The most underused starting strategies?

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You must be watching different lets players and reading different forums than I... people are having a hard time adjusting to copper being on a different level than diamond, so people aren't so flush with copper as they are with Iron. I have far far far more Iron than I do copper.

Oh, I've been watching people playing the DNS techpack in that instance; copper is much more abundant. I recently played a Direwolf20 game where i had a ton of copper starting out too. Since I wasn't doing IC2, I had no other use.

I'm sort of fascinated by these modpacks where they remove the (stupid) EU system and replace it with universal electricity's more realistic modeling. Given that RP2 is basically dead these days, I'm sort of at a loss on what to do w.r.t. a less absurd electricity model. There is just so little you can do with blutricity.
Actually I have a hard time watching a lot of lets plays besides DW's because none of them have a damn plan. They're just noodling around having tedious conversations with friends. I was watching one for a bit where 2 hours in they hadn't even built ore processing and had barely started farming, but had done a ton of caving. I had to pull the D-ring on that playlist. Not. For. Me.
That's the reason why I can't stand anything from dw besides spotlights.

All his lp's are just the same thing over and over each season. The small changes between the updates in the mods are mostly unnoticeable and everything else is exactly the same.

To each his own though.

Some people like tutorials, some people like stories and just playing around having fun.
I'm a little sick in the head. I like to spend my frist day (rl not mc) just exploring and caving. Once I have more stuff then I can carry I find a base location. This will be alpha base it has no real plan it is just a spring board to my real base later. I think Mine the hell out of the area around it. At this point I still have not made anything more complex then a furance.

I will normally at this point build a few turles to make branch mining eayer and clear out 14 20 30 40 and 50 zones (yes I know thats not optimal). My goal at this phase is to get a ton of mats and XP get some enchtment done if I can and murder some endermen. Once I have two pearls its time to move again. I build two enderchests and find a real base location. The enderchests are to mass move my loot from one base to another.

Now (about a week RL time later) I start actully building stuff and that stuff is fairly random I get a thermopile up and running to run some BT tech get the TE culster set up for unlimited sand going into furncances and puizers with hoppers for a Common and Rare inputs. Look at some sort of MJ production which usely is randomly what ever I have not tried before.

Yeah I don't tend to have a set path more a genrail idea. Once I get going through I plan out things in phases and it all shapes up from there.
There is just so little you can do with blutricity.

Considering that blutricity is infinitely renewable, you're not exactly wasting it even if you use it to shuttle a piece of cobble between two chests. Blulectric furnaces are basically Free Smelting, and Blulectric Engines are pretty much Free MJs if you just HAVE to burn through your blutricity.
Oh, I've been watching people playing the DNS techpack in that instance; copper is much more abundant. I recently played a Direwolf20 game where i had a ton of copper starting out too. Since I wasn't doing IC2, I had no other use.

I'm sort of fascinated by these modpacks where they remove the (stupid) EU system and replace it with universal electricity's more realistic modeling. Given that RP2 is basically dead these days, I'm sort of at a loss on what to do w.r.t. a less absurd electricity model. There is just so little you can do with blutricity.
UE seems very... meh. There's only the switch cables (apply redstone and it disconnects or something like that) that I think "oh, now that would be cool to have" the rest I feel IC2 completely outclasses.
It seems like they attempted to make an API but instead made ANOTHER electricity based mod that's pretty subpar in all regards.
UE seems very... meh. There's only the switch cables (apply redstone and it disconnects or something like that) that I think "oh, now that would be cool to have" the rest I feel IC2 completely outclasses.

People have ripped out IC2's dumb energy system and replaced it with UE's good one. And then you can make everything work off similar energy. I think it's an exciting idea. I agree the specific modpack they're making has a long way to go, though.

I really cannot stress how much I hate the EU model enough.
People have ripped out IC2's dumb energy system and replaced it with UE's good one. And then you can make everything work off similar energy. I think it's an exciting idea. I agree the specific modpack they're making has a long way to go, though.

I really cannot stress how much I hate the EU model enough.
I don't really see any problem with it.
I don't really see any problem with it.

An infinite amount of energy can be passed down any length of wire. It's extremely easy. It shouldn't be this way. Blutricity is so cool because it has so many properties of real electricity, including all those funny-cool behaviors when you cut lines.
But realism doesn't necessarily equal fun. Characters randomly tripping over their own feet in SSB:B may have been realistic, but it sure wasn't fun.

This conversation appears to have veered way off of starting strategies. Want to start a new thread about energy system comparisons? <_<
Well, I have one starting strategy, I try to do things differently than in the last world. I really don't like replicating systems that I already made, specially if I can't think of any improvement. Also I tend not to care which way is cheaper/most efficient when comparing similar systems made using different mods. In modded minecraft you generally don't have a problem with minable resources, maybe except redstone, everyone just started putting it in every recipe and even in vanilla it is the most important and scarce resource.
lately I start out goin down in a cave. Get some torches made, get an iron pick, and work my way down to gold and redstone. Make a pulverizer and steam engine.Then I stumble across a village. I find a couple apiaries. And then it's all over because 6 hours later I'm getting stung by lightning bees.
I get as much wood as I possible can than play "Vanilla" for a while. After getting established with a lot of diamonds, I start ic2 with gergtech. Than I do what ever I want.
The one thing I never seem to see LPers doing in the VERY beginning is smelt logs for charcoal instead of bumbling around in caves hoping to find coal for torches.

I do this, primarily because I have a compulsion to not use a "limited" resource when a renewable one works, and coal is equivalent to diamonds.

My current game I have never used a single piece of coal for fuel. Including torches.
I do this, primarily because I have a compulsion to not use a "limited" resource when a renewable one works, and coal is equivalent to diamonds.

My current game I have never used a single piece of coal for fuel. Including torches.
I may be missing something but what do you use coal for then?
With things like an automated steves carts tree farm there really is zero need to use coal for fuel because it is super easy to make it so that everything in the farm is run off of the trees. From the carts to the sawmill to the generator that runs the compressor and still have tons left over.
I may be missing something but what do you use coal for then?
With things like an automated steves carts tree farm there really is zero need to use coal for fuel because it is super easy to make it so that everything in the farm is run off of the trees. From the carts to the sawmill to the generator that runs the compressor and still have tons left over.

Coal is used for a lot of things in FTB and in Mindcrack

The big ones are turning it into coal dust which can go down a path that turns 64 coal into 1 diamond.

The other big one is carbon fiber which is used in a lot of IC and GT items.
I may be missing something but what do you use coal for then?
With things like an automated steves carts tree farm there really is zero need to use coal for fuel because it is super easy to make it so that everything in the farm is run off of the trees. From the carts to the sawmill to the generator that runs the compressor and still have tons left over.

Is Steve's carts tree farms actually early game? I thought it was a multiple diamond investment?
Quarry, quarry and more quarries.

My goal in the first day(s) on a new map is to have enough resources for Advanced solar panels. From there I find a place to setup my base.
in a slag it's 5 smelts per coal

You must be watching different lets players and reading different forums than I... people are having a hard time adjusting to copper being on a different level than diamond, so people aren't so flush with copper as they are with Iron. I have far far far more Iron than I do copper.

Actually, while looking at my stocks now after some time playing on a DW20 server, there actually IS a lot less copper/tin than iron. I have spent a LOT of iron on my steam boiler setup but I still have about double the iron than I have copper and tin. And this is all coming from quarries that simply mine everything in their path.

So yeah, I fully agree. Iron is a lot less rare than copper/tin.
I need to have a better starting strategy. I always end up going mining for a bit and just kind of settling for somewhere, I've never really explored and found somewhere nice to be.
I feel a move on the cards.
I used to start down the IC2 route until I went onto the Mindcrack pack, now I'm well into TE and loving most of it.
What I do is start just like vanilla till I get full iron armor, tools, source of food and some sort of base, from there thermal expansion.