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  1. N

    [0.12.0] 1.7.10: Technomancy Discussion Thread

    Sorry to poke you about this, but when might we expact a 1.7.10 Update? I really enjoyed this mod but I haven't been able to use it since 1.6 and I'm very much looking forward to using it again.
  2. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    Not really sure to be honest, it seems to be something to do with Arcane Lamps and the Bellows though. If I had to guess someone tried to place a set of bellows where there was a Glimmer from the lamp and the server really didn't like it. But that's just a guess, and probably not a very good one.
  3. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    sorry if this has been reported, but we're getting this crash with the Galvanized Bellows.
  4. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    Damn, someone beat me to the Flux and Redstone Flux connection, I was totally gonna say something about that, now I feel like second best. This is what I get for not paying attention to the forums for like a Week :/ Note: It's okay to ignore most of this post if the idea of new power generation...
  5. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    I might suggest looking into Thaumic Integration which adds Applied Energistics support for Essentia. Basically it allows you to store Essentia in your ME system and provides a cable that it can be drawn directly out of by infusion altars. Unfortunately the mod is not out for public use yet...
  6. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    Thaumic Exploration (As far as I am currently aware) only has the Mechanist's Cap, and the Sojourner's Cap. The First one super speeds your charging process, and the second passively charges your wand (if you're near a node it'll automatically suck vis off it if there's room). The only mod that...
  7. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    I finally figured out what Electrum Caps would do! It's a Compound Metal so it would make caps capable of dealing with Compounds! Specifically Basic Compound Aspects (so things like Gelum that uses only two basic Aspectcs, since it is only a two metal compound). Given that it's made of Gold and...
  8. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    According to my ideas megapost they do (and I quote) "Something". Don't ask me WHAT they do, just know they do something. that said, I vote Tesseract Core for your next project! I wants it! Failing that the Technomancer's Workbench would be pretty awesome.
  9. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    my only suggestion at the moment is make it so it can be turned on or off in the config, as some people might not want to deal with more invasive taint. Honestly my only real fear is that someday I'm going to log on and find that the entire world is overrun with taint because some silly bugger...
  10. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    something I would dearly love to see - A machine that scans any items I put into it and then dumps all the research points into a "buffer" which I can then clear out, I hate having to take everything out one by one and throw it on the floor to scan it, it's possibly the most tedious part of...
  11. N

    [0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

    Not to be a bother, but it appears that the "Pen Core" doesn't use the Ore Dictionary "Iron Nuggets" I attempted to make it with railcraft Iron Nuggets and it didn't create it, would it be possible to fix this in the next update?