Lighting suggestions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Liquid glow stone! I never knew that existed. How do you process it into that and what is that block you are storing it in called?

Its from Thermail expation. It is made with the Magma Curcible and you can use the Liquid tranposer to put it in buckets. Then you can just put in it world like water.

Two things. It flows up instead of down. And unless you do something to trap the source block it will slowly fall up and when it gets to high turn back into a glowstone block.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its from Thermail expation. It is made with the Magma Curcible and you can use the Liquid tranposer to put it in buckets. Then you can just put in it world like water.

Two things. It flows up instead of down. And unless you do something to trap the source block it will slowly fall up and when it gets to high turn back into a glowstone block.

Not in the latest ultimate pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Illuminators, which are also TE, only require hardened glass, silver and nether quartz. They can be died any color so they blend in really well to most decorative blocks and walls. Plus they have lots of redstone setting if you want to eventually get fancy.