Whitelist Server ▌GrassCraft ▌ Infinity 1.3.1 ▌ Whitelist ▌ Great Community ▌ [24/7] ▌Mature admins ▌ [SERVER CLOSED]

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What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Hyperino
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): Norway
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played since the first modpacks came out then took a 2 year break.
Preferred Play-style : Build alone and start my own project but also socialize with others on the server.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to join because the server looks great and it is not fun to play alone. You should pick me because i am friendly, helpful and i can contribute a lot to the community.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I dont use skype anymore but i can if needed.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Hyperino
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): Norway
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played since the first modpacks came out then took a 2 year break.
Preferred Play-style : Build alone and start my own project but also socialize with others on the server.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to join because the server looks great and it is not fun to play alone. You should pick me because i am friendly, helpful and i can contribute a lot to the community.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I dont use skype anymore but i can if needed.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Knosox940
Where do you live? (Country):Gemany
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: played modded now for ~4 years, im not a vanilla fan tho.
Preferred Play-style : tech based projects
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Im a friendly nice person and looking for an awesome server. The last Infinity server i played on changed his server location to NA so it was lagg heaven.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I dont use skype sorry, im a Ts3 user.
We will skip 1.20 updated and will wait for 1.21

But trone, Forbidden Magics!
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Knosox940
Where do you live? (Country):Gemany
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: played modded now for ~4 years, im not a vanilla fan tho.
Preferred Play-style : tech based projects
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Im a friendly nice person and looking for an awesome server. The last Infinity server i played on changed his server location to NA so it was lagg heaven.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I dont use skype sorry, im a Ts3 user.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Excitar
Age: 26
Where do you live? (Country): Denmark
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Quite alot, I started to dabble into mods a few months before tekkit launched and I have been playing Minecraft itself since the early beta days. Some of the newer mods I'm still a little in-experienced with, but I pick up stuff fast when I get around to them, so I will easily be able to help out others if need be.
Preferred Play-style : I would say it varies a bit, but more often I like to do big nice looking builds.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'm trying to find a server located in EU with a nice small to medium community where I can find other like minded players to play with.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I would prefer not to post it in an open forum, but if needed I can supply it if/when I get accepted into the server.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Excitar
Age: 26
Where do you live? (Country): Denmark
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Quite alot, I started to dabble into mods a few months before tekkit launched and I have been playing Minecraft itself since the early beta days. Some of the newer mods I'm still a little in-experienced with, but I pick up stuff fast when I get around to them, so I will easily be able to help out others if need be.
Preferred Play-style : I would say it varies a bit, but more often I like to do big nice looking builds.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'm trying to find a server located in EU with a nice small to medium community where I can find other like minded players to play with.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I would prefer not to post it in an open forum, but if needed I can supply it if/when I get accepted into the server.
Good Afternoon,

What is your IGN (Case sensitive):
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Do you accept the rules : of course
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: i have been playing minecraft for about 4 years. i have been playing modded minecraft for about 2 years. i have a lot of experience with AE2, Thermal expansion, Ender IO, and thaumcraft/ thaumcraft tinker. i would like to learn more about reactors and the bees mod though.
Preferred Play-style : I like to make things look neat and clean but i also like automating things and making a sorta factory type base
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I like the small close knit community and like the maturity of the players. i don't like playing with little kids that spam the chat. i think i would be a good fit for this community because i like to help out in any way i can.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I would rather give it to you if i actually get accepted onto the server

Thanks, LegendOfStuff
Oy Legend, if you want, you can join me when/if you get accepted, I'm goin' through Thaumcraft myself atm, and I'd love to do Thaumic Energistics, but I'm terrible at AE2. Right now I'm living in a wood hut, but I'll be making a sort of magic lab here soon.
On a side note: Are we still offline?