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  1. B

    Thoughts about open source Minecraft alternatives?

    Hey, not exactly open source, but Medieval Engineers has great modding capabilities and it well written. Id love to see at least a couple of the bigger mods make a mod for this game, it has such a great atmosphere and so much potential depending on what the community can put in.
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    [1.7.10] RusticCraft

    i think not having an objective in this particular pack is good, but hqm could be set up more like an optional tutorial for some of the less intuitive mods that finishes up after it gives you a basic idea of what to do. I don't know how much work that would be for Havanacus though. if i recall...
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    [1.7.10] RusticCraft

    I personally like the simplicity and freedom of this pack so i vote no
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    [1.7.10] RusticCraft

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    Texture Artists

    i am also self-taught, again mostly by messing around, and i would recommend, very similar to gimp but perhaps a bit easier to use. also lots of plugins and filters to do different things.
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    Texture Artists

    i love making the odd texture, and i dont mind doing any blocks or items. ill either do pixel or shpax style but i will not do anymore animation, ive learnt my lesson
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    What pack are you playing right now?

    Iv'e been playing a really nice 1.7.10 custom pack called RusticCraft that has a really nice relaxed feel to it, but not to easy.
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    [1.7.10] RusticCraft

    I love the feel of this pack and I think that shaders go really well with it. Now I know its always a bit hit and miss, but I only lost about 2 fps so if your not having lag you may want to try it out.
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    Back in my Day... Minecraft Edition!

    back in my day, doors made purple sparklez
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    60% of top threads are now spam.

    my favourite captcha is the one that only spambots see, its hidden in the code so humans dont see it but the bots fall for it every time. also, a lot of the spam threads have the same url at the end, surely that can be picked up on
  11. B

    Thoughts about open source Minecraft alternatives?

    Honestly this is what i feel, minecraft was never planned or optimized to be able to properly handle all of its mods, and people stuck with it because there were so any mods and it was so well documented. it would be fantastic to have a fresh, stable, optimized engine and a strong incentive for...
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    Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

    Potentially they could get a far better engine/ get some stuff coded properly. although this may be good or bad for mods depending...
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    Normal Maps for JSTR -- Shaders

    hmm another thing that should have been in vanilla. anyway, i love these
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    The Update to 1.8

    Gee, its a bit depressing atm
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    Getting over a cold? Any tricks?

    vinegar and onions. don't ask.
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    The Update to 1.8

    what ever happened to bukkit being ported to vanilla in 1.8?
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    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    there are upgrades that allow you to move blocks
  18. B

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    This is scarily close to an idea I had long before I had even heard of tconstruct. I think this could also see some effects such as tempering and annealing, depending on how quickly you cool a part or how many times you reheat it.
  19. B

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    oohh, double quote. I feel special. on topic: Id love to see some addons for this mod, things like water power, enviromine-like water survival, and a forge liquids type api for other mods to use