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  1. N

    Direwolf20 ForgeEssentials Error

    i don't have the serverfiles onhand (at work atm), what forge version does DW20v5.3.2 use, but i have the feeling you have the wrong FE version for the wrong forge version.
  2. N

    Direwolf20 ForgeEssentials Error

    Where did you put the files of FE on the server (what folder(s))? What version of the DW20 server are you running?
  3. N

    [SMP] Endermen spawning and despawning

    Good to hear you got it solved :D about MCPC+ Thats the feeling i already got after all the topics about it, and the integration of plugins is quiet easy. The only thing i couldn't find in a quick search is some general information about the actual software. (ea a manual / wiki about what it...
  4. N

    Insane Non stop block and server lag!

    Might be worth a shot: As stated by CPW on twitter to me: NO. Set (x)ms == (x)mx, for servers, ALWAYS. This will reduce lag by a big amount, since the server won't be trying to clear the ram it uses above the xms value
  5. N

    [SMP] Endermen spawning and despawning

    The only thing i can think of where they blink is water / rain although that shouldn't happen in the end. i have no experience with MCPC+ although i see it being mentioned quiet abit latetly, maybe i should try it aswell on my server. Just reading about through your configfile and i do notice...
  6. N

    F.T.B crashes

    TBh i must say even though it's not nice i do like his reaction <^.^>
  7. N

    Insane Non stop block and server lag!

    are you sending any java flags during the startup of the server (ea in the file you launch)?
  8. N

    Server wont boot stuck at checking for updates

    It's not taken down btw and works at this moment: http 509: 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Apache bw/limited extension)This status code, while used by many servers, is not specified in any RFCs
  9. N

    People can't join my server anymore

    That's rather odd, cause what the .bat basicly does is starting the .jar with some extra information (ea extra ram). So if the .jar works the .bat has to work (unless you make a strange typo in the .bat). What i expect that is happening is that your "server" has gotten a new IP-adress and this...
  10. N

    Solved Direwolf20 Server for Linux?

    Having an FTB server on Linux / Ubuntu / Debian (and any other *nix-based os is possible) and in general more stable then windows (in my experience) You could also read the following guide (made a while back) in the serveradmin forums by Johnley...
  11. N

    [SMP] Endermen spawning and despawning

    it might be a tip to edit the config file and get rid off some sensative info (aka dbasename and password)
  12. N

    Windows .exe Unable to connect to Feed the beast ultimate (1.1.1) server

    cpw.mods.fml.common.DuplicateModsFoundException at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.identifyDuplicates( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( You didn't do what i asked you to do You...
  13. N

    Windows .exe 1.5.2 Fatal Error (Memory issue?)

    Not saying anything but :p On a sidenote: Does it also happen without optifine?
  14. N

    Any way to use the controller mod?

    it does and doesn't. When the launcher detects a new recommended a small popup will come with the question if you want to update. Like normal 90% off the people don't read popups or warnings and just press Yes. Then the launcher does indeed update. What you can do is press the V next to...
  15. N

    Minecraft FTB Mindcrack world freezing but not crashing

    It's more the question what goes right in your case, Yur connection is dropping / getting blocked all the time: 2013-05-30 17:14:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Connection timed out: connect 2013-05-30 17:14:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at...
  16. N

    FTB become blackscreen after Mojang logo!?!

    FTB Lite 1.2.2 is broken, it doesn't work. In the launcher you have a V next to recommended or the modpackversion. If you press that V you can select an older version. Those should work.
  17. N

    Windows .exe Sphax glitch

    What modpack are you running? Can try to replicate it on my machine.
  18. N

    Launcher unable to connect to internet

    Missing alot of info in that log, could you upload a new log where you copy and paste the whole content of your console?
  19. N

    Windows .exe Unable to connect to Feed the beast ultimate (1.1.1) server

    i presume you have FTB access @ daddycheese. Ifso you only need to do the following: 1) Make a backup of your world and configfolder 2) did you make the backup? 3) Delete the config, coremods and mods folders 4) download the new serverfiles to your pc from the website 5) Extract the...
  20. N

    Can't connect? Says offline

    First of all welcome on the FTB forums, stay awhile and listen (o snap wrong game) 2 things: 1) We need those errors / logs (otherwise we have no idea what's causing the problem) 2) This is client techsupport. You might wanna post it here...