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  1. F

    Yeah, I've been on it for a few months but guess it's only just been "publicized" I've not had a...

    Yeah, I've been on it for a few months but guess it's only just been "publicized" I've not had a chance to DO much yet, every time I look someone has already cleared everything... but I'm here!
  2. F

    Correct, it is! :P

    Correct, it is! :P
  3. F

    FTB Central Mod Permissions

    I hereby give permission for the following of my mods to be freely used for any Private (third-party) pack. Any public pack may also freely use but MUST notify me here or on Minecraft Forums first. - FlenixRoads - FlenixCities (including all official modules) - HUDWidgets - FlenixTweaks -...
  4. F

    RedPower for FTB 1.5

    Just throwing it out there, but I have a mod designed for my server which adds anything I want for my server. I'm adding marble/basalt to it, so if anyone wants it let me know. Marble/basalt will have all the same IDs as in redpower, so theoretically you just remove RP, place this in and reboot...
  5. F

    Server not starting since I removed some mods.

    Hey guys, I deleted a few mods from my server today, in an attempt to make it run a little smoother. However, now I'm getting this error on startup: 2013-05-22 16:06:02 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException 2013-05-22 16:06:02 [INFO] [STDERR] at...
  6. F

    Questions about making mods and my over view

    I wouldn't quite agree with that. Fun fact: Redpower was one of Eloraam's first mods, and it just kept growing. I think Industrialcraft was quite an early project for the dev too (Completely forgot his name :(.. Albacka? It's not, but its something like that :P) - They are both "Redpower 2" and...
  7. F

    Questions about making mods and my over view

    Generally speaking, 9 out of 10 youtube tutorials suck. As you noticed, they're usually quite young, and don't really know what they are doing. I've heard all too many times "I don't know why you need to put this, just do it". Good practice is to down-vote them ;) That said, Wuppy does some good...
  8. F

    Anyone else having issues with multiple Jar mods?

    Hey, I was just wondering if anyone else who makes modpacks is getting issues when using more than one jar mod. Obviously, it most cases jar mods must be installed in a certain order. In MultiMC, they install alphabetically from the Instmods folder; but in FTB I'm not quite sure how it...
  9. F

    Private Mod Pack Submissions open

    What about hiring a few more mod pack staff members? I'm sure many people would be willing to do it, maybe even part-time. I would offer to myself, but as I only have like 6 posts I feel I should get to know the community more first :p
  10. F

    Private Mod Pack Submissions open

    Damnit, just saw this after submitting my pack. Been working on it for two weeks, NEARLY had it done on Monday but then had to go away until today. I'll have to just hold out hope that my pack grabs one of those free slots. Until then I guess I'll be teaching my users how to use MultiMC... I've...
  11. F

    What's the best way for users to add extra mods to a pack?

    Hey guys, I run a server using Direwolf20's pack. However, we have redistribution permission for a few other mods we want to add (ICBM, Flan's, Advanced Machinery etc) What would be the best way for our users to install these? Ideally we don't want them to have to do it all manually, we want...
  12. F

    Custom Server Modpack

    I wanna know about this too. I like the default mod pack, but there are a few others that we want to add to it. We don't want to baby every user through adding mods themselves so I'd love to be able to just let the download a mod pack somehow, then FTB laucnher would read it and do its magic...