The most underused starting strategies?

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You do know you can skip 3 and 4 and just consume the spawner most Neither forts as 2 to 4 of them and you only need 6 to max out a shard.
Actually, you only need 5, and farm the 24 other souls required(Though generally, I have these farmed by the time I can soulshard the 5 spawners) :p
In my case, the 3 nether forts I've found contained a total of 1 blaze spawner... That's going to be a pain if I want to soul shard them:D
Gotta say, it's been interesting reading the way people start.

Now that I've learnt enough lua to be dangerous with turtles, that's my plan of attack. I usually find a semi decent spot to start, sometimes it takes a few world gens, and my first home is literally a hole in the ground. I tend to just start of mining, not really smelting anything unless I need it, and then once I'm ready, build a small home to get TE machines going in.

I prefer to use the Induction Furnace in TE initially if I can, sand is easy as you can get that from pulverising Cobble. Keep the rich slag initially, as it's a great way to triple ore output when your a bit short on something, mind you, you will still have to go mining, but if you've got a stack of Rich Slag lying around, being able to turn one stack of copper ore into 3 stacks of copper is pretty handy.

I'll admit that I use treecapitator, and I also use the exploit of finding the cinder pearl's in a desert and then getting my blaze rods that way (Minim Stone, Blaze Powder, Blaze Powder = Blaze Rod, Blaze Rod in Pulveriser = 6 Blaze Powder). Yeah, I know that some consider it cheating, but my goal is to have fun, and getting your arse kicked by blazes in the nether isn't my idea of fun.
Yeah, I know that some consider it cheating, but my goal is to have fun, and getting your arse kicked by blazes in the nether isn't my idea of fun.
Ain't that the truth, though honestly I only have to kill a couple of blazes before they're not a problem any longer (1 for the brewing stand, 1 for a bundle of fire protection potions...I do NOT go in the nether without at least one if I can help it...not after start anyway).
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Is Steve's carts tree farms actually early game? I thought it was a multiple diamond investment?
Its a little pricey at 5 diamonds for the tree cutter and some gold for the table to craft them, but to be honest it is totally worth it when your considering that your entire base could be powered off of this at a very early time. No need for coal coke ovens because you have so many wood plates from sawmilling your logs that it wont matter how many you burn through to get what you need done.
Ain't that the truth, though honestly I only have to kill a couple of blazes before they're not a problem any longer (1 for the brewing stand, 1 for a bundle of fire protection potions...I do NOT go in the nether without at least one if I can help it...not after start anyway).

Hazmat suit. only costs ruber and orange dye. both renewable.
The suits don't last all that long, but they works great at protecting you from fire while they last.
With FTB, I dont feel it's such an issue. I mean between the portal guns, mystcraft & nether portals, teleport pipes & tesserects, etc. Players aren't really disconnected if they go way out to god-knows-where.

Definately true. In one way this is a shame though, since it kinda makes railcraft systems obsolete. We have a very nice CC-driven stargate on our server (turtles switch books depending on what you pick in a menu on a big touchscreen). It's really nice but it's a bit of a shame that there's no point in making for example a subway system.
after playing mindcrack I was forced into thermal expansion and I am glad for learning the other mods. early on I make a hobbyist steam engine TE setup with a pulverizer and furnace. My first 3 diamonds do go on a pickaxe, which i promptly slap onto a turtle. Using lua or pastebin you can strip mine easier, get obsidian efficiently, and with the proper program and fuel level, I never lose my turtle.

I don't even bother with IC2 until I have a railcraft tank full of creosote filled by at least 4 coal coke ovens because thanks to gregtech they can fuel Semi_Fluid Generators. I feel these are seriously underutilized and can be made in tier 1 after a bit of mining. They produce the SAME EU as advanced solar panels and once you get tree farms going, they can run on biomass. They also solve the EU problem for me early on, and with the mining i've done at that point I can coast into blast furnaces, electrolyzers and get my first quarry.
Actually, you only need 5, and farm the 24 other souls required(Though generally, I have these farmed by the time I can soulshard the 5 spawners) :p

True but since double spawners are so common most of the time you will find 6 blaze spawners before you find 24 blazes. Unless of course you camp a spawner for a bit by why bother.
True but since double spawners are so common most of the time you will find 6 blaze spawners before you find 24 blazes. Unless of course you camp a spawner for a bit by why bother.
Playing as much vanilla as I have, I sort of despise the idea of breaking a spawner when there's absolutely no need :P
I got kinda lucky and found a portal gun in a dungeon- so I moved all the blaze spawners into 1 room (2 blocks high)- some redpower lamps and I have 95% control on the spawn rate. - Now I can fill as many blaze shards as I care to need. (or refill them if that update/idea goes through)

As for starting out? first 3 iron- pick, next 3- bucket, make a decent farm early on, including flax for canvas/seed bags.
A decent food supply and a few bags generally means you can go on longer mining trips. (and take that water bucket with you)​
Pulverise coal -> Compressor-> Diamond+Carbon plate -> Nanosuit (Ok needs regular recharging, but unbreakable armour after a few MC days?)
Playing as much vanilla as I have, I sort of despise the idea of breaking a spawner when there's absolutely no need :p
It's a funny habit but it does make some sense on a server where someone else might want to utilize the spawner, too.
It's a funny habit but it does make some sense on a server where someone else might want to utilize the spawner, too.

True in real MC fashion there is always more.

And I always like to build at lest 2k for any other player just to avoid over lap and arguments over such things.
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Personally, I don't have a big plan of attack. I have three desired goals when starting off; a nice pad, increasing ingots per ore block, and a decent farm. I often go with the Macerator because I love using IC2/GT, and the diamonds are a small price to pay, especially when I consider I need to get Macerators for building a Industrial Grinder for better ore to ingot output. Oh, and I almost always make a Coke Oven as soon as I can, because coal coke is handy.
Desired items after that are electric tools, a charge pad, and some powered armor of some kind. After all that, I focus on getting more power output.

EDIT: I should explain what a good pad needs for me. Coke Oven(or two), a bed, some storage, needs to be creeper proof, or at least creeper resistant, basic tools for my mods which have tiers of items, and it should be easy to expand later. Also, needs to be well lit.
If I can't afford to set up a power conversion system, and can only afford to set up energy storage for one mod, then I just use that mods power until I can either set up energy systems from other mods.

My current idea is to use Thaumcraft for most things if I can, so most of my startup is just tons of research with Thaumcraft, until I can make the stuff I need from it.
I'm an LPer for FTB, and I get charcoal if I can't find coal right away. I also have a plan. lol I guess I'm a lot like DW.
Charcoal is very underused, oddly enough. Personally I use it when I can. If I have lots of trees near my desired base location, I start making charcoal in large amounts.
I would prefer to use sticky resin for torches, but apparently GregTech disables that(and I can't find the config option to re-enabled it).
It's a funny habit but it does make some sense on a server where someone else might want to utilize the spawner, too.

Some guy broke the only spawners nearby the local nether portal on my server. Needless to say I was at first shocked and then pissed. I found it weird having to put signs around the spawners saying don't break these other people might need them. lol
I would prefer to use sticky resin for torches, but apparently GregTech disables that(and I can't find the config option to re-enabled it).
Are you sure that this recipe is not just hidden in NEI, like in normal IC2?