1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So yeah, since the only changelog I found consisted of 1.1.0 changed, I couldn't find anything to any changes for the nuclear reactor, I used this design: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...vtyat23qsucdxz1l07xnymxri6ukkymwz5of0pzzcyqrk which I also found in the forum and it worked fine, but now with 1.1.1 The EU Consumption is WAY lower and it overheats...it also made BOOM, luckily I had a backup of the world before the update >_>"

So, are there any Nuclear Reactor changes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There were some changes in 1.1.0 to the Nuclear Reactor. I don't remember the details, sorry. It had something to do with the lifespan of the minerals being reduced by half. Maybe the Thorium? Something like that.

Anyway, here is a free bump for more knowledgeable people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can vouch for the Throium nerf it is in the change log for GregTech version 2.90b and 1.1.0 was update to 2.90h. I do not believe IC2 has updated since it was put in the pack so it must be GregTech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nerfing their energy production explains the smaller output, but what about the increase in hullheat(it 'was' a Mark I reactor)? Well I gonna look at that changelog tomorrow since I gonna sleep now and maybe there is a more accurate answer then!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really lame how they got nerfed in the first place, with the amount of maintenance you have to do on those, at least make it reasonable compared to other power sources lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The fuel life was adjusted along with output. And heat output increased. Net result was a heavy nerf.

You will need a computer cube in game to test your reactors. Doubtful the online planner will be updated for the interim version that 2.90h was. It will probably be updated to whatever final values get set in 1.5.1.

In 1.5 Greg has continued to tweak thorium and plutonium and now it is back to being the most efficient use of uranium, though still a work in progress with some bugs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just got slapped in the face with two nuclear reactor disappearing after the update. The design I was using was 0 heat... I don't think nuclear power is even feasible now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just got slapped in the face with two nuclear reactor disappearing after the update. The design I was using was 0 heat... I don't think nuclear power is even feasible now.
It's feasible you just have to get inginuitive with your designs I've never personally dealt with nuclear power but I have always wanted to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really lame how they got nerfed in the first place, with the amount of maintenance you have to do on those, at least make it reasonable compared to other power sources lol

It was technically not a nerf, it was a bugfix.

So yeah, since the only changelog I found consisted of 1.1.0 changed, I couldn't find anything to any changes for the nuclear reactor, I used this design: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...vtyat23qsucdxz1l07xnymxri6ukkymwz5of0pzzcyqrk which I also found in the forum and it worked fine, but now with 1.1.1 The EU Consumption is WAY lower and it overheats...it also made BOOM, luckily I had a backup of the world before the update >_>"

So, are there any Nuclear Reactor changes?

In 1.4.7 builds of GregTech, there was a thing called the "hybrid effect". When mixing different fuel types, some combinations generated more EU than the sum of their individual parts. The single plutonium/quad thorium pairing was the strongest of these, producing 75% more EU/t than it should. This lead to the birth of "hybrid reactors" like yours.

However this was an unintended feature, and for 1.5+, Greg fixed it. Now any combination of cells generates exactly as much as it should, no more, no less. That is why you see much lower EU/t numbers - your reactor relied on a bug that no longer exists.

The reason your reactor explodes is because plutonium was changed to pulse twice per tick. Thus, it acts as if each neighbor you add were in fact two neighbors, and scales up in efficiency accordingly. Unfortunately, high efficiency ratings mean exponentially increasing heat production per EU/t generated. So even though plutonium was adjusted to produce less base heat, its extreme scaling means that any plutonium with four neighbors will run searingly hot.

A further problem of the GregTech version you get to play with now is that it is a beta build created to prepare for 1.5, with a ton of features and later adjustments missing. You basically are dealing with Greg's first attempts to rebalance his nuclear fuels, and it's actually harsher and less consistent than what he ended up settling on in the end (now in 1.5.2, GT reactors run extremely fuel efficient, and EU/t actually went up noticably - minus the hybrid effect, of course).

I should probably just put my spreadsheet into my signature... It's not (yet) applicable to GregTech 2.90, but it shows the changes between 1.4.7 and 1.5+. Maybe I can add a section for Ultimate users though, if I end up with a free one or two hours sometime this week.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope, that design also won't work anymore (P.S.: It's even stated in the IC2 forum thread where all these designs are posted that they will not work with GregTech 2.90+)

The talonfire reactorplanner will not correctly model thorium and plutonium anymore, regardless of the setup. All other GT components, like the iridium reflectors and the coolant cells, still work perfectly fine, as do all the standard IC2 components and uranium cells. Just the two GregTech fuels got changed a lot and the planner has not been updated to reflect those changes, because the author has disappeared. Your best bet is doing the math on them by hand, then making a cell mockup in the planner that has the same heat output and design your cooling system around that.

Also, again:
- It was not a nerf, it was a bugfix.
- Greg has not nerfed nuclear reactors. His reactors are, and always have been, flat-out better than anything possible with the standard IC2 components. And he even buffed the standard reactors on top of that. If you want to complain about them being underpowered for their cost (which I won't deny), Greg is the last person you should blame.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Feels like a nerf to me... Anyway whats the math for the thorium and plutonium cells?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In 2.90h? I have no idea :p I've been on 1.5+ for a while now, myself, so I never tested that version. I will however aim to fill in the numbers for the latest Ultimate pack when I have some free time.

The final values Greg settled on in 3.05g (which is the version you're getting in the unofficially official 1.5.2 FTB Beta pack) can be seen in my spreadsheet. A quick and dirty rundown compared to 1.4.7 would be:

-20% heat generated (buff)
+20% power output (buff)
-50% lifetime (nerf)
Hybrid effect removed (bugfix)

-10% heat generated (roughly; now uses custom curve instead of standard scaling) (buff)
+20% power output (buff)
Pulses twice per reactor tick (one full, one half strength) (game changer)
--> Scales up much faster in efficiency now, as a result
--> higher fuel efficiency but also higher heat
Hybrid effect removed (bugfix)

Multi-cells (including uranium) now cost only 1 copper / 5 copper instead of 8 copper / 40 copper (buff)
Lead can also be used to build multi-cells in place of copper (buff)
Recipe disabled: 1 uranium + 8 tin cells = 8 depleted uranium (nerf)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Damn that last bit about the 1 uranium + 8 tin... Still these changes aren't good enough... I am probably just greedy. =X

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
good that I did not update yet, it could have punched a hole into my base... it seems as if I need a new setup for my reactor.

and okay, I will most likely craft a nice stock of near depleted cells :) I'm swimming in uranium.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope nukes haven't been worth the investment for ages now.
I know, its a real shame (though in the context of 512 eu/t solars, anything is pointless really). At least you can enable it in the configs.

EDIT: By the way Omicron the version in the 1.5.2 with GT pack isn't 3.05g, single plutonium cells only produce 10 eu/t.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really? I thought I looked at the modpack list and saw 3.05g there... hmmm.

Odd. Will check again once I get home. I hope i did not make a weird mistake somewhere... Greg has this annoying habit to never correct me even if I talk complete nonsense, and everyone else just takes these numbers (often with little to no comment), so I don't exactly have a working peer review in place :p But I'll see later today what the beta pack gives me.