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  1. N

    Windows .exe Chipset and Electrum recipes not working after server update to 1.1.2

    This changelog ;)
  2. N

    Issues with Launcher.

    In the launcher there is a V (next to recommended or a version number), press this V and you can select an older version incase you want to play FTB lite.
  3. N

    100% CPU Usage Caused by root.tick.textures

    Just on an other forum i saw somthing that might be related to this problem. Could you make a output of the console to i'm curious in the part before 2013-05-28 13:22:41 [INFO] [STDOUT] Something's taking too long! 'root.tick' took aprox 465.257237 ms 2013-05-28 13:22:41 [INFO]...
  4. N

    Java Reflection not loading?

    You can ignore all this, the devs do know about the red and yellow letters in the consoles and are working on it.
  5. N

    how to update a direwolf20 server

    short answer not :P besides the modpack you prob need to update all other plugins. Even then this doesn't garantuee that it will work flawless.
  6. N

    crashing on startup (ftb lenux Server)

    The error is pretty clear. Did you update the server without deleting all the old mods? cpw.mods.fml.common.DuplicateModsFoundException
  7. N

    Mac Game Crash

    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at com.eloraam.redpower.core.ItemExtended.d( Something went wrong with extending. The only solution i can think of atm is to remove the faulty block with MCEdit. Make sure you make a backup off your world before loading it in any...
  8. N

    Servers down? Please wait while mods are being loaded... shows all is up and running. I don't see anything fancy on twitter atm either
  9. N

    Mac Forge mod loader has found world ID mismatches

    Are you updating from 8.2.0 to 8.3.2? Try the version in between first to convert the wolrd to the 8.3.x format.
  10. N

    FTB launcher crash

    Besides that your still on an old version of Java JRE version: 7.0_17-b02, please uninstall it and install update 21
  11. N

    Issues with Launcher.

    This is a known error with the FTB Lite pack (v1.2.2), they are working on it
  12. N

    CRASH when trying to Connect Gold Pipe

    From your first logfile: [11:19:30] [ERROR]> Failed to save settings: C:\Users\Raymond\AppData\Roaming\ftblauncher\ftblaunch.cfg (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open) The...
  13. N

    Windows .exe Updated my Direwolf20 mod pack and now cant connect to server??

    Howto update the server, better ask that in the server forums.
  14. N

    100% CPU Usage Caused by root.tick.textures

    A quick overview about the problem and the actual packs that work is that the 3 that don't work have way more mods installed then the onces that have no problem. Lag, being it from ticks or otherwise is always really hard to debunk. Do you run client and server on the same machine (ea are you...
  15. N

    GregTech Will not load if placed in a folder named Tekkit (Ultimate 1.1.2)

    If only the majority of the modmakers did this, this whould be simply win
  16. N

    Persistant Star Up Crash Report

    2013-05-28 02:52:48 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Caught exception from XyCraftWorld java.lang.RuntimeException: C:\Users\Raymond\Desktop\FTB\MindCrack\minecraft\config\XyCraft.cfg (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)...
  17. N

    Windows .exe FTB Lite doesn't start

    There are issues with the FTB Lite pack (1.2.2) atleast, i myself get a black screen like many tickets and other topics write. Haven't found a workaround yet (besides going back to an older version)
  18. N

    CRASH Report - Block Shifts

    2013-05-28 07:24:20 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.RuntimeException: C:\Users\Raymond\Desktop\FTB\MindCrack\minecraft\config\NEISubset.cfg (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open) Something (prob an Anit-Virus with a Real...
  19. N

    chunk loader block crashing

    So in creative+, does it also happen in normal Creative
  20. N

    Making new server

    I think this is more for the serveradmin topic not tech support: