XD.. its AobozuYou haven't put any effort in the application, you would be accepted if you would have typed in your name.
XD.. its AobozuYou haven't put any effort in the application, you would be accepted if you would have typed in your name.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Helvarg
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): Germany
Do you accept the rules : Uhm, no? Just kidding, of course I do!
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I play modded Minecraft since Mindcrack.
Preferred Play-style : Tech, but i want to try the magic stuff (outside of Thaumcraft).
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to join, because i want to play the Infinity-Pack (obviously), but its rather boring to play SSP. I am a nice and helpful guy, but i like to build on my own!
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Nope, sorry
Edit: Spelling![]()
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Wekmor
Age: 20
Where do you live? (Country): Germany
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I'm pretty familiar with most of the mods that were in the 1.2 - 1.6 packs, got to check out / learn all the new updates though
Preferred Play-style : Building my base I'm mostly like a lone wolf, but I'm all for community events!
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd like to join because I want to get back into the minecraft mods, since I've been out for a good few months. Why you should pick me? I honestly don't know, but I guess because I get along well with most other players and I'm always open to help other players.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Haven't used Skype for years, so I don't even know my name there anymore...
Accepted.What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Aobozu
Age: 19
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: a ton
Preferred Play-style : Dont have
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Just wanna play, because im a player... lol.
Skype (optional, I will contact and add to group chat): gabriel.munaro2
Accepted.What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Siigari
Age: 31
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Do you accept the rules: Yeah
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Quite a bit. Started with Ultimate back when it came out, then Tekkit, then hosting a dedicated box cauldron TPPI server, etc.
Preferred Play-style : Industrious, economical
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because I'm awesome. And I like people. Mostly the awesome part.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Will PM you upon acceptance.
How long do you think it will take to switch host?We are changing the host provider, we will accept the application when we are done moving to the other host.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Minz1
Where do you live? (Country): USA! USA! USA!
Do you accept the rules : I do.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Err... ever since 1.2.5; that seems to be the golden age.
Age: 15
Preferred Play-style : Running through progression trees of magic and tech mods, but ultimately ending up with Tech Mods and Thaumcraft. Sometimes Botania + Blood Magic.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because, I simply love these sort of communities. I love creating giant structures, knowing that my effort produced something that can be enjoyed by all!
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat):
What is your IGN (Case sensitive):_Amairin_
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Do you accept the rules : Sure do.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played for about a solid year straight, took a few month break recently and am currently returning.
Preferred Play-style : Learning and pushing mod packs to their limits
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd love to join a small community and make some new friends. Also, exploring the new content of Infinity sounds great.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Altoonablows
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): CuriousKey
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): Ireland
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing modded since 1.4, been out of the loop for 1.7 so I'll need to learn the new stuff.
Preferred Play-style : Builder, definitely. I'd be cool with taking part in community projects too.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd like to join because I'm looking for a tight-knit and friendly minecraft community to join, and I think I could be a good member because I like being part of and contributing to the community. I'm looking for a server to really contribute to.
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat): finch.mckee
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Bematrix
Where do you live? (Country): Portugal
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I've been playing modded MC for about three years now, started with the Technic pack and then moved to FTB packs
Age: 22
Preferred Play-style : Tech mods, being an engineering student it is just meant to be, love building too.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'm a simple laid back guy who's looking for a awesome and active community to play this new modpack
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat): Will PM if needed!
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): TisonTop
Age: 14 mature for my age
Where do you live? (Country): us
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played when tekkit came out
Preferred Play-style : I like to use the magic based mods
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to be on a server with nice people how i can become friends with. You should pick me because im nice, friendly, i love helping people solve there problem and i know a good amount about all the mods including the tech side of them.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): tisontop
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): TehKnight117
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Do you accept the rules : Yes.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing for 3 years.
Preferred Play-style : Exploration and building.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to try out FTB infinity and want to be part of an active server.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): shamil1187
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): thenews1999
Age: 15
Where do you live? (Country): UK FTW
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: i have a bit of experience but not much
Preferred Play-style : i like to make a town with other people and work with them
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : i am a friendly person and i love to play with other people
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): thenews1999
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): okimo
Age: 20
Where do you live? (Country): Czech Rep.
Do you accept the rules : Of course
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Playin' since Early technic mod pack ( after known as Tekkit)
Preferred Play-style : Automation + RP
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Well... To be exact I'm just looking for Infinity Server
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): If it's needed in private msg![]()
ALL of you accepted. Server IP changed and updated on the post.What is your IGN (Case sensitive): MijnNickname
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): Belgium
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Started single playing on Agrarian Skies about 1,5 year ago...
Preferred Play-style : Efficient and small, I never really get to the part that gets my base fancy and sorted...
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because I don't really wanna play alone all the time anymore, and just wanna have a few people to play with.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I'd be happy to give you my Skype name, ones I'm in your server.