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  1. J

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    You guys already know about Industrialcraft cables not connecting to any single EU accepting machine? they keep disconnecting everytime we relog. Mod Pack: Direwolf20 Mod & Version: industrialcraft-2_2.0.316-experimental Pastebin link to crash log: -- Whats the bug? Industrialcraf cables not...
  2. J

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11 Mod & Version:?? Whats the bug? EU cables keep disconnecting from electrical engines and also from railcraft steam turbines. Can it be repeated? Each time the server restarts. Known Fix: Wrenchig engine or picking a block from a multi-block plus replacing it...
  3. J

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    This is confusing. First i made a steve's cart like the DW20 SSP series (last season) and it vanished. I gave myself a cart in creative mode, this time the new cart was slightly different. Randomly, one day, i log into the server and it was doubled! seriously what the hell xD?
  4. J

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Thank you i'll give it a try. For now getting back to 1.0.9 well, what is the problem then? why did my launcher suddenly do this? EDIT: problem resolved. The funny thing is that creeperhost was telling me ALSO that i could download 1.0.11
  5. J

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Apparently DW20 pack seems to be on version 1.0.11 but neither i can download the pack or choose version 1.0.10 (which my server runs of). EDIT: the problem refers in the console as unknown source, but java freezes and i am not able no pastebin the error report.
  6. J

    Whitelist Server Bonham's Wololo|Direwolf20 1.5 V1.1.6|Survival|mature|Biomes o'plenty | WHITELIST | New World

    SERVER IP IN ORDER TO GET IN you will need to copy the config from dw20 v2 1.1.6 server (only Appliedenergistics.cfg) due to a missmatch between client and server from Creeperhost.
  7. J

    Whitelist Server Bonham's Wololo|Direwolf20 1.5 V1.1.6|Survival|mature|Biomes o'plenty | WHITELIST | New World

    Hey folks. I've just been playing around a lot aaaaand i found that a server could be a nice oportunity to bring joy and fun to other people. Come to Bonham's World! SERVER DETAILS Important!!! As moderators will be spanish and don't have a very deep understanding of English, we ask our...
  8. J

    "not save-game compatible"

    i am so dumb xD will see
  9. J

    You knew about decay being collected?

    nice, eric :)
  10. J

    You knew about decay being collected?

    Dense Ores is a kinda rare symbol anyway. There must be a way to avoid those colorful decays
  11. J

    You knew about decay being collected?

    So dense ores always gives some decay? yeah i read about that but how to mine a dense ore world without swimming in tumors? i'll look for it. wait... you can clear an area of decay?!
  12. J

    You knew about decay being collected?

    Very powerful griefing tool i must say
  13. J

    You knew about decay being collected?

    I WILL SCREENSHOT ALL OF IT... he.. he... hehe.... hehehe...
  14. J

    You knew about decay being collected?

    I just used Portal gun on a "power tool light" to make a red decay block to pop, by using the portal gun move block ability. AWESOME. i think i am gonna make a backup of my server then go to my best friend's home and put it in a nice hidden place :D GHEHEHEHEHEHE
  15. J

    Launcher v2 Update!

    True true, but what's the point? i do belive that non-paid work (technically non-paid) is one level above the work you are obliged to do. anyway you are right in what you say
  16. J

    Launcher v2 Update!

    and there may be commertial games with less work behind. It's not black or white, it's a matter of gray-scale
  17. J

    Launcher v2 Update!

    I want to get more than my hands on it :D but you said it. Just WAIT ahaha i repeat, excellent work. i will play a lot on 1.5.2, there is a lot to do.
  18. J

    Launcher v2 Update!

    as long as some day we can enjoy it LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. you guys do an excellent job
  19. J

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    I was trying to learn Java + modding (MAN this is difficult if you never programmed...) These are my ideas: World is been populated by other races before, so one of them was a high-tech civilisation and gone, forgotten --> this opens the opportunity of crypts or alien structures under the...
  20. J

    Mod Pack Update

    I can't wait To use the new launcherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbckfhfkvkgbfofh. People. We need to relax otherwise this is gonna explode