The most underused starting strategies?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since I have only been playing FTB for a short period of time the first thing that I do when starting out is:

Punch Tree > Get enough wood for pickaxes, and axes, fine redwood biome > collect 4-6 stacks of wood > explore to find villages or pigman sites for chests > explore some more to find a convergence of 3-5 biomes (preferably desert, redwood, swamp, plains, snowy woods) > Cave for a few hours > build base of ops > create aqueace accumulator > waterproof pips > steam engines > Hopper > Pulverizer > and finally a Powered Furnace.

Oh and don't forget to make a bed. A bed is like a towel. You should never go anywhere with out either.

The reason that I make a Pulverizer instead of a Macerator is that the Pulverizer not only yields double the original ore in ore dust, but also gives a small percentage of getting another type of ore dust (ie. Gold, Nickle, Lease, Aluminium, etc....). Then from there start figuring out what power source(s) I want to use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since I have only been playing FTB for a short period of time the first thing that I do when starting out is:

Punch Tree > Get enough wood for pickaxes, and axes, fine redwood biome > collect 4-6 stacks of wood > explore to find villages or pigman sites for chests > explore some more to find a convergence of 3-5 biomes (preferably desert, redwood, swamp, plains, snowy woods) > Cave for a few hours > build base of ops > create aqueace accumulator > waterproof pips > steam engines > Hopper > Pulverizer > and finally a Powered Furnace.

Oh and don't forget to make a bed. A bed is like a towel. You should never go anywhere with out either.

The reason that I make a Pulverizer instead of a Macerator is that the Pulverizer not only yields double the original ore in ore dust, but also gives a small percentage of getting another type of ore dust (ie. Gold, Nickle, Lease, Aluminium, etc....). Then from there start figuring out what power source(s) I want to use.
Did you read the title of this thread? Pulverizer asap is basically the most common strategy currently. And everyone starts with punching wood and mining stone, you don't really have to mention that either.

Going around for days before setting up could be uncommon, though. But how can you cave for a few hours before you set up shop? Where do you fit all the ores?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you read the title of this thread? Pulverizer asap is basically the most common strategy currently. And everyone starts with punching wood and mining stone, you don't really have to mention that either.

Going around for days before setting up could be uncommon, though. But how can you cave for a few hours before you set up shop? Where do you fit all the ores?

If you got the cahoonas to not fear death, then getting enough bones to grind up some bags is not all that hard. just spend most of your first day gathering seeds, wood, stone and food. then go all terminator when night falls on anything that moves. Flax plants gives lots of string, and it only takes a single stack to get a RP2 bag.
forestry bags are even cheaper, and you can fit a fair amount of ores at the cost of some wood, wool and a pair of iron ingots.
Armor and/or the means to make some is quite often found in vilages, so that part is not too hard to take care of either while in nomad mode.
Maybe i should make a technical nomad vid series... been looking into making something interesting for my channel for a while.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
~Snip~Going around for days before setting up could be uncommon, though. But how can you cave for a few hours before you set up shop? Where do you fit all the ores?
I prefer to wander around, look for a good spot for a base(again, as many biomes near it as possible), cave for a bit(also, always make a Forestry Backpack or five when getting ready), and if I can't find any natural caves, I'll just spiral down into the earth.
I have to admit, Factorization is great for very few things for me; Barrels are one of them. I can not describe my love for a simple but useful storage device such as it.
...That being said, I will never use the Barrel Upgrade. Quantum Chest or bust for me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I make 2 loggers and arbatoreums for unlimited wood, hook it all up via cobblestone transport pipes --> autocraft table into scaffolds ---> burn it in a row of generators which in turn fills up an mfe and tada! can power an electric furnace macerator (Most likely induction furnace) and within a few hours, the industrial blast furnace and boom! First solar panel! (Now that is efficient!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll smelt/pulverize&smelt/induct as little ores as possible, until I get an easily expandable sorting system up and running. Once I get a nice source of energy (a boiler works wonders, but I've gone netherpump before), I toss all my stuff into my sorter and watch the magic happen!

I'll try to build two bases, one with all my laggy and ugly stuff (sorting system, farms, mob spawners), and have another, mostly above ground home that I would live in (storage from the sorted stuff, bees, basic machines and GregTech machines, little automation). I'll put bees in my nice base because I haven't gotten to them yet, once they're automated (and have the ability to live underground), I'll be able to put them in my other base. I am still not sure where to put Thaumcraft, the worst that's happened was me being attacked by a wisp or two, and one giant angry zombie, but I've heard of people with more problems. And I haven't thaumed yet, so it may stay in the nice base.

My computer's not good, so I tend to choose the least-laggy ways to do whatever I can, which involves two bases. Portals will be up, found from a village, and I'll go back and forth when I need to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most underused? or most beneficent. Most underused is an odd question. I'd say most underused starting strategy would be to walk into water and drown then delete your world, but who knows judging by some people that play minecraft ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Going around for days before setting up could be uncommon, though. But how can you cave for a few hours before you set up shop? Where do you fit all the ores?

You don't have to have a base to cave for hours. You just need wood and eventually 3 iron.
You would eventually come back and get stuff out of a chest but really, as long as you don't pick up unneeded mineables, you could walk away with a fair number of useful starting ores.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't have to have a base to cave for hours. You just need wood and eventually 3 iron.
You would eventually come back and get stuff out of a chest but really, as long as you don't pick up unneeded mineables, you could walk away with a fair number of useful starting ores.
Okay, so you would just dump your ores into chests which means you would set up where you left the chests. That is not going around for days before setting up, it is mining in a limited area where you already decided you would stay.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so you would just dump your ores into chests which means you would set up where you left the chests. That is not going around for days before setting up, it is mining in a limited area where you already decided you would stay.
That's kinda the problem that I have, typically when I start, I don't necessarily think about where I want my base, just somewhere to start digging down to get the resources, end result is that I often have a few chests for storage by the time I want to actually build a base, so I'm then not willing to go too far as I don't want to have to do too many trips moving everything.

In hindsight, I should initially aim to get three wool and planks to make a bed, something to make a temporary shelter out of, then I can wander until I find a nice place to build a base in, and then dig a hole in the ground to live in initially.

But I agree with other people, charcoal is definitely underused, it's a renewable resource and available after you've mined 8 cobble. I usually grab 4 wood, turn it into planks, make a crafting bench, axe and pickaxe, then go and get 11 cobble to make a furnace and stone pickaxe. Then start on some charcoal, planting saplings and digging down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so you would just dump your ores into chests which means you would set up where you left the chests. That is not going around for days before setting up, it is mining in a limited area where you already decided you would stay.

Just because you toss stuff in a chest doesn't mean you have to stay there. Rei's Minimap allows you to place waypoints. I would either drop a chest at the entrance to the cave I was in, or more likely dig straight up and put a chest on the surface and drop a waypoint.

That is assuming that I mined anything and everything.

You have 36 inventory slots. Assuming I didn't spend the time collecting string to make canvas to make canvas bags or make/collect wool to make forestry bags, I would only mine Copper, Tin, Iron, 1 stack of coal(never more than that on me at any 1 time), 1 or 2 stacks of nikolite&redstone, Ferrous, Diamonds, gold, lead and silver. Possibly Lapis but since I don't play with IC I have very little need for Lapis. Maybe some of the gems but those are easy to find and at best they would replace the stone pick and sword and the rest I would leave since they are so easy to get.

Out of those 36 slots, 2 would be picks, 1 iron and 1 stone. A stone sword. A stack of torches and any food that I collected. A furnace and a workbench. That leaves 29 slots to fill with mostly Iron, copper and Tin. Take away 4 for redstone&nikolite, 1 each for coal, lapis, ferrous, diamonds, gold, lead and silver. That leaves 15 slots open.
I would also have 1 stack of cobble for placing down when necessary along with 1 stack of logs.

That leaves you with a grand total of 13 slots open for Copper, Tin and Iron, with some minor variations if you happen to get lucky and find lots of lead, silver or gold.

There is nothing stopping you from placing a chest down out in the middle of nowhere and coming back to it later to retrieve the stuff in it. I personally travel thousands of blocks looking for a site to make a home. Sometimes I have stuff with me, sometimes I have nothing more than a pick, sword and some food and saplings.

On the vanilla smp I play on, I have a couple score of single chests scattered around the worlds from where I have dumped excess stuff when I was adventuring. People may or may not have found them over the last two years. If they were important enough for me to go back and get them I would have but I generally only took the valuable stuff with me, Iron, gold, diamond and lapis.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Instead, I just unsubbed from the one that was annoying me. (Which wasn't Bdub or GenB, as they're clearly playing fun) To be fair, on a server, there is force involved. Guude is forcing that config on the other players.

just FYI, the only person that wanted gregtech is etho. (avidya said so in one of beef videos)

the thing is, that he is going so slow that gregtech wont even affect him.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just recently restarted my world again.. I am thinking of using oil/fuel power for my early-mid gameplay and then to nuclear, should be fun :D.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just FYI, the only person that wanted gregtech is etho. (avidya said so in one of beef videos)

the thing is, that he is going so slow that gregtech wont even affect him.

The fact that he is going so slow, and spending his time making the tech builds interesting instead of just rushing trough the tech tree makes His LP stand out among the others. It's far more interesting to watch him derp around and do stuff the cool way, than it is to watch speed runners rush to Q-suit and creative mode pointless only for looks builds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Creative mode? thats what you think, I think that people should get right away to stuff instead of wasting time creating the slowest tree farm ever just because it looks cool.

I hate when people think that just because you can fly and is hard to kill you is already creative mode


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just FYI, the only person that wanted gregtech is etho. (avidya said so in one of beef videos)

That's a silly claim on its face, as Etho would be a single voice. Either the server is a somewhat democracy, and that single voice is overshadowed by everybody else, or it's run by Guude. In either case, one person isn't going to be the sole cause of something happening.[DOUBLEPOST=1360756769][/DOUBLEPOST]
The fact that he is going so slow, and spending his time making the tech builds interesting instead of just rushing trough the tech tree makes His LP stand out among the others. It's far more interesting to watch him derp around and do stuff the cool way, than it is to watch speed runners rush to Q-suit and creative mode pointless only for looks builds.

The fact that many of the others duped platinum in an exploit so obvious it was removed from TE certainly didn't make things interesting.
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