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  1. C

    Installing XRay on 1.19.2 (DW20 1.0.1)

    I know that XRay is a touchy subject in most Minecraft circles - I only play on my servers, I don't think I've ever played on a public server and I generally use fullbright more than Xray, although I do peek from time to time. That being said, I can't get XRay to install and work on 1.19. On my...
  2. C

    1.16 modpack with the same mods as DW20 1.12?

    I've been playing the DW20 modpacks for quite some time, with the most recent being 1.12 (until now). I found that the 1.16 DW20 was missing a LOT that I have always used heavily in the past, but I gave it a short whirl. I didn't play very long before I said nope. I Then decided to give the...
  3. C

    FTB Endeavour stuck at 'Joining World'

    Thursday evening I was playing in a new FTB Endeavour Survival world and everything was fine - Did a bunch of exploring and whatnot, then saved and quit and went to bed. Yesterday evening, I went to play that world again, and when I tried to join, it loads up to 'Joining World' and then it goes...
  4. C

    Direwolf20 112/2.9.0 'Exit Code 1'

    I haven't played FTB for a bit, and I just went to try and play, and when I launch DW20 1.12/2.9.0, it tries to launch, but I end up with an 'Exit Code 1' crash. I've looked at the logs and nothing really stands out as an obvious fix: [21:39:32] [main/ERROR] [randompatches]: Failed to...
  5. C

    Astral Sorcery - 'There is nothing here' constellation Papers

    I started tinkering with Astral Sorcery, and initially, couldn't figure out the bit with the 'There is nothing here' constellation papers. Since then I've learned a little, built some things, but now, I'm stuck. I started with crafting a looking glass, and pretty much immediately went to the...
  6. C

    DW20 1.12.2 - What to do with Ender Lilies?

    I've got a 9x2 'plantation' of ender lilies on end stone that 's being tended by an AA Farmer - as a result, I have tons of ender pearls, and also a huge surplus of ender lily seeds. If memory serves, in the past, you could stick ender lily seeds in a magma crucible and get Resonant Ender - and...
  7. C

    Extra Utilities Spikes

    I've been away for a while, and have never used EU spikes before, but just 'found' them, and after playing with them and searching wikis, it seems the EU2 spikes are 'wonky' - like, not exactly 'balanced'. In EU1, it went something like this: Wooden spikes: half heart of damage inflicted until...
  8. C

    Actually Additions Farmer Seed overflow

    Has the behavior of the AA Farmer been changed at some point? The last time I played around with it in the DW20 modpack, I pretty quickly learned that seeds would end up overflowing to the right side of the farmer, and eventually clog it up if I didn't extract everything (I had a filter...
  9. C

    Throttle Oil Generators?

    So I've still been plugging along trying to figure out how to do things in the new 1.10 DW20 pack, and I've got a fairly decent power system going that seems to be working... I started with coal, then moved to canola and fermenters. So now I have two farmers set up farming canola, with a bunch...
  10. C

    Current modpack comparison?

    I have been playing Direwolf20 1.7 for some time, and jus tstarted playing around with the 1.10 version, and to be honest, I'm not really liking it because there's so much that seems to be missing from it (for one example - it has MFR and TE, but it doesn't have all the MFR and TE machines), so...
  11. C

    Power generation conundrum

    In days past, I used to love to make gobs of HV Hybrid Solar arrays that could supply crazy amounts of power with no maintenance. These days, while IC2 (and related mods) used to be my 'go to mod', since IC2 has taken the 'GregTech Lite' path (Don't get me wrong - I liked some of the things...
  12. C

    One chunk can't interact with the environment

    I logged into my FTB (DW20 pack version 1.10.0) today for the first time in a while and found that inside my 'home', I was stuck. I could open the door, but couldn't go through it, I could try to break blocks, but nothing happened, couldn't open up chests or machines, but I COULD interact with...
  13. C

    Automating ME Processor creation

    I'm working on AE automation, little by little, and so far, I've built a setup to craft ME processors using five inscribers, some interfaces, import busses, etc. The system works great except for one thing: for whatever reason, it won't auto craft the printed silicon. I have the recipe for the...
  14. C

    DW20 chunk in Wrong location issue

    A DW20 server I started playing on a week or two just started having an issue where when I log in, I see animals around, but I'm falling until it times out and the console gets constantly spammed with messages indicating that a chunk was in the wrong location. Basically, it's that over and...
  15. C

    DW20 1.4.1 Thaumcraft Aura Nodes

    Does anyone know what's up with aura nodes in DW20 1.4.1? They're sucking big time. I've been collecting nodes, and I've lost track of how many I've collected, probably enough collective vis to recharge my thaumium capped silverwood wand twice, but whats happening is the vis from all the nodes...
  16. C

    DW20 1.3.1 Startup issue

    I set up two new DW20 1.3.1 servers and updated my client to 1.3.1, and I've found that 99% of the time, it would hang at 'Loading - Initializing Minecraft Engine 4/7' 'Rendering Setup - Render Global Instance 4/9'. When this happens, the Minecraft window goes to 'Not Responding' and this is the...
  17. C

    DW20 1.2.1 bizzare lag

    I just logged into my DW20 server and found some really bizarre lag that I haven't seen before, and I haven't been able to get rid of. If I break blocks, they reappear in about 7 seconds. If I place a block, it stays put happy as can be. Every now and then, a block either stays broken or...
  18. C

    Strange RF issue

    I've been building on a new DW20 1.7.10 world and I've run across some strange behavor that I can't figure out... I've got two Steam Dynamos connected up to two hardened energy cells that are stacked on top of each other via EnderIO Energy Conduits. I've tried both one Dynamo hooked to each...
  19. C

    Setting up DW20 1.7.10 Server with McMyAdmin

    I've been running FTB servers for a while, but this is the first time I'm trying to get a 1.7.10 server running. I worked through several new things, such as having to run the install script that grabs the official Minecraft jar, reading & editing the EULA (Must be a Microsoft thing :/) and...
  20. C

    Thaumcraft 4.1 research notes

    So I've started playing some FTB again after letting it sit for a while - I know things changed a lot in 4.1 (I'm running DW20 1.6.4) and I more or less understand most of it - but where I'm drawing a blank and can't seem to find info is with regards to research notes. I know you can 'buy' some...