What's the best way for users to add extra mods to a pack?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys,

I run a server using Direwolf20's pack. However, we have redistribution permission for a few other mods we want to add (ICBM, Flan's, Advanced Machinery etc)

What would be the best way for our users to install these? Ideally we don't want them to have to do it all manually, we want logging in to be as easy as possible. One idea I had would be a "dual modpack" support for FTB, where users can run multiple packs simultaneously if they're marked as compatible - but I couldn't find a suggestion area to post this.

Does anyone have other ideas though? Maybe someone knows of a patcher we can use or something? We can't just recreate Direwolfs pack as we don't have permission for Redpower, which is a crucial mod for us.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Impossible at the moment, unless you feel like negotiating with the FTB devs directly.

This feature might be added at some later, unspecified time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not going to say this is what you should do, but it's what you could do..

the FTB Launcher puts config information in %appdata%\ftblauncher

Inside that folder is ftblaunch.cfg, inside that config file is a variable: InstallPath

You could essentinally do a clean install (meaning delete the ftblauncher folder), run the FTB launcher, add your mod packs, (DO NOT PU TIN YOU RLOGIN INFORMATIOIN FOR MINECRAFT) and set the FTB Directory (that installpath variable) to something simple (say c:\ftb)
and then package the ftblauncher folder and the modpack folder and distrivute them with a batch file that could copy the ftblauncher dirctory to the user's %appdata%\ftblauncher directory and also copy the installpath directory to where it needs to go. (the c:\ftb). This way the user gets all the launcher settings and the modpack folder as well with the mods you have installed.

If that doesn't make sense let me know...

You could also go a step further and inside the modpack directory, modify the modpacks.xml to make another modpack using a diff directory. - Doesn't work.

Keep in mind however, that none of this is supported and probably would piss the devs off anyway.