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  1. S

    Tainted Lands...

    make sure to have something protecting the actual blooms too. If anything happened to one of them...
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    Changing biomes for a world

    "Gia's transformation" I think you can also copy/paste the entire base using command blocks if you have admin privileges
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    One time I put the "fireworks" effects on all my roomate's bees... Yeah that was pretty good when he logged in. And then another time I built a machine that spawned snowmen and immediately dropped them into a portal gun portal. Instant snowmen! Snow covering the ground all over someone's...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there a way to get blood magic sigils to work remotely? Like while logged off or in a different area? Ritual of the green grove is way too expensive and I was hoping I could replace it with the sigil which is way more efficient LP-wise. Would binding it to armor and sticking it in an armor...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there a patch for that? Performance mods, etc?
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Maybe. Depends on if you leave in bedrock.
  7. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    no yeah you would not want to replace it with air. that would be worse for fps performance. He would want to fill it with stone/dirt filling with air would increase the amount of rendered geometry because only exposed surfaces are rendered. What qualifies as an exposed surface is any block face...
  8. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    You don't want to remove it because that would leave a large empty space. The increased surface area would require additional rendering. What you want to do is fill it with stone. Replace air water and lava blocks as well as any non-solid non-opaque modded blocks
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    Request Need MTR

    I need MTRs to help diagnose ping lag on my server. If a few people would be willing to run one and upload the pastelog it would be greatly appreciated! ^^^ necessary software (run as admin) ^^^ ^^^ Address to test ^^^ Just run ~100 packets...
  10. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    You can place them under a single block of water. They don't even have to have water on the sides, just on top. Is there a reason for it being that deep?
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    How do Mariculture oysters work? I can place them and I'm farming them but it's sooo sloow. Is there any way to get them to produce pearls faster?
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    Warded Blocks vs. Trees (Don't tell Azanor)

    Trees are op Nerf trees 2015
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    Frame Repair Factory

    P. sure the "Restoration" enchant from marine culture can also repair frames, albeit manually. Might be a good low tech alternative, just need some jewelry and enchanting capabilities. Unlimited oblivion frame uses anybody?
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Lilypads, the ritual and the lamp will work. Idk about fertilised soil Does anyone know how to keep my Autospawner (minefactory reloaded) from making infernal mobs? Any blaze that gets the "Ninja" attribute ends up getting loose
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    Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

    There's an exploit/bug involving extra cells. Every 1 milibucket counts as a single item in the ME condenser, which means 256 buckets of water = 1 singularity 1 bucket of water = ~3.9 matter balls It's hardly game breaking, but there is a quest for matter balls now and it does seem highly...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Will sprinklers work to speed the production of Essence Berry Bushes?
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    That's a pretty shite non-apology
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    Oh yeah fountains totally don't look like pillars of water Sorry My bad Next time I'll try to make my fountain look more like water that's being contained by a little box
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    but lava flows like really slowly... It wouldn't be the same
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    Ingame Torture Facility

    Try using fall traps, flaming arrows, trapped nametag mobs and whatnot. Get creative Oh and dispensers+healing potions are a good way to keep the test subject on it's feet ;P