2 storage bus to a storage drawer system that has a creative upgrade in it. It will initial kick me out, but I can eventually log back in, long enough to disconnect the AE system, then things are fine again. it doesn't matter if I connect the bus to a single barrel, or a controller, same result. Any suggestions?

I'm not an AE2 expert, but I don't think you can connect a storage bus to a creative storage drawer. AE2 doesn't know how to deal with infinite inventories, IIRC.
I seem to have a villager that will sell me 12 plutonium ingots (ore dictionaried to IC2) for 4 emeralds

Did you mean to say Plutonium ingots? If so, that's an interesting bug. Is it radioactive? Seems like a fortunate loophole. Send the villager to me. :)

Best way to boost plutonium if via UU Matter - at efficiency 3 a rod gives you 1 tiny plutonium plus 6m EU => 36mb UU (with scrap) or about 1.9 extra tiny plutonium via replication.

What do you enchant with Efficiency 3 to get a boost in UU-matter?
What do you enchant with Efficiency 3 to get a boost in UU-matter?
I just mean a design where there are 3 pulses per rod, usual simple quad designs. Regarding the villager not tried it yet (might buy some and then trash it) as I done want to break my game.... Did the same thing when I got a flawless calculator from the circuits - kept it until I got to the point where I would have to craft one before using it.
- to add re the villager, he seems to buy 12 iridium ingots for 3 emeralds ... so I suspect there may be a trade the other way round as well if you find the right one (armor / tool smith villagers are the ones to look at, these where tier 2 trades so have to unlock them)

Only thing I have tried I wish had worked was putting a calculator end diamond (un-breaking) pick into a progressive automation diamond miner, but it will not go. Its a shame because the end diamond pick with efficiency 5 and silk touch enchantments it very good - insta-mines stone/cobble as it you has a hast beacon and infinite uses. Not tried the other levels of pick yet (for interest) - its strange because the reinforced stone hoes go in the stone farming unit (at 2x durability they are worth the extra crafting step).. So back to tinkers tools then.