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  1. S

    Tradewinds (BETA 0.0.52) - A trading based modpack.

    Any plans for fantasy elements? Elf/merpeople/dwarf societies to trade with?
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    Mid game botania quarry x -240 z 340 Also, gonna tell you right off the bat, you'll need chromaticraft and botania or else it will corrupt. Re-binding all of those force relays is a pain both in survival and vanilla, and the amount of work it takes to bind them increases...
  3. S

    Mid game botania quarry

    the sticky pistons do not move the linked block. Only the relay itself. The bore lens does indeed warp the mined resources back to the relay I can't do video but I could upload a save if you really need a working example
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    Mid game botania quarry Sorry for the crumby graphics! An explanation and SS @ imgur Still needs a way to chunk load the diamond blocks, so far my attempts at making a flying machine using botania have failed. This uses a bunch of mana, but will net you a lot of resources too. Coal mined by...
  5. S

    Request Commission: difficulty lock and timer

    Requesting a small gameplay mechanic mod which does the following: 1.) Locks the world difficulty per world upon creation 2.) Starts an internal timer which changes the difficulty over time 3.) Enables/disables mods (optional) based on difficulty 4.) Enables/disables mobs based on difficulty...
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    Seeking Botania feedback

    I feel like just having them stick around longer would fix it fine. Maybe twice as long. I made 10 of the things and the net mana production was barely enough to advance to better stuff, even while sleeping each night Decay is a good thing
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    Seeking Botania feedback

    Botania is seriously improving my redstone skills. There are +9000 things I want to do with this mod. I have a corporea sorted storage system and several automated resource collection/creations going. My base is potato powered and I am in love with that statement. Being forced to go to the End...
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    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    If I want to commission a mod to be made should I do it here or in a new thread? By commission I mean provide a description of desired content and offer payment as incentive
  9. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    How do you create the Crafty Crate from botania? My lexicon doesn't have an entry for it and I can't find it anywhere online
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    power suits, conveyor belts, quarry machines... solar panels?!? spoiler factorio is secretly FTB its also hella rad
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    pearl farm (mariculture)

    yeah me too!
  12. S

    Just a few questions before I commit to FTB.

    I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding FTB is just the company that makes the mod packs/launcher/forums. If you're wondering about server admins for ingame multiplayer gameplay then it really depends on the server. You can't just generalize
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    pearl farm (mariculture)

    Yeah, dude! Go for it
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    Special stick?

    step 1: hold a different item step 2: open storage monitor step 3: insert stick ??? Profit
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    What do I do with 190K steel? I accidentally left my high oven on and converted all my iron...
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    pearl farm (mariculture)

    I made a pearl farm for mariculture, scaled up super size! It uses AE to automate it but you could just about do it without anything else
  17. S

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    If you're doing it for items you can jail them and it'll work while chunkloaded if you select "spawn exact copy" and a blood sword/etherial sword is usually better since it won't break
  18. S

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    ALSO REQUESTING Mod block that exchanges items from the players inventory. Specific slot, equip as armor, whatever. redstone configurable... If I'm going to a certain area of my base which I've dedicated to a specific mod then switching around all the tools/items that I need for that area is a...
  19. S

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    Requesting mod block that allows items inserted to behave as if in a player's inventory. Railcraft firestone ignites things nearby, wheat attracts sheep, active bloodmagic sigils do stuff, etc Bonus points if it renders the item Basically my issue is that there's tons of armor stand/item frame...
  20. S

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    Bibliocraft + mariculture lets you get infinite enchanted books. Use the printing press and the typesetting table to make enchanted plates, then repair the plates using Restoration on jewelry. It's manual since you actually have to wear the jewelry and hold the plate but it's free once you have...