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  1. D

    Whitelist Server NoodlePowered | FTB Unleashed 1.1.7 | Friendly | Community | Mature | Dedicated 24/7 | Hats & More!

    1) Your Minecraft Username: Denster91 2) Your age: 14, turning 15 in less than a month. 3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): My name is Denis, and I'm currently a sophomore in high school. I've been playing Minecraft for over 2 years now, and modded Minecraft for a bit over a...
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    Unleashed 1.1.6 crash log

    From what I can tell, it has something to do with Factorization and Wrath Lamps. Sorry I'm not very helpful, but at least it's something :P
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    Whitelist Server Network 42|FTB Unleashed v1.1.4|Whitelisted

    IGN: Denster91 Location: USA (Central Time) Age: 15 How long have you been playing FTB?: I've been playing since FTB launched, and I played modded minecraft for about a year before that. Why do you want to join?: I've been looking for a good community that I can play on instead of SSP, because...
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    Whitelist Server Beast Server - Unleashed 1.1.4 - White-Listed - Mature -Survival - Teampseak

    In Game Name: Denster91 Age: 15 Why you want to join: I've been looking for a good server that doesn't disable everything that's useful, and has a nice community. This one looks pretty good. Have you been banned before: Nope If so Why: N/A How often do you plan on playing: Most likely everyday.
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    Whitelist Server [1.6.4] ArgentumCraft | DireWolf 1.0.7 - [16+][NEW WORLD][BOP][Mature Players][Great Community]

    Age (16+): 15 Experience with FTB and/or mods: Tons, I know my way around the majority of the mods. What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Biomes o' Plenty, Applied Energistics How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: I've been playing FTB since it's release, and for...
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    FPS Spikes?

    I only got around 10 fps more with optifine :P 100+ is with normal render distance though, with far I only got 60-70.
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    FPS Spikes?

    I was having the same issue on the Unleashed pack, and I decided to try disabling Optifine. It appears to work, and I now get no lag spikes, at the cost of slightly lower FPS (though it doesn't matter for me, I still get 100+).
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    Buildcraft Filler won't work....

    Fixed it, turns out my redstone energy cell wasn't outputting energy for some reason
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    [Direwolf20 5.0.1] Cannot place Energy Cell

    Are you trying to place the one called "Energy Cell Frame(Full)"? If so, you need to actually craft it into a redstone energy cell, look up the recipe in NEI
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    Buildcraft Filler won't work....

    I'm using a buildcraft filler to clear out a large area. (45x54x12) It cleared out one layer, and stopped. I have it powered and as far as I can tell everything should work, but it doesn't....
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    Direwolf20 Pack Issue

    Got it all fixed by editing the "unnamed" out of my inventory with nbtedit! :D Thanks for the idea of messing with my player.dat, it gave me this one. :)
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    Direwolf20 Pack Issue

    As much as I don't want to lose my inventory, I'll give it a try. I'll tell him to make a backup of it though
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    Direwolf20 Pack Issue

    I was on my friends server, and when a block breaker broke a frame it made something called "unnamed", I picked it up and right clicked and now I can't join that server without crashing..........Can anyone help me out please, I really want to finish what I was working onAlmost forgot, here's my...