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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. J

    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    Add Global Warming Too much polution and you start taking damage from smog, and eventually lose because world has become a frying pan Too much CFC's from aersol cans and the ozone disappears and the world turn into a frying pan Reversible by using the ozoneamatic (GT recipes requiring 64...
  2. J

    TrainCraft Steel?

    Hello guys! So I have finally decided to use the traincraft mod and make some cool stuff on my Mindcrack 8.2.0 server. I have concluded there are 3 different types of steel, (Blast-Furnace, Industrial-Blast furnace, and Traincraft). Most of the recipes clearly require the traincraft steel, but...
  3. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    Im not sure what you are reffering to, but are you sure its not 8192/p because currently mine is sucking up 40,000 eu/t (Including packets of 32,512, and 8192) from the fusion reactor + solars.
  4. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    Are you serious! Why!!!!! EU would be so much better if everything was just dealt in packets ffs!!! AHHHH :mad:
  5. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    Can a matterfab therefore not take in an infinte amount of eu?????? Due to it not having a eu/t max? (And btw Fusion reactor with 4 supercondensators --> 32768/4 = 8192 :) )
  6. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    But that is exactly the problem, and Matter Fabricator can take 8192 eu/p, which essentially means you could have 1000 fusion reactors (4x supercondensated ea) into one matter fab. Correct me if I am wrong!
  7. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    Meh I have a fusion reactor going :P
  8. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    My solars are outputting nearly 10,000 and I plan to add more. Damn, I wonder if they could fix this?
  9. J

    Interdemensional Energy Storage Units

    Hello fellow gamers! So I have only just finished polishing off 2 IESU's and made a solar energy farm far far far away from my base on the MindCrack 8.2.0 modpack. I was only to be disappointed after setting up approximately 6x64 Advanced Solar Panels + 18 Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels that the...
  10. J

    MindCrack Crashing

    Okay hey guys! (Mindcrack FTB server) So, my friend went out very far from spawn (roughly 45000 units) just searching for things. He brought a portal gun which is connected to his base and then logged off. The problem is that when he logged back in the chunks will not load around him, the game...
  11. J

    The most underused starting strategies?

    Well, I make 2 loggers and arbatoreums for unlimited wood, hook it all up via cobblestone transport pipes --> autocraft table into scaffolds ---> burn it in a row of generators which in turn fills up an mfe and tada! can power an electric furnace macerator (Most likely induction furnace) and...
  12. J

    Mindcrack and Mystcraft

    Yeah but just hop in the end with a jetpack, easy 4 stacks of sheldonite after an hour, set for a whole bunch of hybrids
  13. J

    Industrial TNT?

    Wow okay sweet ^I made a mob tower, that doesn't work gf me -.- --- and towards the niter + sulfur situation you actually need to pulverize netherrack for sulfur and pulverise sandstone for niter, and then combine the two with coal for 1 gunpowder. Thanks though!
  14. J

    Industrial TNT?

    Hey fellow mindcrackies So I was thinking, I don't quite have a creeper spawner yet... and each iridium plate takes 16 Industrial TNT... and 16 of those takes 64 gunpowder.(*Math may be wrong) Well, I find I'm running around at night for most of my game time just grabbing gunpowder to make TNT...