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  1. V

    Item ban/restrict plugins

    Well Itemrestrict blocks stuff like minium stone from being used in the world but some other stuff doesnt work well, Tekkitcustomizer lacks ingame commands such as an ingame banlist and some items bypass it, Also it would be nice if the item ban plugin accounted for mod added crafting devices...
  2. V

    Item ban/restrict plugins

    So i have been running ftb servers for a bit now, and i have experimented with a few item ban/restrict plugins and i feel they are all missing certain features or things dont work right all the time, And i was wondering what some people on here use, ive tried TekkitCustomizer which is what i use...
  3. V

    Light-Weight Server-Wrapper

    Try Mark2, Or RemoteToolKit
  4. V

    Server Owners Assemble! a Fix or better solution needs to exist!

    Your Logic: I run a cracked server, So i cant try to Act against a hack that hurts servers cracked/or not. Sorry but your logic is False. This hack works just as well on premium servers. Im a premium player. there is nothing wrong with running a cracked server or trying to get owners to...
  5. V

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    No... just no.. The mod devs Cofigure the rate to what they feel is balanced. If you want to change it you can do it yourself. Edit: Also just note that theyre not gunna change the rate just becuause 2 or 3 people dont like them.
  6. V

    Unleashed Ore Gen! (Info for People looking to run a Unleashed Server)

    One part of running a server is Changing the Configs to your needs/wants, But know Changing the configs is not needed and is your choice DEFAULT UNLEASHED 1.1.7 TE CONFIGS : FRESHY GENERATED TE CONFIG : Now, in Conclusion, Unleashed 1.1.7 Had Vanilla ore generation over-ride on, while also...
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    XD <3, i would have posted faster but i wanted to confirm my info before putting it out there =), Shouldnt Say things you dont know are true!, Heh also im pretty sure i just helped u hit 1000 likes =D
  8. V

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Heh i pretty much said the same thing above =), Excluding the Gregtech part
  9. V

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Oh also i noticed, The config options i pasted above are the default options in Unleashed 1.1.7 DEFAULT UNLEASHED 1.1.7 TE CONFIGS : FRESHY GENERATED TE CONFIG : Now, in Conclusion, Unleashed 1.1.7 Had Vanilla ore generation over-ride on, while also rasing the gen rates for diamonds, While...
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    These are options in the TE config, So if you use TE to overide Vanilla i can only imagine it would retrogen Vanilla ores. edit: More info coming in a few min, Need to confirm som10
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    1. RetroGen. 2. New Chunks. Thats all ima say. No more is needed.
  12. V

    Error Downloading Game

  13. V

    Error Downloading Game

    Just copy and paste the console >.>
  14. V

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    I dont see how saying you can change it if you want is a waste of time. What if someone didnt know you could ajust ore gen? huh? also I dont see why you have such problem with me suggesting that you dont have to conform to the Ore gen that the modpack makers setup.
  15. V

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Well, depending on what mod is generating the ore, you can increase or decrease it, TE is the probably the easiest to adjust, in /config/cofh open world.cfg and on the toward the bottom you can adjust all TE ore gen and even Vanilla ore gen, idk how unleashed has is configed but it might be set...
  16. V

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Lol why not just adjust ore gen to your needs
  17. V

    Server Owners Assemble! a Fix or better solution needs to exist!

    1.4.7, And i already removed NEI from the server and the hack doesnt work, But its not a very good solution, as i use the nei tools alot.
  18. V

    Server Owners Assemble! a Fix or better solution needs to exist!

    I would also like to know atro. a few people just logged in, spawned in Emperor's chalice and covered my spawn in water, i banned em all, and even worse another guy joined and i watched him, He never went in creative but managed to spawn in a cheat armor and the chalice.. WTF man Edit: i just...