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  1. S

    Need a turtle logging program that won't break when the server resets

    It's not that simple ._. Running it as a startup program just runs the code from the beginning, not where the turtle left off before the restart. That means the turtle's location and the code it's trying to run won't match up. This leads to all sorts of problems ranging from it just getting...
  2. S

    Need a turtle logging program that won't break when the server resets

    I know that, but can't the program restart when the server comes back up? The main problem is that the turtle has to move around, so if it's not in the right spot when the program restarts it gets stuck or ends up whacking something stupid
  3. S

    Need a turtle logging program that won't break when the server resets

    I need a turtle logging program that won't get stuck or break when the server resets. Anyone know of a good one? I'd be willing to set up rednet or gps if need be.
  4. S

    Energy (MJ) mass-storage options?

    The problem with steam is that you need large quantities of it to produce MJ. If you turn off the engines that are consuming the steam for even a short period you'd need a lot of engines to suck it back up again. I'd say make a couple of magma crucibles and have them feed into a quantum tank...
  5. S

    Requesting server promotion subforum cleanup

    Ever since ultimate was released there's a lot of ultimate threads in the mindcrack section. I'd like to request they be moved to the appropriate subforum seeing as how they are now in the wrong place. Thanks for listening.
  6. S

    Pumping in reverse?

    Is there any tool or machine that will help me fill in a large area with liquids? I want to fill in a space with lava but bucketing it all one block at a time would be a huge pain, especially since you have to place it up against a solid block. Any suggestions?
  7. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    The shoulder mounted piston works fine for me, and that's the main feature I'm using it for. Digging underground is loads easier now that I can push ores out of the way at will. Still don't know how to deal with those pesky quartz crystals though. You can't push them, and pushing the block they...
  8. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    No. The crop is just hard to see because the redwheat is fully mature. Update! Next up is diamonds, thaumcraft farming, uncrafting and Exo suits!
  9. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    It's been a while. Threre's a bunch more to show you, including recyclers, a cactus powered generator and grinding for emeralds, but that will have to come later :P Dftba
  10. S

    How to use gregtech's automatic machines?? like the automatic e furnace

    The upgrades are now possible, but I don't recommend using overclockers on them. The energy penalty seems to be higher than with normal IC2 machines. ALSO I can't seem to get the darn thing out of the automatic recycler I put it in. Does anyone know how to get it out, or if it's possible?
  11. S

    Methane still a good boiler fuel?

    Ender chests + Factorization routers. Spans any distance and requires no power. My item management system of choice.
  12. S

    Methane still a good boiler fuel?

    Methane produces half the heat it used to in a boiler. This arbitrarily large nerf made it pretty much useless.
  13. S

    Mindcrack 8.3.1 ?

  14. S

    Mindcrack 8.3.1 ?

    Any changes to world generation? If my server updates will there be chunk errors?
  15. S

    Mindcrack 8.3.1 ?

    Does anyone know what the changes are in the 8.3.1 update? I can't seem to find a changelog anywhere.
  16. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    Well, made some good progress today, but I also committed my first significant conduct violation.
  17. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    I will consider getting red wheat since rubies can be obtained from the redstone, but the others don't appeal to me much. I've never done IC2 crops so this should be interesting. Blue can be obtained easily from indigo flowers.
  18. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    I found a nice server that will accommodate me. Here's what happened while I was landscaping: Ta-Da! Edit: In other news I am building a house and collecting some resources. I have a bunch of plants and I'm situated next to a desert and a village, both of which will prove to be...
  19. S

    Hardmode playthrough

    Thank you for clarifying that. That means that my experiment would not have worked since I had no infused ore to begin with. Glad I didn't waste time recording it.