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  1. Z

    Limiting Link Books

    You can disable the crafting, and have them get the item via a command. A linking book's location is set when it enters a player's inventory.
  2. Z

    A way to find all chunk loaders on the server?

    You are looking at a birds-eye view of the map. The yellow dots are what the player is actually seeing, and the red around them is the chunks loaded because of the player. A ticket tells FML to keep the chunk(s) loaded. A ticket requires a playername alongside it, this is part of how...
  3. Z

    Headaches of updating server with mods added.

    It's a command line. How unfriendly can a command line be?
  4. Z

    Headaches of updating server with mods added.

    Learning how to use Linux is a infinitely valuable tool.
  5. Z

    FTB Blocked?

    Found a tutorial:
  6. Z

    FTB Blocked?

    Try importing into MultiMC and running that way
  7. Z

    Setting up a server?

    Check out MCPC+. It allows you to use Bukkit plugins on Forge.
  8. Z


    Look at what servers have and don't have Dynmap. Now look at how popular they are, and how many users they have on at any one time. There is a reason there is a pattern to that.
  9. Z

    Tracking down "Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the system overloaded?

    While I'm not sure if it will track the problem mod down, you should install TickThreading.
  10. Z

    Is Cubedhost any Good?

    No, that's fine. What's bad is how much RAM it then eats when a player logs on. In Minecraft, the world is split into chunks. Chunks are only loaded (rendered and calculating on ticks) when a player is within a large area (Depends on the rendering distance). This doesn't matter for too much...
  11. Z

    Creeperhost, Remote backups?

    Not what a ramdrive is used for. Stop thinking that's what it does Check their Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). It's most likely that using it as a file dump isn't allowed.
  12. Z

    Server set up tips

    ForgeEssentials is fine if you're just starting out. Once you're popular or know what you're doing you'll want to get away from all variants of Essentials.
  13. Z

    Does anyone know a server host for direwolf20 modpack?

    I host at RamNode. I'm not going to give you any bullshit, or make up some shit. I'm going to be very explicit: Fast servers Free dedicated IP Completely self-managed 'wht30' for 30% off Cheap. $10.50 (With coupon) for 1GB RAM. And I'm not giving you any affiliate link.
  14. Z

    FTB Direwolf20 Crash!

    Could you post it within [ code ] tags or on pastebin/gist?
  15. Z

    register/login mod for LAN server ?

    And Essentials is worthless.
  16. Z


    I run my Direwolf20 FTB server on a RamNode.
  17. Z


    Imagine what it takes to render Far on Fast on your Minecraft client. Now use a 4x4 texture pack. Now render a entire Minecraft world, on the same computer as the server. That's what kinda stress Dynmap puts on servers.
  18. Z

    Alveary world crash with mindcrackv8?

    Yes. Try looking through the ExtraBees configs
  19. Z

    Alveary world crash with mindcrackv8?

    I'm not going to look through the ExtraBees source, but I'm betting that's the block that lets Alvearies use frames. (Forget the exact name) It is known to crash. Generikb had a video where he crashed Mindcrack FTB from using it.