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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. K

    Whitelist Server Old Fart's United Monster 1.1.2| Whitelist | Survival |MatureWhitelisted

    1.In-Game Name: Kooljac702 2.Age: 17 3.Country: USA 4. Have you ever been banned? Why? No, I have not. Contrary to that I have actually been staff on most servers I've played on. 5.What mod you like the most? I am very versatile touching many mods, but my personal favorite is ComputerCraft...
  2. K

    Open Server Frankrd3's Server[150Slots][Bukkit]

    there's a whitelist?
  3. K


  4. K

    Long time no talk?

    Long time no talk?
  5. K

    Private Pack FTB-Craft || Minecraft 1.5.2 || Extended v11.7 || MyTown || No whitelist

    COuld you guys please update, and put the correct version? :S
  6. K

    fihgu's Command mods installation help/questions

    Yeah umm krizmac could you help me? it seems everytime I put them into FTB-Beta-A.jar the .jar doesnt work
  7. K

    Derp Creeper [1.0.4] |Open|PVE|

    I don't know what happened i am looking into it
  8. K

    Solved Common Server problems, and sollutions.

    lol I know I was just making sure other people know :P
  9. K

    Noob How do I set up a server

    If you do want to run a server go to the launcher and click filter. Change "client" to "server" and then hit the button that says "add filter" I believe? Then click in bottom right of launcher where you usually log in at to download the server zip
  10. K

    Solved Common Server problems, and sollutions.

    fihgu's mod can be usas a temporary alternative to protections and perms
  11. K

    Any plans to make the launcher usable offline?

    I recall hearing there will not be an offline mode
  12. K

    Mac Fix for Launcher with launch.command file

    If I can i will try to make an instructional video on downloading it for the Mac
  13. K

    New Forum Staff

    Lol gratz bud on the moderator position :P
  14. K

    How to allocate more ram for server on Mac OSX

    Umm I was having this issue create a new Textedit file and name it start.command and paste this date into it #!/bin/bash cd "$( dirname "$0" )" java -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -jar FTB-Beta-A.jar -o true Save the file into your folder with your .jar in it rename the .jar taking off the .jar extension...
  15. K

    Derp Creeper [1.0.4] |Open|PVE|

    Server IP - Website - [Picture Coming Soon] Description I have been contemplating on making a server for well over 1 year in the vanilla SMP version. Through over 30 servers, and lots of time experimenting with servers...
  16. K

    ShiftedPlay FTB [FTB Pack A, 1.4.2] [White List] [Survival]

    IGN: Kooljac702 16+ Age?:Y/N Yes I am 16 years old. Agree to the rules?:Y/N Yes I agree to the rules in its full content.
  17. K

    Grammar O.O

    Grammar O.O