[0.12.0] 1.7.10: Technomancy Discussion Thread

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I understand completely, but it doesnt actually change the balance of anything. If i want to power my entire Botania ecosystem off a few endoflames I can do that. In fact, on most servers I find the players build a bunch of hydrogengas, plop them next to infinite water, and that is their Botania power forever. They never progress any further in generational plants, you even see youtubers doing this. There is absolutly no requirement for progression in Botania Mana generation other than a drive for larger, more efficient Mana generation...

Vazkii somewhat fixed this in a recent update. Passive flowers now decay over two days until they disappear completely.
Good to know, but I still dont need to go any further than Endoflames in that case.

Don't *need* to, no. Spamming fields of them is always a choice if you don't want to make the higher-return flowers. Just like you can always just spam more dynamos instead of upgrading them or using higher output alternatives with RF.
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Sorry, balance arguments go out the window when the numbers are EXPLICITLY worse. The defaults should be (I haven't booted up Technomancy to check) 1 million RF per mana right now. 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) RF to fill a pool. The infrastructure to build that kind of production is near (possibly beyond) Gregtech levels of insanity. Endoflames produce (or at least did) mana at a rate of 1 per 5 ticks. Which means that big reactor setup that makes 200,000 RF/t? Is equivalent to a flower I can make in the first 5 ingame days. As compared to something that takes up entire chunks. I can probably beat that with ReactorCraft, but that's nonlinear scaling for ya. Barring "I already have a massive and absurd RF setup" going pure Botania will always be an objectively more efficient option from any reasonable perspective.

Now not wanting RF > mana from a artistic/vision standpoint is one thing. But from EVERY angle of balance I am aware of? This is in NO way unbalanced. It is OBJECTIVELY worse than Botania in every way, the only times it would be a more attractive option is if you already have absurd RF generation (which takes more effort on multiple fronts than the Botania "equivalent") or you hold an irrational hatred of Botania methods.
Good to know, but I still dont need to go any further than Endoflames in that case.
Umm. These days you'd need a garden of 64 Endoflames to make a satisfactory mana gen for late game Botania. As their output has been noticeably nerfed. However your point sort of still stands.
If you are able to generate a stack of charcoal per 30 seconds you can have an ok mana gen. But it's certainly better to upgrade to better options like say a Goumarilis (or whatever it is called) or Kekkimurus. And they will be most undoubtedly more efficient than a mana fab, which is good.

Also that 2 day withering nerf was very ham fisted. Thankfully there's a config for it. I've extended it to iirc an in game month or fortnight. I think that's a bit more reasonable then this 2 sleep nonsence. Yeah it goes by ingame time so I found, sleep through 2 nights and your flowers die quicker in real time. Which I guess is clever.

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Technomancy Beta 0.11.1A is released!

This is a BETA release and may have world breaking bugs. Make sure you have a good world backup before installing!

Upgrading to this version will delete your research for the Electric Wand Core. Either scan a SilverWood wand core and re-research, or give yourself the research with the Thaumcraft research commands. Research name is "ROD_electric".

Technomancy 0.11.1A can be found here:

- Beta 0.11.1A:
  • Enable Phials for Condenser.
  • Changed the way the recipes for the Wand and Scepter are handled. All wand caps should now be supported.
  • Changed the way blocks sync data between server and client. This should improve performance, eliminate several visual glitches, and help prevent lag in SMP. This is a HUGE change so may have issues. If you see any blocks that do not save data, behave differently in singleplayer vs. SMP, get out of sync server vs. client, or that display inaccurate Waila info, please file an issue!
  • Moved most of the block interaction serverside.
  • Removed INode implementation from Ecological Transmuter. It wasn't needed.
  • Removing a filter from an Essentia Coil now returns the filter (with Aspects).
  • Tons of fixes to the Node Fabricator "Air Blocks".
  • Fixed Node Dynamo using 1/4 the fuel it should have when upgraded with a Potency Gem.
  • Node Dynamo now randomly picks which Node to draw from as well as which Aspect to draw, potentaily allowing groups of Nodes to recharge more evenly.
  • Slowed down Item Coil. Now only moves a single stack per source per tick. Moving the entire inventory seemed both OP and CPU hungry.
  • Added a check in the coils to see if a bad source is marked as invalid before removing it from the source list. This should prevent tiles from being removed from the source list if they are in an unloaded chunk. It also prevents taking essentia from tiles marked invalid.
  • Randomized the access to the sources for both Item and Essentia Coils, so they won't hit the same source over and over.
  • Fixed Item Coil only being able to access half of a Large Chest.
  • Fixed Item and Essentia Coil Redstone connectivity. If upgraded with a Potency Gem, redstone will turn to connect to them.
  • Fixed Essentia Coil not returning filter when broken.
  • Added Item Coil filter info to item tooltip and Waila info.
  • Changed TileCrystal to extend "TileEntity". These blocks have no reason to tick or sync data.
  • A lot of general code cleanup.
  • Removed RenderAsNormalBlock = false from BlockCosmeticOpaque, since it does render as a "normal" block.
  • Fixed Water Ritual crash/hang.
  • Fixed Essentia Dynamo being able to connect to tubes in the direction it's facing.
  • Redid Dynamo fuel handling a little.
  • Fixed Blood tank synching for Blood Fabricator.
  • Fixed rotation of Orderly Lamp when dropped as an item.
  • Added Waila info for Condenser.
  • Fixed bug where under certain circumstances the Eldritch Consumer could absorb more aspects than intended.
  • Fixed bug where timeout was not being reduced if no space was avail in Eldritch Consumer.
  • Fixed bug where aspects were not always being output by the Eldritch Consumer.
  • Sometimes Thaumcraft would not provide an "Aspect" for a biome when generating a node, resulting in a node with no aspects. Node Generator now tries Thaumcraft first, and if that fails, picks a random Primal.
  • Fixed wrong block name being displayed when looking at Node Fabricator "air" blocks with the Thaumometer.
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So, not sure if this is the mod to do it, or if there is a better one but I had an interesting idea for a Botania flower that would interact with Blood magic, not sure on the name but some kind of blood fruit, basically it'd be a flower that grows a fruit(somewhat like a pumpkin or melon) that can be eaten(damaged) by a blood magic sword and or ritual Well of Suffering to add lp to its pool. Basically just have it be an entity treated like a passive mob as far as LP generation is concerned maybe?

If you don't want to add it do you think any other mod might that I could suggest it to? I posted the same thing to Botania, but I don't know if that has any chance of inclusion.

I've been thinking of ways to actually play BM legit with a few of the modifications I'm planning on adding to a server, no passive health regen, no darkness mobs spawning, etc...
How do you use the advanced deconstruction table> The tooltip says it's bound to me. I was feeding it crafting tables, but have no idea how points are collected.
How do you use the advanced deconstruction table> The tooltip says it's bound to me. I was feeding it crafting tables, but have no idea how points are collected.
Points are automatically added to your research point pool. Keep in mind you are only 1/8th as likely to get a research point as with the normal table. So with crafting tables there is only a 1 in 8 chance of getting one, and it takes longer to break an item down. If you upgrade it with a potency gem, it will be about the same speed as a normal table to break an item down, but still only 1/8th the chance.
How mamy tables? Are you sure you haven't increased in primal research points?

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I really like this mod, just starting to use it, but from what I've read its sounds promising. One thing that kinda sticks out like a sore thumb, and while its rather minor and not entirely sure if anyone else found this.

The Mods texts has things like "After reasearching this and this (from Vanilla Thaumcraft) and this.... you can now do this"..... From the perspective of immersion, whicch is one of the reasons why I love Thaumcraft in general, its kinda jaring. It would be nice to see the mod use the mechanics which locks certain researches behind the required research. Even if it was just an option config if the idea is not popular.

I mean, reading the text for the Pen, saying I can throw lighting bolts around, and that I should not be using Ink and Quill, when I still have only just started, and I'm still blundering around the world with my iron capped stick.

Just my 2 cents.
I really like this mod, just starting to use it, but from what I've read its sounds promising. One thing that kinda sticks out like a sore thumb, and while its rather minor and not entirely sure if anyone else found this.

The Mods texts has things like "After reasearching this and this (from Vanilla Thaumcraft) and this.... you can now do this"..... From the perspective of immersion, whicch is one of the reasons why I love Thaumcraft in general, its kinda jaring. It would be nice to see the mod use the mechanics which locks certain researches behind the required research. Even if it was just an option config if the idea is not popular.

I mean, reading the text for the Pen, saying I can throw lighting bolts around, and that I should not be using Ink and Quill, when I still have only just started, and I'm still blundering around the world with my iron capped stick.

Just my 2 cents.
Its sort of intended. Much of the text of the research is intended to be "tounge in cheek" and to be somewhat out of context.

All of the text for research is stored in the localization files and can be customized if you truly desire it.

As far as locking certain researches behind the "vanilla" ones, I don't believe it is easy to lock a research behind a research that isn't on your tab.
Might look into the text for the fun of it.

I do know other modders do so.

Thaumic Enegistics, requires a bunch of research done before you unlock things. Infusion Provider requires Infusion research, Alchemical Provider, requires alchemy etc.
I think Forbidden Magic does it a little bit, but could most certainly be wrong. Granted I'm certainly not a developer here so I would only know if its been done or not, and not if it is "easy". Eitherway thanks for the little bit of info.
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Had an idea that I am certain has to have been suggested.
Nodal Reactor; A mass RF system that utilizes the discharge of two or more nodes. The most basic system would consist of node discharger on top of a node and a discharge relay hub nearby also with a node underneath.

The node discharger essentially counts the node and checks if there's a node in bully distance or if the node has been stabilized. If there is a node underneath the relay it will generate a set amount of RF, but only if there's a relay hub.
The discharge relay hub is where you draw RF from. It will look for node dischargers and generate RF.
Now with one node this just becomes a glorified node dynamo but when you add another discharger and node in bully distance will add it's numbers to the generation plus a multiplier.
Say you have 4 nodes in bully distance say each node is worth 100 rf per tic with multiplier of 10% per bullyable node. You'd end up with 400 + 40% totaling 560. Those numbers are just examples.
As for the nodes themselves they will act as normal in a system where one node is to strong it will end up winning destroying the weaker ones. This is something you will need to work around.
You will be able to use stabilizers to protect the node but doing so will remove it from the reactors output calc.
Regular stabilizers will completely cut if off but Advanced ones will leave the multiplier but cut off its main yeild.

The yeild of each node could be 1rf/tic per unit of vis capped at a reasonable number, say 500. If the node has 10 ordo, 10 ignis and 15 terra then that node would produce 35 rf/tic. Of course I know this mod allows you to pump out beast nodes relatively easily so I'd cap the output to 500 rf/tic, so if your nodes total vis exceeds 500 you don't get any more.

The reactor discharge hub will also have a 4 block radius that it will accept generation from. This radius could be improved to 6 by useing a potency gem.
Fyi the numbers can be adjusted for better balance but the idea is simply a node reactor.

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I don't think I want to have something like. I already have something planned for stronger power generation and this seems overly complicated.

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Overly complcated in what sense? Gameplay wise? Codewise? or both. Because I like complicated, not sure about others. My idea can't be as complicated as RFTools endergenic generator.

What exactly is this new power supply and how is it going to work?

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I'd say it'll be computer heavy and if I ever decide to implement your idea, I'll make it much less complicated.

As for the new power generation method. It's going to be a sort of multi-block. It should be done this week or the next one so you'll see. Its threshold should be able to reach way more than 1000RF/t.

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So it's just going to be a multiblock dynamo with a bigger output? or is it going to have a clever mechanic?

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