1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No frawg, I was talking about the beta pack: http://feed-the-beast.com/15beta.php

But yeah, seems I ballsed something up somewhere. Can't reproduce the numbers I got a few days ago, weird. In any case, I have reverted the data in the sheet to without the 20% output buff. Maybe I forgot to delete my configs and had something nonstandard set when I went about my testing. See, that's why it's good to have someone question my work! I keep saying this, tell me my mistakes! :confused: Thanks, Shakie.

In the meantime I'm assembling data on 2.90h. I have good news and bad news for you... the good, plutonium is really strong in that build. The bad, thorium is utterly useless because the neighbor scaling is broken.

EDIT: Woo, and thanks to that, the hybrid effect isn't full fixed. In fact, pretty much any hybrid cell combo gives you less than it should. This is a really messed up build you get to play with here.

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm following his thread... is the plutonium cell already changed to a double uranium cell? so, it's base value is 5 EU/t, but since it is a double-cell, it should be at 20 EU/t for a single cell. so basically that's a huge buff, although the cell still has twice the running time.

and I haven't updated yet, but I read somewhere, that monazit ore gives 2 thorium instead of one. so the thorium-nerf is basically just on the paper.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm following his thread... is the plutonium cell already changed to a double uranium cell? so, it's base value is 5 EU/t, but since it is a double-cell, it should be at 20 EU/t for a single cell. so basically that's a huge buff, although the cell still has twice the running time.

and I haven't updated yet, but I read somewhere, that monazit ore gives 2 thorium instead of one. so the thorium-nerf is basically just on the paper.
Technically yes, but thats only if monazit ore happens to be your primary source of thorium (which it probably is for most people TBH). If however you get them from centrifuging re-enriched cells...

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
actually I get most of my thorium from silktouched coal. and the amounts are so insanely high, that it just doesn't matter...

it's just a slightly larger loss of tin, when the cells have a shorter runtime....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At least there always Advanced Reactors. Should actually get something a bit better with those but man I wish you could make "mega" sized reactors in like RL that actually kick USPs to the curb. Oh and there should be a way to make uranium some how other than bees..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm following his thread... is the plutonium cell already changed to a double uranium cell? so, it's base value is 5 EU/t, but since it is a double-cell, it should be at 20 EU/t for a single cell. so basically that's a huge buff, although the cell still has twice the running time.

and I haven't updated yet, but I read somewhere, that monazit ore gives 2 thorium instead of one. so the thorium-nerf is basically just on the paper.

That's not how it works.

Plutonium does not become "uranium x2". Plutonium is plutonium, and it sends out two pulses per reactor tick. The difference lies in the way this scales, since it doubles external ticks but not internal ones.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you very much everyone the input helped me, especially Omnicron.
While I know how the stuff with the heat works I'm way to lazy to read exactly how the pulses are going, thus I just copy designs :p. Anyways guess I keep the Nuclear Reactor parts on a ME Storage until a update to 1.5.X!

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
are there already 2.90h reactor setups available? I thought my reactor would keep cool, even after the update (because without the hybrid effect, it should be much cooler). apparently with some rearrangements (quad thorium cells close to each other and the plutonium cells next to each other too... that wasn't so good. and although it remained at hull heat 4, it ate away the vents....

so at the moment, I burn up the remaining cells manually controlled... but else I don't know.

EDIT: and I looked a bit into the recipies of double and quad uranium cells. they still need the dense copper plate, which is now made out of 8 copper plates instead of 8 copper ingots.

using normal copper plates or even lead plates is just in a version over 3.0x available (3.03 or so)... :/

the nice part however is: I made a large stock of near depleted cells before updating. and now I see a recipe that allows to turn a near depleted cell into an empty cell + 1 thorium dust. so I turned 3 stacks of uranium dust (I have much more) into 1500 thorium dust... or with breeding even into 1500 uranium cells... quite a nice deal... (EDIT (I like editing): the recipe for near depleted cells is still available... :) )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm absolutely terrified to switch on my reactor (http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...y65xwxoeorwp3gw7z6ia38wn1ra8um240d7wbzxfteiv4 taken from http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=8492. I think SSD posted it).

I'm getting the impression that the reactor planner isn't compatible with the version of gregtech that's in Ultimate 1.1.2 for 1.4.7 and I feel like I hear whispers that the computercube doesn't do something with heat calculation effectively.

So, great. That's. Awesome.

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
monitor your reactor, and watch, if a vent gets rapidly damaged...

maybe set it up in a test world (doesn't matter, if there is a hole in a newly created superflat world)...

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess, I just found a really weird bug.

it's midnight here, and I'm actually very tired. and I mentioned earler that I hava an unstable configuration.

well, I just forgot about my reactor, that was running.

I got a crash report (i'll post that tomorrow) from minecraft.

when I logged back in: I instantly got a death message

when I logged back in from death: my base was perfectly healthy, a few items are missing (that were spilled on the floor when I died)... and the reactor was missing.

the damn thing just disappeared. (actually I'm glad about that, because this way my base is perfectly healthy)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
are there already 2.90h reactor setups available? I thought my reactor would keep cool, even after the update (because without the hybrid effect, it should be much cooler). apparently with some rearrangements (quad thorium cells close to each other and the plutonium cells next to each other too... that wasn't so good. and although it remained at hull heat 4, it ate away the vents....

EDIT: and I looked a bit into the recipies of double and quad uranium cells. they still need the dense copper plate, which is now made out of 8 copper plates instead of 8 copper ingots.
using normal copper plates or even lead plates is just in a version over 3.0x available (3.03 or so)... :/

I strongly recommend against using hybrid reactors in Ultimate - and with "hybrid reactors", I mean any kind of reactor that uses more than one fuel type. Plutonium/thorium hybrids, uranium/thorium hybrids, uranium/plutonium and triple hybrids. Don't use 'em. There's something very messed up in the neighbor scaling in that version, and out of 27 possible combinations, only 3 do not generate far less than you would get from individual cells (and of those 3, only one actually turns a profit, and it involves plutonium which turns a far larger profit if you use a reflector instead of another cell). Basically, anytime you use a hybrid combination, you are losing EU. In some cases, you're losing more than half your potential output.

Also, thorium cells were the first one that got the cheaper plates treatment. Check those out.

I'm absolutely terrified to switch on my reactor (http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...y65xwxoeorwp3gw7z6ia38wn1ra8um240d7wbzxfteiv4 taken from http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=8492. I think SSD posted it).

I'm getting the impression that the reactor planner isn't compatible with the version of gregtech that's in Ultimate 1.1.2 for 1.4.7 and I feel like I hear whispers that the computercube doesn't do something with heat calculation effectively.

So, great. That's. Awesome.

Check my comment above regarding your hybrid-type reactor. ;)

And, the computercube is doing fine in the version used in the Ultimate pack. You can use it reliably. It's got issues with thorium only in GregTech 3.05+. You can also still use the reactor planner if you calculate your desired cell layout's heat output by hand (hint hint spreadsheet hint hint) and then use a mockup in the planner to design a fitting cooling system.

But, yes, in the end, any reactor should receive ample babysitting during its first cycle.

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as I wrote... my reactor vanished and killed me. the base remains untouched.

EDIT: and thanks, I saw that the new thorium cells need the standard copper plates. I had somehow the impression that all those cells now use normal copper plates instead of dense copper plates. maybe it was just a mistake by me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check my comment above regarding your hybrid-type reactor. ;)

And, the computercube is doing fine in the version used in the Ultimate pack. You can use it reliably. It's got issues with thorium only in GregTech 3.05+. You can also still use the reactor planner if you calculate your desired cell layout's heat output by hand (hint hint spreadsheet hint hint) and then use a mockup in the planner to design a fitting cooling system.

But, yes, in the end, any reactor should receive ample babysitting during its first cycle.

Gotcha. Yeah I just tested the design in creative with the computercube, the hybrid now basically makes re-enriched cells instantly, the output is reduced the 62 eu/t from around 130, and the run time goes from like 15 hours to 5 minutes. Core heat doubled from 100 to around 208. Actually built it and those results bear themselves out. Good thing I keep the thing off in my survival map.

Well, guess its time to A. switch over the diesel and/or B. look at some non-hybrid designs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's the numbers on the chance of near-depleted cells being dropped?
And is there any way to get plutonium bar hoping that a uranium based reactor drops near-depleted cells which are then bred+centrifuged?
And when creating plutonium, what's the best thing to do with the thorium, do to its extremely low power output?
Is it simply to get the dust out of the cell and use it as amplifier?

What's the best way to convert uranium to plutonium reliably?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2. Pop silk-touched uranium ore into an industrial grinder and you'll get two small piles of plutonium dust in addition to the uranium dust.

3. I personally consider it a waste considering how easy it is to get scrap to use other stuff as amplifier in a matter fabricator. But then again thorium with its low power output and relatively long life is my fuel of choice. Or was, we'll see.

4. well, you can just take uranium dust and add UU-matter to it to turn it into plutonium...but using an industrial grinder to get plutonium dust from uranium ore or centrifuging re-enriched cells is probably a million times more efficient.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was kinda expecting exact numbers when I seem that you had posted Omnicrom.

High chance meaning 60%?
Or 80%?

Low could be anything from 1-30.

Or, probably a better question, what's the formula, as I doubt it's a simple percentage chance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The exact numbers are not published, I'm afraid, and neither is any formula. The best you can get is estimates and empiric evidence until someone sits down and does an analysis with a statistically significant sample.