Whitelist Server ★ Unix Network ★ - RPG Immersion Pack - White-Listed -

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: RuinStarShot
Real Name: Christian
Age: 12
Have you been banned before: No i have never played on this server
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I really would like to try this server out and, would like to contribute to the server. I have never played this mod pack before and would like to have help from others. I love playing on Feed The Beast and would be on whenever i can. I would like to make new friends and would like to see new items,blocks, and worlds.
What role would you want: Multi-dimensional Traveler or player.
Why do you want that role: Because i would like to see new places or dimensions and would also like to act like a normal player.
Vow to follow rules ( I ___ vow that i will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I RuinStarShot or Christian vow to follow these server rules an will try my best to not break any rule.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: AmduciousVoron
Real Name: Chrissy AKA Celeste
Age: 20
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I like being a part of a large community and doing things to help that community. I'm very interested in the way you have roles set up, as well as the potential perks that could come with those roles. I build large farms and stockpile resources all the time in my single-player worlds, but if it's just for me, it all starts to seem kind of... Moot after a while. If I build those things in a multiplayer server, it makes those things hold more value, to both me and the rest of the community. That and multiplayer games are just more fun than single player sometimes.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I really don't have much experience with the mod. I've played a couple of single-player games with the mod, enough to understand the basics. I also have been to the wiki to read up on things I haven't gotten a chance to discover for myself in-game. I'm a big advocate of the phrase "Knowledge is power", and I don't like leaping into situations without having some idea of what I'm getting into first. As for minecraft itself, I've been playing for almost 2 years now, so I know quite a bit about the basic game. I just know less about the mod.
What role do you want: Farmer
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Whenever I'm on a multiplayer server I like to make places where people can come and get things like food without having to spend all their time building a giant farm, because I know how boring that can be to some players. All the same, I know how necessary having a stable source of food is. Being a farmer, in real life and minecraft is one of those jobs that has a huge impact on the community. You grow the food for everyone, and nobody has to worry about going out and finding it themselves. They just come to you, get some, and continue on with the more exciting adventures in minecraft. Like slaying Ender dragons and conquering dungeons.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, AmduciousVoron (AKA Celeste AKA Chrissy), vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances, or may my internet connection be permanently severed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: sabakugaara8
Real Name: Christopher. (I go by Cam)
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned before: No.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I woke up this morning and saw that they had added a few new modpacks to the client. The first one I saw, and was interested in, was the RPG modpack, because I love RPG gaming. I knew the mods in the pack well, the few that were there, and I decided that I would go look for a server. The first result I came up with was this server's Minecraft forum page, I read through it and then I immediately came here to apply to get on it. Something that got my attention was the roles system, which I thought was an awesome idea. And another thing that got my attention was the RP aspect of the server, which not a lot of servers do nowadays.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I know a lot about the mod. I've been playing it since it's second update, and I loved it even since. I know about the different dimensions, the new mobs, bosses, and the new weapons and armor. When I first played the modpack, I didn't really think I was gonna like it, but after playing it for a few hours, I was in love with it, and just played it more and more. My two favourite parts of it are simply the fact that they add more mobs, and that they add a lot of new weapons, including ranged weapons which I am best at.
What role do you want: Miner.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Over my years of playing minecraft, vanilla or otherwise, I learned early on that I have no skill whatsoever with building. When I would play with friends on a server, they told me the thing that I was best at was mining. And after they mentioned it, It was true. As long as I had armor on in a mine, I felt at home. I would, a lot of times, build most of my homes either into mountain sides, or inside of a mine close to the surface. And, I love mining because I love finding new ores underground, or finding an abandoned mine.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Cameron, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
n-Game-Name:agatequinnyboy(my ign)/theninjaunicorn(freinds ign)
Real Name:Quinton(my name)/Lars(freinds name)
Age:14/14(were both 14)
Have you ever been banned before:nope(applys for us both)
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):Cause me and my freind want a quiet freindly server to play on.Cause were also looking for server with no griefing/ stealing.The community on this server seem nice.So me and my freind can play together.So we have a rpg immersion server to play on.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences):Very sorry but since im brand new to this modpack it makes it very had to do 5/6 sentences but I understand some of the enemies and how to make the new portals and such.
What role do you want Player(me and my freind would both like player)
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences):Cause I have no experience with the modpack so feel i should be player till I know what im doing.So I can play it like survival.So me and my freind can play survival.So i dont have to worry about filling a role in since i wanna play with a freind.I feel its the best rank for me and my freind to start of with(again applys for us both)
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I agatequinnyboy vow that i will follow the rules under any circumstances. I theninjaunicorn vow that i will follow the rules under any circumstances.
P.s. this and me and my freinds app combined


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: CoolioCors
Real Name: Corey
Age: 13
Have you ever been banned before: Never. Or not that I can remember.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join a small server with friendly players and staff. Also, as I'm not very experienced with this modpack, I would like to learn more about this modpack whilst playing on this server. Most servers I have been on I end up being griefed, but as this is whitelisted I'm hoping it will be different this time (If I get accepted). Also, I would be on regularly, but maybe not every day as I have homework. I hate large servers as they are usually laggy due to the amount of people on the server, but as this one is fairly small and new, I think it would be perfect.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I have little experience as I have just started playing, but I wish to learn more about the mod whilst playing on this server with other people. However, I do have experience with voxel. I also know how to kill things, and I think as long as I know how to do that I will be fine with the DivineRPG mod.:D
What role do you want: Multi-Dimensional Traveler, or my second choice would be Scavenger.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I think travelling to different dimensions sounds quite fun and exciting. I have seen all of the dimensions in single player but haven't explored them yet. Also being a Scavenger sounds quite fun as I get to adventure around the world and maybe see some new creatures or objects that I have never seen. I am also very good at spotting things, so I would be great as a Scavenger. :D
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Corey, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances. Even if breaking the rules meant saving the world, I wouldn't do it. :D

[You don't even want to know how many times I edited this post...] :D

Hope I get accepted. :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: kamalkraft101
Real Name: Kamal
Age: 14
Have you ever been banned before: I was once banned on a server long ago for grieifing a house. I know it was silly, and when I look back on it now, I wish I hadn't , because this incident has denied me entry to a few servers. It is needless to say that I have matured now!
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I want to join because I have always loved DivineRPG. I play on my own whenever I have the time, and I also love travelling between the dimensions that this pack gives, however, there comes a point when the bosses of the game become too overwhelming for one Minecrafter to face alone. I would love to join this server to meet new friends, team up and travel to different dimensions to see what lies in wait for me! I also want to share my experiences with other people!
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I have quite a large amount of experience in DivineRPG when it comes to items. I am a bit of a collector myself in single player, and am currently collecting the boss statues. I am also amassing a massive collection of items such as the strange foods added by this mod, the melee and ranged weapons, and the ores so I can make myself new tools to defend myself. I am pretty experienced with this mod.
What role do you want: I would like the role of Multi-Dimensional Traveler, however I have looked through the replies and have acknowledged that many people have asked for this role, so if there are too many Multi-Dimensional Travelers, then I could settle for the role of player.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I want the role of Multi-Dimensional Traveler because the most appealing part of DivineRPG to me is the travelling between the dimensions to battle the new mobs, discover new things, and have a good time! I also really want to delve into the Iceika dimension to discover what is in there, and I would like to research into the mobs, items and terrain there.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I kamalkraft101, AKA Kamal vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- In-Game-Name: Nikelnack
- Real Name: Niklas
- Have you ever been banned before: No
- Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I really want to join this server, because my small own server doesn´t work and me and my friend really want to play with other nice guys (he will also send an Format). Also, we just startet DevineRPG and so we thinke we could get help. Also we want a server, where are no grievers. And we like that Role-Playing thing with that jobs.
- What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Not very much, but we are good at direwolf20 and are training very much in SP. But I´m watching hte RPG Modded survival LP from Captain Sparklez.
- What role do you want: Crafter
- Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Because I like changing things. I really like doing things without mining them on my own. Of cours i would mine too, but i just like it.
- Ich schwöre bei allem was mir lieb ist!!! I swear that I I, Niklas, will follow the rules under any circumstances

Greetings from germany xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Denied, Too young. You are providing too little information. No chance to re apply.

Accepted, Welcome to the Unix Network! You will be white-listed in one to two hours of getting this message. If you have any questions about the server, feel free to ask in-game or in a PM, thank you!

Accepted, Welcome to the Unix Network! You will be white-listed in one to two hours of getting this message. If you have any questions about the server, feel free to ask in-game or in a PM, thank you!

Denied, You do not have enough information. You and your friend have to make separate applications. One chance to re-apply. (Goes for BOTH of you)

Denied, I like your enthusiasm to blind me with colors, but you are missing some information. Reach the required amount of sentences. We also have a high amount of MDTs, so I suggest to chose scavenger. One chance to re-apply.

Denied, you have been banned before for griefing. Your app also is lacking some information. No chance to re-apply.

Denied, you do not have enough information. It may be because you have an alpha language of German, but you need more information. You also need to tell us your age. One chance to re-apply.

I think they've stopped accepting applications... D:

I do not stop review applications until I am asked to stop. It just takes while to read everything. 4 o'clock Central time, or now, and 10 o'clock Central time are the times I usually accept apps on weekdays. If you apply during this 6 hour window, you will be able to know if you got accepted before you hit they hay. :D

Thank you all who applied.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*EDIT: Oh, what the hey, it's not like I got anything better to do. Any suggestions on making a better application this time around?

Tyler Carroll

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Bigj69915
Real Name: Tyler Carroll
Age: 14
Have you ever been banned before: This account was my brothers old account. There are 2 bans on servers that my brother was trolling on. I would never do anything to get banned. You can check out the information about the bans here: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/281a5880130802fd71161748b0720fb7a569cd25
Why do I want to join: I really want to join a non-public server that especially has no tolerance of Raiding or Greifing. I just got raided on the AdventureRealm DivineRPG server and they took everything, but I was hoping to join this server because it is a more private rather than the horrible pubic servers where they allow anything. I also dont like PVP unless both players agree. Almost every server thats allows PVP, I get spawned killed. There is no point to play on servers like that, so that is why I want to join this one :)
What experience do you have with DivineRPG: I have very little to none. I have played on a server with this mod pack for about a week. i was hoping to stay on that server, but I could not handle as the trouble it was causing me. I would love to be able to play on this server to learn more about the mod. I have watched all of CaptainSparklez Modded Survival episodes. I have learned almost everything from watching him and his live streams.

What role do I want: Player
Why do i want this role: I love how you are giving us the choice to pick our role, but I looked them over. I saw that I would like to be multiple ones ( About all of them )and I would love to just play and help the other players. If you think of a way for me to help out everyone, I would very much appreciate it. :)

I Tyler Carroll, vow to obey and follow the rules under any circumstances no matter how big of a deal it is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To me, it is full of fluff. You have on chance to re-apply, take some time into it and fill the requirements out.[DOUBLEPOST=1363569043][/DOUBLEPOST]

Denied, not enough information. You have to tell us your name and age or else we can not accept you. One chance to re-apply.

do you mean that if i do my age and name it will meet the requirements?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Mjzambrano25
Name: Mario Zambrano
Age: 14
Have you ever been banned: Nope
Why do you want to join: I REALLY want to play this with my friends, this is just the pack I've been waiting for. I've played on MindCrack FTB, DireWolf Pack, FTB Beta pack A. I've gotten bored of a lot of games and I need something to fill in the gap. So far i haven't been able to find another server, and this one seems to be really cool and professional. Maybe I can enhance the playing experience for others too :p
what experience do you have with DivineRPG: I have very little experience, but I've seen some playthroughs and Reviews and my friends say this is a great mod! I'm looking forward to it! I know that there are 9 dimensions, that it is getting updated very often, and that it is extremely hard, which I like a lot. I have a basic idea of what it is.
What role do you want: Multi-Dimensional Traveler, or Player :p
Why do you want that role: I want a role that can do everything. I Want to be able to craft, play, travel, fight bosses, I want to take part in everything! This mod looks very fun and I don't want to miss out on anything! But if I can't choose more than one, I would like to be a Multi-Dimensional Traveler :D The most appealing aspects of this mod in my opinion are the dimensions. Battling through hordes of monsters and seeking for the treasure just seems fit to me.
Vow to follow the rules: I, Mjzambrano25, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.:)

Second Try, Maybe I'm a little more specific this time :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you do tell us your name and age, we will consider it.[DOUBLEPOST=1363651099][/DOUBLEPOST]

IGN: abruce123412
Real Name : Alex Bruce
Age : 17
Have You Ever Been Banned? : yes, it’s when I was nooby at minecraft, when I didn't know how the system works, so I asked for op too many times. It happened a while ago, also I got temp banned for a small amount of griefing, I didn't know it was a rule. Another time, I got muted when I was on a big server and I wanted to be heard; but that was a long time ago as well, and that is all I can remember J
Why Do You Want To Join? : Well... this is my first time trying Divine RPG. so I want to learn and try my best, and I don't like PVP/raiding servers because I'm ALWAYS the target of Griefers, Raiders, and Pvpers, and I always get blown up. I would like to be on a server with nice people, no griefing, and have a fun time. (Because that is what minecraft is made for:D).
What Are Your Experiences with divine RPG? : I just stated, I went on a server called tech craft, somebody dug to my house, wouldn't leave, so I tried to get him to leave, he got his friend to come and burn me with lava, they took my iron doors and crops, I started raging, I said that there's a no griefing rule and they said that there is none :( (sure, but there is one on the forum) and I left the server for a while. So I want to learn how to play and not be so bad, get better and have a fun time, I bet this server will help.(PS. I can’t play single-player because I have the urge to spawn in items).
What Role Do You Want? : regular Player, I don't know what my best skill is, I’m sort of nooby at everything, But i will try my best.
Why Do You Want The Role You Chose? : All I know how to do is: do vanilla crafting recipes, mine, do PVP badly, build an average house, and get griefed. Also I don't think I will be VERY active because I’m nooby, I don't think I will get stuff done fast, and I have a limit on how much I can play minecraft per day. Anyways I will try my best to be active (We all work at our own pace), so please note that I won’t get that much done, (literally, type a note) and I will try to get a lot done. (PS. I know I didn't write 5-6 sentences on most of them, I just wrote what I could think of). So I will try my best to do whatever i can within my abilities to help this server!

Vow to the Rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I abruce123412 (AKA Alex) vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.
Is There Any Other Information You Would Like To Tell Us?: Yes, I love your picture of all of your favorite Pokémon, I tried my best to type all of this correctly because you reject people with incorrect spelling, And this server sounds like a very good server. Thank you for reading my post; if you sneezed while reading this, bless you.J


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: bloodring509
Real name: Nick
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned before?: No
Why do you want to join?(5-6 sentences): I have tried out a few other RPG Immersion servers. This server seems the best bar far, with the roles and the no raid/grief. I want an actual community to play in, not just a loose net of players that kill each other on sight. I want to actually be able to trust the people I play with so we can help each other out and everyone benefits. The roles also seem very nice, and I think they would be very nice once put into action.
What experience do you have with D-RPG?: I am not a master of the mod but I do know it quite well, I have been playing it for multiple weeks and know what i'm doing for the most part.
What role do you want?: Dimensional Explorer
Why do you want that role?(5-6 sentences): I love exploring and collecting resources, so why not add an extra couple of dimensions into that mix? I like scouting areas in the new dimensions and fighting mobs in them as well. Getting gears and minerals/ores for others is something I like doing as well because it is for the betterment of everyone and not just myself.
I vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow to follow the rules under any circumstances): I Nick vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

P.S.: I would be happy to switch between any roles on the server, say explorer to miner or to farmer, anything really =3.