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  1. J

    Starting a new world, ideas for challenges?

    I am about to start a new world on the FTB Unleashed Modpack, it is the one i am most familiar with. This time around i want to put in a whole bunch of challenges for me to complete and limitations to follow, do you guys have any ideas? Here is what i have so far. -Hard difficulty -No Solar...
  2. J

    Problem while running my server

    I FIXED IT. It was on a seperate hard drive before, and i moved it to my OS drive and it fixed it. You might want to post this on a FAQ or something, most people wouldn't think of it. Also whenever i need to cleanup my desktop i just make a folder called desktop and throw it all in there...
  3. J

    Problem while running my server

    So i haven't ran my server in a while, but when i tried to this happened (mindcrack 8.3.2) It worked fine before i reinstalled my OS though.
  4. J

    How do i get to the mindcrack pack?

    Close this please i am stupid!
  5. J

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Unleashed|White list|Grief Prev|Daily Contests|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Any reason why the server is down? It said "Server shutting down" So does that mean its gone forever?
  6. J

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    It says i can't reach the server. Is it still down?
  7. J

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    That would be amazing, can I have one chance? Out of all of the servers on this forum this is the only one that appealed to me and my partner evil.
  8. J

    Your Mob Traps/Grinders

    Im not sure i understood this right, but you can get minimum shards without a looting III sword.
  9. J

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Forum name: Jemjem787 In-Game Name: Jemjem787 Age: 16 (If you backround check on other places this might be 23 years old, i have a fake birthday date that i use when i don't want to supply my real one) Country: Canada Have you ever been banned? why? A couple times, One time for using a modified...
  10. J

    How much Ram?

    Hey guys, i am planning to open up a FTB Ultimate Pack server for me and some friends. Probably around 4-8 people will be whitelisted on it. There would be some minor non-game impacting plugins. We will be building big automation factorys and such that will require a lot of ram. How much ram...
  11. J

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    In the launcher, for the ultimate pack, is the reccomended version the same as the version before it? Ect. Here's what it might say Reccomended Build-blah-blah Build-blah (Those are just placeholder names) So would the reccomended version be the same as build-blah-blah?
  12. J


    Mystcraft, teleporters, nether rails.
  13. J

    Best automated tree farm?

    k, I am 1.4.7 right now. I will do that, thanks for the suggestions!
  14. J

    Lighting suggestions

    Liquid glow stone! I never knew that existed. How do you process it into that and what is that block you are storing it in called?
  15. J

    Best automated tree farm?

    Is AE in the ultimate pack or should I go manually add it?
  16. J

    Best automated tree farm?

    What is this AE people talk about? And thankyou guys for all of these suggestions. I haven't learned SC yet so I will be making a MFR farm.
  17. J

    My personal issue with IC2 and similar mods

    If people are so concerned about machines blowing up, someone should add to the config, that machines won't blow up if used the wrong power source. Will easily fix this concern and won't affect anybody who disagrees with this.
  18. J

    Need help choosing a modpack

    For me, I can just barely tell the difference between 30fps and 1000fps. So when you got concerned for getting 40fps you shouldn't be too concerned. My eyes might be worse or better than yours, you should open up a FPS locker in minecraft to see where you stop seeing the difference. However, I...
  19. J

    Lighting suggestions

    He might accidentally break a glass block, you might blow something up, like an IC2 machine. That is why I would never do something like that, unless its that reinforced glass I think it's called. Too much risk for the return.