Whitelist Server ▌GrassCraft ▌ Infinity 1.3.1 ▌ Whitelist ▌ Great Community ▌ [24/7] ▌Mature admins ▌ [SERVER CLOSED]

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Hi :)

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Helvarg
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): Germany
Do you accept the rules : Uhm, no? Just kidding, of course I do!
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I play modded Minecraft since Mindcrack.
Preferred Play-style : Tech, but i want to try the magic stuff (outside of Thaumcraft).
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to join, because i want to play the Infinity-Pack (obviously), but its rather boring to play SSP. I am a nice and helpful guy, but i like to build on my own! :)
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Nope, sorry :(


Edit: Spelling :(


What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Wekmor
Age: 20
Where do you live? (Country): Germany
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I'm pretty familiar with most of the mods that were in the 1.2 - 1.6 packs, got to check out / learn all the new updates though
Preferred Play-style : Building my base I'm mostly like a lone wolf, but I'm all for community events!
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd like to join because I want to get back into the minecraft mods, since I've been out for a good few months. Why you should pick me? I honestly don't know, but I guess because I get along well with most other players and I'm always open to help other players.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Haven't used Skype for years, so I don't even know my name there anymore...

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Aobozu
Age: 19
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: a ton
Preferred Play-style : Dont have
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Just wanna play, because im a player... lol.
Skype (optional, I will contact and add to group chat): gabriel.munaro2
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Siigari
Age: 31
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Do you accept the rules: Yeah
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Quite a bit. Started with Ultimate back when it came out, then Tekkit, then hosting a dedicated box cauldron TPPI server, etc.
Preferred Play-style : Industrious, economical
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because I'm awesome. And I like people. Mostly the awesome part. :p
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Will PM you upon acceptance.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Siigari
Age: 31
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Do you accept the rules: Yeah
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Quite a bit. Started with Ultimate back when it came out, then Tekkit, then hosting a dedicated box cauldron TPPI server, etc.
Preferred Play-style : Industrious, economical
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because I'm awesome. And I like people. Mostly the awesome part. :p
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Will PM you upon acceptance.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive):
Where do you live? (Country): USA! USA! USA!
Do you accept the rules : I do.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Err... ever since 1.2.5; that seems to be the golden age.
Age: 15
Preferred Play-style :
Running through progression trees of magic and tech mods, but ultimately ending up with Tech Mods and Thaumcraft. Sometimes Botania + Blood Magic.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because, I simply love these sort of communities. I love creating giant structures, knowing that my effort produced something that can be enjoyed by all!
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat):
What is your IGN (Case sensitive):_Amairin_
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Do you accept the rules : Sure do.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played for about a solid year straight, took a few month break recently and am currently returning.
Preferred Play-style : Learning and pushing mod packs to their limits
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd love to join a small community and make some new friends. Also, exploring the new content of Infinity sounds great.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Altoonablows
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): CuriousKey
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): Ireland
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing modded since 1.4, been out of the loop for 1.7 so I'll need to learn the new stuff.
Preferred Play-style : Builder, definitely. I'd be cool with taking part in community projects too.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd like to join because I'm looking for a tight-knit and friendly minecraft community to join, and I think I could be a good member because I like being part of and contributing to the community. I'm looking for a server to really contribute to.
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat): finch.mckee
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Bematrix
Where do you live? (Country): Portugal
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I've been playing modded MC for about three years now, started with the Technic pack and then moved to FTB packs
Age: 22
Preferred Play-style : Tech mods, being an engineering student it is just meant to be, love building too.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'm a simple laid back guy who's looking for a awesome and active community to play this new modpack
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat): Will PM if needed!

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): TisonTop
Age: 14 mature for my age
Where do you live? (Country): us
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played when tekkit came out
Preferred Play-style : I like to use the magic based mods
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to be on a server with nice people how i can become friends with. You should pick me because im nice, friendly, i love helping people solve there problem and i know a good amount about all the mods including the tech side of them.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): tisontop
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): TehKnight117
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Do you accept the rules : Yes.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing for 3 years.
Preferred Play-style : Exploration and building.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to try out FTB infinity and want to be part of an active server.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): shamil1187
We are changing the host provider, we will accept the application when we are done moving to the other host.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): thenews1999
Age: 15
Where do you live? (Country): UK FTW
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: i have a bit of experience but not much
Preferred Play-style : i like to make a town with other people and work with them
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : i am a friendly person and i love to play with other people
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): thenews1999
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): okimo
Age: 20
Where do you live? (Country): Czech Rep.
Do you accept the rules : Of course
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Playin' since Early technic mod pack ( after known as Tekkit)
Preferred Play-style : Automation + RP
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Well... To be exact I'm just looking for Infinity Server :)
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): If it's needed in private msg :)
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): MijnNickname
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): Belgium
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Started single playing on Agrarian Skies about 1,5 year ago...
Preferred Play-style : Efficient and small, I never really get to the part that gets my base fancy and sorted...
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because I don't really wanna play alone all the time anymore, and just wanna have a few people to play with.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I'd be happy to give you my Skype name, ones I'm in your server.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive):
Where do you live? (Country): USA! USA! USA!
Do you accept the rules : I do.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Err... ever since 1.2.5; that seems to be the golden age.
Age: 15
Preferred Play-style :
Running through progression trees of magic and tech mods, but ultimately ending up with Tech Mods and Thaumcraft. Sometimes Botania + Blood Magic.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because, I simply love these sort of communities. I love creating giant structures, knowing that my effort produced something that can be enjoyed by all!
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat):

What is your IGN (Case sensitive):_Amairin_
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Do you accept the rules : Sure do.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played for about a solid year straight, took a few month break recently and am currently returning.
Preferred Play-style : Learning and pushing mod packs to their limits
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd love to join a small community and make some new friends. Also, exploring the new content of Infinity sounds great.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Altoonablows

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): CuriousKey
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): Ireland
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing modded since 1.4, been out of the loop for 1.7 so I'll need to learn the new stuff.
Preferred Play-style : Builder, definitely. I'd be cool with taking part in community projects too.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd like to join because I'm looking for a tight-knit and friendly minecraft community to join, and I think I could be a good member because I like being part of and contributing to the community. I'm looking for a server to really contribute to.
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat): finch.mckee

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Bematrix
Where do you live? (Country): Portugal
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I've been playing modded MC for about three years now, started with the Technic pack and then moved to FTB packs
Age: 22
Preferred Play-style : Tech mods, being an engineering student it is just meant to be, love building too.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'm a simple laid back guy who's looking for a awesome and active community to play this new modpack
Skype (optional but preferred, I will contact and add to group chat): Will PM if needed!


What is your IGN (Case sensitive): TisonTop
Age: 14 mature for my age
Where do you live? (Country): us
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Played when tekkit came out
Preferred Play-style : I like to use the magic based mods
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to be on a server with nice people how i can become friends with. You should pick me because im nice, friendly, i love helping people solve there problem and i know a good amount about all the mods including the tech side of them.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): tisontop

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): TehKnight117
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Do you accept the rules : Yes.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing for 3 years.
Preferred Play-style : Exploration and building.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to try out FTB infinity and want to be part of an active server.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): shamil1187

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): thenews1999
Age: 15
Where do you live? (Country): UK FTW
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: i have a bit of experience but not much
Preferred Play-style : i like to make a town with other people and work with them
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : i am a friendly person and i love to play with other people
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): thenews1999

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): okimo
Age: 20
Where do you live? (Country): Czech Rep.
Do you accept the rules : Of course
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Playin' since Early technic mod pack ( after known as Tekkit)
Preferred Play-style : Automation + RP
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Well... To be exact I'm just looking for Infinity Server :)
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): If it's needed in private msg :)

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): MijnNickname
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): Belgium
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Started single playing on Agrarian Skies about 1,5 year ago...
Preferred Play-style : Efficient and small, I never really get to the part that gets my base fancy and sorted...
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Because I don't really wanna play alone all the time anymore, and just wanna have a few people to play with.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I'd be happy to give you my Skype name, ones I'm in your server.
ALL of you accepted. Server IP changed and updated on the post.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): My ingame name is 'playboi131' .
Age: I'm 19 years old.
Where do you live? (Country): I live in Bulgaria, Europe.
Do you accept the rules : Yes, I do accept the rules.
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I started playing modded minecraft back in the early 1.2.5 (direwolf20 pack) and it attracted me quite a lot. Since then I've been playing on every DW20 mod pack, FTB Unlimited, FTB Unhinged, FTB Beta A, FTB Lite, Material Energy^3 and Material Energy^4, FTB Monster, FTB Unleashed, Sky Factory, Agrarian Skies, Magic World (2) and many other mod packs. I know a lot about the mods in the FTB Infinity pack and I have currently ongoing singleplayer world on the pack.
Preferred Play-style : Efficiency and beauty are my type of gameplay. I'm not a good builder, neither I will be, but I try my best to do everything I can to make what I do look good and be as efficient as possible. I like organising. I prefer building huge and if possible with the help of somebody - playing alone is like playing in singleplayer... except the chat I suppose. Kind'a makes you feel lonely.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'm looking for a server with a reasonable community. I've been looking for a server for quite some time now and I beleive you offer the best of both - good community and nice staff. Why should you pick me? Well, I cannot answer that question - it's up to you.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): I don't have or at least I didn't have until just now. I made a skype account so you could add me if you are interested. My skype is 'sis963' (It wasn't meant to be that way by I missed a letter ;x).

P.S. I'm sorry if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes, I was writing this application down very fast so I didn't check it. I hope it won't be too much of a problem if I did allow a mistake :)
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Yeah, server is fully working right now, but I can't turn it on, because of the host's website maintenance. It will work tommorow :) Sorry for having lots of issues with the server.